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Does Vitamin D Boost Testosterone? (From A Nutritionist)

Connor Sellers
Published by Connor Sellers | Senior Coach
Last updated: July 16, 2023
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According to modern health and bioscience, Vitamin D keeps your bones strong, and testosterone makes you masculine.

Recent studies are suggesting that these two well-known biomarkers serve a range of activities in the body and, in fact, influence each other's levels.

These findings caught my attention as a fitness trainer. So I've decided to look deeper into this topic.

Reading on, you will find some of the primary reasons why you should maintain optimal levels of Vitamin D and testosterone, as well as studies on the fascinating relationship between the two.

Quick Summary

  • Studies reveal that Vitamin D can drastically boost testosterone levels in both men and women.
  • Fatigue, bone pain, fertility issue, and muscle loss are some signs of low Vitamin D.
  • Vitamin D supplements, eating meals rich in Vitamin D, and getting enough sunlight are some ways of boosting your Vitamin D levels in the body.

Does Vitamin D Increase Testosterone?

Yes, it may increase the total testosterone levels in the body. This applies to both females and males.

In males, the reproductive duct is a target area for vitamin D [1].

A recent clinical endocrinology study has indicated that men with a vitamin D deficiency may suffer from low testosterone levels [2].

What Is the Relationship Between Vitamin D levels and Testosterone levels?

woman contemplating while holding meds

Low vitamin D levels and low testosterone levels concentrations may pose reduced bone health, low libido, or fertility problems.

Vitamin D is essential for the growth and function of your bones, muscles, and nerves.

Randomized controlled trial studies show that this vitamin also affects how the testes operate in men in relation to producing testosterone.

Vitamin D deficiency can be linked to testosterone deficiency and increased levels of sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG). However, it's important to note that while Vitamin D supplementation may help improve testosterone levels in individuals with deficiencies, it may not be as effective as testosterone replacement therapy in cases of severe deficiency.

The conclusion of this stdy was published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism [3].

The liver transforms the vitamin absorbed into a functioning form known as 25(OH)D [4]. Usually, this is what the doctor checks when carrying out a vitamin D blood test.

The 25(OH)D variant is dispersed throughout the body and utilized by various organs and tissues. More research indicates that one of those targets is the male reproductive tract.

According to hormone and metabolic research on vitamin D and testosterone, here are some values that dictate the amounts of vitamin D in the blood [5].

  • Insufficient: between 30-50 nmol/l
  • Sufficient: between 50-125 nmol/l
  • High: higher than 125 nmol/l

NOTE: Only specialized blood tests for this vitamin can determine whether you are deficient.

According to researchers, a blood level of 70nmol/l is beneficial for preventing bone fractures, maintaining energy levels and sex drive [6].

Related: Is Vitamin D a Steroid Hormone?

4 Signs of Low Vitamin D

man with headache and another man with bone injury

1. Fatigue and Tiredness

Feeling tired and exhausted may be brought on by many factors. However, vitamin D deficiency is one of them.

While many might ignore it, it is a significant cause of fatigue for both adults and children.

2. Bone Pain

Calcium is good for bone health, and this vitamin impacts calcium absorption. Good levels of it means you are more likely to have good bone strength.

Research suggests lower back and bone pain are associated with low vitamin D intake [7].

3. Fertility

man holding his crouch

Men with low vitamin D are more likely to have low testosterone.

Reduced T-levels may cause erectile dysfunction, low libido, and loss of body hair [8].

It helps treat low testosterone by boosting free testosterone production in the testicles and suppressing luteinizing hormone production.

If you take vitamin D supplementation and note no considerable increase after testing your T-levels, you are better off seeking professional medical advice.

In females, vitamin D is known for enhancing ovulation. It helps make the follicle-stimulating hormone sensitive for fetal development and produces the required amount of testosterone for the fetus [9].

4. Muscle Loss

Causes of muscle loss and pain are usually hard to pinpoint. Still, vitamin D is responsible for boosting T levels in the body, and low T levels lead to reduced muscle strength and growth [10].

When you encounter difficulties building muscles or working out, it is high time you check your vitamin D and total testosterone concentrations.

What To Do If You Have Low Vitamin D?

man holding up a glass of water and one pill

Vitamin D status plays a role in regulating testosterone levels, and a vitamin D supplement may help raise testosterone levels in individuals with low vitamin D concentration. Adequate vitamin D levels are important for optimal functioning of sex hormones in the body.

Reduced levels of this vitamin can cause fatigue, back discomfort, hair loss, poor wound healing, depressive symptoms, and low testosterone levels among other things. If you're concerned about your vitamin D status, seek advice from a doctor.

If you have deficiency of this vitamin, the doctor might recommend the following options:

Vitamin D Supplementation

Insufficiency of this vitamin is usually treated with vitamin D supplements. These are available over the counter, however, dosage advice should be confirmed by a doctor.

A doctor may write you a prescription for a severe deficiency, which comes in significantly higher doses of up to 50,000 IU or injections.

Vitamin D Rich Diet

You can increase your Calciferols and free testosterone levels by consuming foods like:

  • Fatty fish
  • Fortified cereals
  • Egg yolk
  • Yogurt
  • Beef liver
  • Cod liver oil
  • Mushrooms

Sunlight Exposure

The sun offers many benefits, including boosting this vitamin in the body.

When exposed to sunlight, your body produces vitamin D. The sun has UV-B radiation that is vital for vitamin synthesis.

A variety of circumstances determines the quantity of vitamin D produced by your skin:

  • Melanin content of your skin
  • Time of day
  • Where you live
  • The season

NOTE: Sunlight is the main source of vitamin D. To boost low testosterone levels, spend at least 10 to 20 minutes in the sun every day.

However, those further away from the equator should spend more time under the sun.

“Sunlight is more powerful than any drug; it is safe, effective, and available free of charge. If it could be patented, it would be hyped as the greatest medical breakthrough in history. It's that good.“

- Mike Adams, Natural Health Researcher & Author

3 Possible Side Effects of Too Much Vitamin D

kidney pain

Our dietician also advised that too much of this vitamin might cause an increased risk to your health.

Here are the possible side effects of having too much vitamin D.

Increased Calcium Levels

Too much vitamin D supplementation can lead to more absorption of calcium in the body.

From this, one is more likely to experience excessive thirst, increased urination, among other health issues [11].

Kidney Problems

Increased calcium deposits in the bloodstream might lead to the formation of kidney stones. This can be vital as it might lead to kidney failure and impair the body’s normal functioning [12].

If you suspect an overdose of vitamin D supplements, your doctor might recommend intravenous fluids and other medications.

You should also stop taking these supplements immediately.

Getting Infections Often

Toxicity of this vitamin is primarily caused by supplements. With frequent use, there will be more vitamin D3 deposits in the bloodstream and might cause nausea, vomiting, frequent urination and lastly, make the body weak [13].

Lastly, more buildup of the vitamin may weaken the body’s immune system, leading to frequent infections.

NOTE: You cannot suffer from vitamin D toxicity when under the sun. The body only takes as much vitamin as it needs from the sun [14].

  • Fatty fish
  • Fortified cereals
  • Egg yolk
  • Yogurt
  • Beef liver
  • Cod liver oil
  • Mushrooms

Does Vitamin D Really Boost Testosterone Release?

Following a proper diet and living a healthy lifestyle can help boost free testosterone naturally in the body. However, if you are doing everything correctly and see no results after checking your total testosterone, I suggest checking your levels.

According to studies, there is a link between sufficient levels of vitamin D and testosterone. But, if you're deficient in both vitamin D and free testosterone, the supplementation of this vitamin may help.

Research suggests a potential correlation between vitamin D and testosterone, as higher serum testosterone concentrations have been observed in individuals with sufficient vitamin D levels. While dietary supplements can contribute to increased vitamin D intake, it is important to note that vitamin D supplementation alone may not directly increase testosterone levels in individuals with normal or already sufficient levels. However, maintaining adequate vitamin D levels is crucial to prevent decreased testosterone levels associated with vitamin D deficiency.

Consult your health care provider to assist you in determining how much vitamin D you require. If supplementation is recommended, be sure to choose a high-quality supplement that is safe and effective at increasing testosterone levels in men and women.

Our number one choice is Transparent Labs Vitamin D3. Because we’ve seen positive reviews from people with bone density issues, and our own experience has been positive for improved immunity.


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