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Smith Machine Squats: Form, Variations & Benefits

Connor Sellers
Published by Connor Sellers | Senior Coach
Last updated: July 16, 2023

Smith machine squats are excellent lower-body strengthening exercises that can help you exercise close to the same muscle groups as free-weight barbell squats.

However, there are slight differences with the Smith machines technique, how to perform the whole movement correctly and avoid getting injured.

Based on my experience as a certified personal trainer, testing phase, and 22-hour research, I compiled all the information you must know to perform them correctly and without injuries.

After reading the article, you will know all the important things, such as proper exercise techniques, variations, and common mistakes, so you get the most out of your workouts.

Quick Summary

  • To do the Smith machine squats correctly, you must set up the Smith machine, assume a proper starting position, and perform the appropriate descending and ascending techniques.
  • The Smith machine bar is a unique piece of equipment that allows squat variations such as front squats, Zercher squats, hack squats, chair squats, sumo squats, box squats, and split squat variations.
  • The most common mistakes people face when transitioning from a free weight squat to the Smith machine squat include arching their lower back, leaning forward, and allowing their knees to cave in.

Smith Machine Squat Variations

A person doing a squat on a smith machine

These variations will allow you to diversify your workouts, make them more interesting, and experience better strength and muscle-building effects.

Below, you may find the best Smith machine squat variations to include in your workout routine.

"Of all the lower-body exercises, the barbell back squat remains the gold standard for most seasoned weightlifters. However, it’s not the only way to perform a squat. With just a few tweaks and/or some equipment switches, there are a handful of additional ways to knock out a few reps of this legs-blasting move while getting the same great results."

- Maximillian Angle, Certified Personal Trainer

Smith Machine Front Squat

Smith machine front squats are an excellent variation that will enable you to shift the weight and target your quadriceps muscles more.

How to Perform Smith Machine Front Squats

  1. Load the Smith machine with the appropriate weight to perform at least 8 reps without resting.
  2. Assume a standing position before the Smith bar and take a pronated grip shoulder-width apart.
  3. Only hold the bar with your fingertips and flex the shoulders to close the 90-degree angle with your stomach.
  4. Your feet shoulder be slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and pointing slightly outwards.
  5. Start the exercise by descending into the deep squat position.
  6. Hold that position for one second when your thighs become parallel to the ground.
  7. Reverse the motion to return to the starting position.
  8. Repeat for 8 reps, 4 sets, and rest between 2 and 3 minutes between the sets.

Related Article: Front Squat Fundamentals

Smith Machine Zercher Squat

A person doing a zercher squat on a smith machine

Smith machine Zercher squats are the best variation for martial artists since most of these sports require similar biomechanical positions when performing martial arts.

How to Perform Smith Machine Zercher Squats

  1. Load the bar with the appropriate weight to perform at least 8 consecutive reps without resting.
  2. Stand before the bar and position your arms by flexing your elbows at 90 degrees and place both your palms on each other to imitate the martial arts holding grip.
  3. Place your feet slightly wider than the shoulder width position and point your toes outward.
  4. Start the exercise by lowering your body down to the squat position.
  5. Hold that position for one second when your thighs reach a parallel position with the ground.
  6. Reverse the motion to return to the starting position.
  7. Repeat for 4 sets, 8 reps, and rest for 3 minutes between each set.

Smith Machine Hack Squat

Smith machine hack squat will take the pressure out of your lumbar spine by placing the weight in your hands and consequently strengthen your grip along with your leg muscles.

How to Perform Smith Machine Hack Squats

  1. Load the barbell with the appropriate weight to perform 8 consecutive reps without resting.
  2. Get in front of the Smith machine bar and take a pronated grip with your hands so the bar hangs from them in the anatomical position.
  3. Step forward with both feet for about 6 to 10 inches to enter the deep squat position more easily.
  4. Slightly turn your toes outward and place your feet shoulder-width apart.
  5. Start the exercise by performing the lowering eccentric phase and bending your hips, knees, and ankles simultaneously.
  6. When you reach the deep squat position where your thighs are parallel to the ground, hold that position for one second.
  7. Reverse the motion to return to the starting position.
  8. Repeat for 4 sets, 8 reps, and rest for 3 minutes between the sets.

Smith Machine Chair Squat

A person doing a chair squat on a smith machine in the gym

Smith machine chair squat is another excellent variation that will further the activation of your quadriceps and glutes.

How to Perform Smith Machine Chair Squats

  1. Load the Smith machine bar with the appropriate weight to perform 6 consecutive reps without resting.
  2. Enter the space below the bar and place it on your upper traps as described in the technique chapter.
  3. Take a step forward with both your between 6-10 inches.
  4. Keep your toes pointing forward and slightly bend your knees.
  5. Start the exercise by lowering down into the deep chair squat position.
  6. Stop the motion when your thighs become parallel to the ground on getting past it a little if you have enough mobility and strength.
  7. Hold the bottom position for one second and ensure your feet don’t slide forward or your knees start caving in.
  8. Reverse the motion by simultaneously initiating the triple extension in your ankles, hips, and knees.
  9. Repeat for 6 reps, 4 sets, and rest for 2 minutes between the sets.

Smith Machine Sumo Squat

The Smith machine sumo squat is my favorite exercise for strengthening weak adductor muscles. 

How to Perform Smith Machine Sumo Squats

  1. Load the bar with the appropriate weight to perform at least 6 reps without resting.
  2. Enter the space below the bar and place it on your upper traps and deltoid muscles.
  3. Place your feet wider than shoulder-width to enter the sumo squat starting position and turn your toes slightly outward.
  4. Start the exercise by simultaneously bending your hips, knees, and ankles to enter the deep sumo squat position.
  5. Hold that position for one second when your thighs become parallel to the ground.
  6. Reverse the motion to return to the starting position.
  7. Repeat for 4 reps, 3 sets, and rest for 2 minutes between the sets.

Smith Machine Box Squat

A person doing a box squat in the gym on a smith machine

The Smith machine box squat is one of the best squat variations for athletes that need to build a strong base for developing plyometrics and explosive strength.

How to Perform Smith Machine Box Squats

  1. Load the bar with the appropriate weight to perform at least 6 consecutive reps without resting.
  2. Place the plyo box behind you to achieve the desired depth when squatting down.
  3. Enter the space before the plyo box below the Smith bar, and place it on your trapezius and deltoid muscles.
  4. Take a narrower stance than usual, shoulder-width apart, and keep your toes pointing forward or slightly outward.
  5. Start the exercise by squatting down by bending your hips, knees, and ankles until your glutes reach the box height.
  6. Sit on the box with the bar on your upper back and initiate the ascending phase to return to the starting position.
  7. Repeat for 6 reps, 4 sets, and rest 2-5 minutes between the sets.

Smith Machine Split Squat

Smith machine split squats are the best squat variation for building unilateral strength and developing those stabilizer muscles vital for balancing the body in motion.

How to Perform Smith Machine Split Squats

  1. Load the Smith bar with the appropriate weight to perform at least 6 reps with each leg without resting.
  2. Enter the space below the bar and place it on the upper portion of your traps and deltoid muscles.
  3. Assume a split squat position with your right foot forward and left backward.
  4. Keep the back as straight as possible during the whole movement but feel free to bend forward to switch emphasis from the quads to the glutes and hamstrings.
  5. Start the exercise by lowering yourself to the floor by bending your front knee.
  6. When your left knee barely touches the ground, reverse the motion to return to the starting position.
  7. Repeat for 6 reps, 4 sets, and rest for as much as needed between the sets.

What Is the Smith Machine Squat?

A person doing a smith machine squat in the gym

The Smith machine squat is a variation of the regular barbell back squat that differs in foot placement due to the structure of the Smith machine.

The difference between the squat rack and Smith machines is the foot placement, which is a little forward due to the bar's trajectory when descending into position [1].

Most of the Smith machine squats have a fixed bar trajectory perpendicular to the ground and will require your body to be placed slightly forward.

This is so your knees don’t end up too much over your toes in the bottom position.

Smith machine squat works the same muscles as the barbell back squat, but it will require less activation from the stabilizers due to the nature of the machine [2].

Also, you can think of the Smith machine squat as the squat variation between a traditional squat and a hack squat machine.

However, all these lower body exercises require proper form when executed since bad form can lead to fatal injuries if performed with a significant amount of weight [3].

"The Smith machine may be one of the most reviled pieces of equipment in the gym — but if you’re a Smith machine troll, you may want to reconsider your position. There is a place for it in your strength-building regimen."

- Anthony O'Reilly, Certified Personal Trainer

How to Do Squats on a Smith Machine

A person doing a squat on the smith machine in the gym

Most novice lifters make the same mistakes regarding the Smith machine squat form, so carefully read the proper technique below to avoid injuries and increase your overall performance.

Also, remember that the only way to progress and boost the overall amount of weight you can lift is to incorporate the principle of progressive overload [4].

You should increase the number of reps, sets, training sessions, and overall training volume each following workout for the best strength and hypertrophy results [5].

Step One: Setup the Smith Machine

Before you even squat, you must ensure the Smith machine is set up correctly. The setup begins with the bar.

As most people do, you must set up the Smith bar so it is level with your shoulders and not your neck.

The perfect bar position is when it is located on the upper portion of your trapezius muscles and rear deltoid when standing straight.

This is the only way you can lift it without raising your toes. In addition, you must ensure that the safety bar, which is there to prevent injuries, is set up at the level of your knees.

This is because the safety bar, when being placed this way, ensures you have enough room to work and remain injury-free.

After finishing the initial setup, it is time to load the bar with the appropriate plates. I advise you to start light initially and increase the weight when you become more experienced.

Step Two: Starting Position

A person doing a smith machine squat workout

Place it under the bar so it rests on your rear deltoids and trapezius muscles and not your neck.

Your hands must be positioned at about shoulder width on the Smith bar.

However, remember that you can adjust the grip to suit your morphology since all of us are built differently.

Step further, about 3 to 6 inches from the normal squat stance.

You must place your feet slightly in front so your knees don't end up over your toes in the bottom position due to the fixed trajectory of the Smith bar.

You can find the perfect spot for yourself but remember that 3 to 6 inches will be okay for most lifters. 

I advise starting with an empty bar to find the perfect foot placement before loading it with significant weight.

You can place your feet shoulder-width apart and point your feet slightly outward to enter the deep squat position a little easier.

The best stance you can take is where you feel the most comfortable since everyone is built differently.

Your torso and elbows should be aligned. The last step is to unhook the bar by lifting it and rotating your wrists.

Step Three: The Descent

A coach teaching someone to do a smith machine squat

It is time to enter the descending or eccentric phase of the lift.

As you start lowering towards the ground through triple flexion (hips, knees, ankles), push your hips back a little when performing knee flexion.

Remember to keep your chest up, shoulder blades slightly retracted, and head facing forward. This body position ensures safety for your lumbar spine.

There is no perfect squat depth, but here is my advice. Always aim to achieve the squat depth when your inner thighs parallel the ground.

Go for it if you can squat past the parallel without rounding your lower back.

In all other cases, stop when your thighs are parallel to the ground, and don't forget to keep your back flat, knees following the line of your toes, and heels remaining on the floor.

Step Four: The Ascent

Now you are in the bottom squat position where your thighs are parallel to the ground. It is time to initiate the ascending or concentric phase of the lift.

Exhale and push through your heels to extend your ankles, knees, and hips. Keep your spine straight, elbows pointed as described earlier, and core engaged to retain stability throughout the exercise.

When you reach the top position, your hips should be neutral, but your knees shouldn't be locked.

You should keep them slightly bent when standing to avoid hyperextension and injuring your knee ligaments.

What Muscles Do Smith Machine Squats Work?

A person working out on a smith machine with squats

Smith machine squats work the quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings, hips flexors, and other minor muscles.

However, the muscles that get activated will primarily depend on your morphology and the depth of squat you can achieve.

Also, split squat variations will target the anterior and posterior chain differently depending on the position of your torso.

Forward leaning will activate the posterior chain, and being straight activates the quadriceps muscles more.


Are Squats on a Smith Machine Effective?

Yes, squats on a Smith machine are effective. Smith machine squats are similar to free weight squats in terms of effectiveness, but they lack activity in stabilizer muscles since the machine compensates for them.

Is It Harder to Squat on a Smith Machine?

No, it is not harder to do a squat on a Smith machine. A Smith machine squat can’t be harder than regular barbell squats since free weights require your body to activate multiple stabilizers to keep the balance.

Can You Build Muscle Using Smith Machine?

Yes, you can build muscle using a Smith machine. A Smith squat is an excellent machine that offers the same benefits and works the same muscles as regular barbell squats, but with added stability, you can load more weight and increase hypertrophy.

How Can I Improve My Squatting Game?

You can improve your squatting game by having a high-quality protein powder supplement after each intense leg workout session.

Protein powder is known to help your legs recover faster and experience the most significant strength and hypertrophy gains.

However, picking the right protein powder can be challenging, so I suggest reading our guides to pick the ones that will suit your needs the best:

Let me know how you plan to up your squatting game by implementing Smith machine squat work into your routine.


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