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Hammer Curl Variations: Faster Route to Better Biceps

Tyler Sellers
Published by Tyler Sellers | Senior Coach
Last updated: July 16, 2023

The hammer curl variation generates a forceful pump in your biceps and forearms, resulting in greater gains faster than regular bicep curls.

However, you need to perform variations to ensure you hit all the two heads of the biceps.

There are many hammer curl variations you can include in your training regimen.

As a certified fitness trainer, I will provide my expertise on the best hammer curl variations, benefits, muscles worked, and common mistakes to avoid when performing hammer curl variations.

Quick Summary

  • The best hammer curl variations include the preacher hammer curls, incline hammer curls, kettlebell hammer curls, cable rope hammer curls, Swiss bar hammer curls, cross-body hammer curls, and alternating hammer curls.
  • Adding more hammer curl variants to your routine may help you overcome plateaus while challenging your muscles in new directions.
  • These variations allow you to mix up your training routines while increasing arm strength and definition (they target both the upper and lower arms).

The Best Hammer Curl Variations

Person doing a hammer curl

Preacher Hammer Curl

Performing preacher dumbbell hammer curls with the preacher set up produces a fixed range of motion for the hammer curl, enabling a more targeted contraction on the biceps.

How to perform:

  1. Choose your intended weight from the rack and sit erect with the chest flat on the preacher bench.
  2. Maintain a neutral (palms facing up) hold with your upper arm pushed onto the pad.
  3. Take a deep breath and carefully drop the dumbbell away from the shoulder.
  4. Curl the load back to the beginning position after the bicep has been completely stretched.
  5. Repeat for reps on both sides.

Incline Hammer Curl

Person doing an incline hammer curl

The incline hammer curls, called the incline dumbbell hammer curls, are upper body exercises targeting the biceps and forearm strength-training.

Perform this hammer curl variation by leaning against a 45-degree incline bench.

How to perform:

  1. Set up the incline hammer curl bench by inclining it 30-45 degrees and placing a pair of dumbbells at the end. The lesser the gradient, the more difficult the workout; therefore, 30 degrees is suggested.
  2. Sit on the bench, grab the dumbbells, and lie on the cushioning with your back flat.
  3. You should use a neutral grip on the dumbbells, hands facing your body.
  4. Take up the slack in the arms by bending them slightly since this will strain your biceps. This is the exercise's beginning position.
  5. Curl the weights up as far as possible while keeping your elbows fixed.
  6. At the apex of the exercise, squeeze the biceps and then slowly drop the weights down to the starting position.
  7. Repeat for reps.

"Using an incline bench instead of standing straight stimulates the muscles in your arm to do a wider movement, which improves the range of motion in the elbow joint."

- Ebenezer Samuel, Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist

Kettlebell Hammer Curl

The kettlebell hammer curls are an overlooked workout for strengthening the brachialis, bicep, and forearm muscles.

The drill depends on your forearms' radial deviation power to keep the wrists straight.

You get a greater benefit for your buck with this workout than with dumbbell hammer curls since the kettlebell version trains a larger range of muscles.

How to perform:

  1. Hold a pair of kettlebells while seated or standing. Turn your hands inside, palms facing in, with your arms down by the sides, for a neutral grip.
  2. Set the wrists and take a firm hold on the kettlebell. Brace your core and pull the shoulders downward and back.
  3. Bend the elbows and curl the kettlebells until your forearms are parallel to the ground without engaging your legs or back. Straighten your wrists.
  4. Slowly return the kettlebells to the starting position.
  5. Repeat for reps.

Related: Best Kettlebells for Home Gyms

Cable Hammer Curl

Person doing a hammer curl with a cable

The cable rope hammer curls is a classic arm-focused workout that uses a rope handle tied to a weight stack by a cable.

The cable rope hammer curl employs a neutral grip (palms facing each other) to target the brachialis, forearm muscles, and biceps.

How to perform:

  1. Connect the rope attachment to a low pulley.
  2. Stand about 12 inches from the machine.
  3. Grab the rope using a neutral grip (palms-in), and stand straight, keeping your back arch and torso steady.
  4. Place your elbows at your sides and maintain them motionless during the exercise. Only your forearms should move; the upper arms should remain stationary. This is where you will begin.
  5. Pull your hands up as you exhale, using your biceps until your biceps contact your forearms. Keep your elbows in and the upper arms motionless.
  6. After a one-second contraction in which you squeeze the bicep, slowly begin to return the weight to its starting position.
  7. Repeat for reps.

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Swiss Bar Hammer Curls

Employing the Swiss bar for this biceps workout allows you to convert a unilateral dumbbell action into a bilateral exercise.

This enables you to lift more weight and increase your strength and hypertrophy gains.

How to perform:

  1. Stand tall with good posture.
  2. Grasp the Swiss bar with both hands facing each other and shoulder-width apart.
  3. Curl the Swiss barbell to your shoulders, keeping your wrists neutral.
  4. Slowly lower the Swiss bar back down to the starting position with control.
  5. Repeat for reps.

Cross Body Hammer Curl

Person doing a cross body hammer curl

The cross-body hammer curl is an isolation exercise that works the upper arms and forearms muscles.

How to perform:

  1. Hold a dumbbell on each hand with a neutral grip and stand erect with your hands at your sides, palms facing inwards.
  2. Exhale and bring one dumbbell towards the opposite shoulder while maintaining your upper arm at your side while keeping a neutral grip. Lifting the dumbbell with your legs or back is not recommended.
  3. Continue until the arm is fully flexed and you can no longer curl the dumbbell any farther.
  4. Inhale and return to the beginning position by lowering the dumbbell.
  5. Repeat the movement by switching sides.

"Cross-body hammer curls, in which the arm is turned in, hit the long biceps head harder than regular hammer curls."

- Christian Finn, Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist 

Alternating Hammer Curl

The alternating hammer curl workout isolates the biceps and builds bigger arms by hammering (up and down).

How to perform:

  1. Stand feet shoulder-width apart, your knees slightly bent, and your abs taut.
  2. Grab a pair of dumbbells and stretch the arms to your sides, palms facing in.
  3. Lift the left arm in an arc movement towards the left shoulder, isolating the bicep and squeezing the muscle while keeping your elbows locked at your sides.
  4. Hold until a count of three and then return to the starting position.
  5. Repeat with the right arm for as many sets and repetitions as you desire.

Muscles Worked by Hammer Curls and Variations

Person doing a hammer curl

The hammer curl and variations work the biceps brachii. This muscle is known as a "vanity muscle" since it can be seen from the front of the body [1].

People seeking a muscular appearance frequently target the biceps for an enhanced athletic image.

The biceps brachii is an elbow flexor; the muscle is responsible for bending at the elbow joint. It is also beneficial to supinate (rotate) the forearm [2].

Strong biceps aid in lifting and carrying large things in everyday activities.

These muscles also help other arm-based actions, like shutting a door or moving stuff toward or across your body.

The hammer curl and variants are great for developing stronger biceps muscles resulting in higher definition and strength [3].

Incorporating them into your training routine may enhance wrist stability and grip strength [4].

Benefits of Hammer Curls and Variations

Person doing a hammer curl

There are various advantages to performing hammer curls and the hammer curl variations daily.

They target your biceps and other muscles, making them the ideal workout if you're bored with common curls and desire additional growth.

Grip Strength

Hammer curls and variants improve grip strength.

They increase your grip strength by engaging the brachioradialis muscle in the forearm.

Good grip strength is among the most effective ways to manage compound workouts like deadlifts, pull-ups, and bench presses.

Multiple Muscles

Person doing a hammer curl

Hammer curls and their variations are great for exercising each muscle group in the arm, including a small benefit for the triceps.

The traditional bicep curl focuses on the short head of the biceps brachii. In contrast, the hammer curl and variations provide a complete arm workout for muscle growth by working the brachialis (elbow flexor muscles) and the long head of the biceps brachii.

Improved Mobility

Hammer curls and their variations are beneficial workouts that mimic natural movement patterns.

The pulling action used in these exercises can assist in making some of your routine activities simpler and more accessible.

Common Mistakes in Doing the Hammer Curl Variations

Person doing a hammer curl

These are the common mistakes in performing the hammer curl variations:

  • Using Momentum Rather Than Muscle: Using the body's momentum to accomplish the exercise is common when you employ too much weight. You must maintain muscular tension and employ moderate, controlled motions to sustain that tension and create progress.
  • Using Excessive Weight: Lifters looking to bulk may go toward bigger weights, but this mistake may result in injury and, in many cases, the first mistake. Using a lighter load and concentrating on more repetitions with perfect form is preferable.
  • Curling Too Fast: The hammer curl and variants have a limited range of motion. As a result, it's tempting to speed through these workouts and employ fast motions, particularly during the lowering portion. Taking your time up and down helps you regulate your emotions and concentrate on form. Slowing down your movements increases the challenge since you must use the muscle groups longer.
  • Floating Elbows: It's simple to let the elbows float from the torso during the curl. While this works other muscle groups in the lift, like the shoulders (deltoids), the more other muscles you engage, the less the biceps are targeted. Keep your elbows in a solid, fixed posture during your hammer curl, and focus on moving just your lower arm. You're lifting too much if you can't raise the load without moving your elbow.


Do Hammer Curls Work All Heads?

Yes, hammer curls work all heads. Hammer curls engage the long head of the bicep, the brachialis (another upper arm muscle), and the brachioradialis (an essential forearm muscle).

Are 3 Sets of Hammer Curls Good?

Yes, 3 sets of hammer curls are good. Hammer curls conditioning necessitates 3-5 sets of 3-5 repetitions. These repetitions should be done with heavier weights for the best benefits. Hammer curls will still train the upper forearm but will primarily assist you in improving bicep strength.

Do Hammer Curls Build Big Arms?

Yes, hammer curls build big arms. Hammer curls are a popular workout because, when performed correctly, they enhance bicep growth and strength, improve wrist stability, and build muscular endurance.

Supplementing Your Hammer Curl Variation Exercises

Hammer curl variants are an excellent workout to include in your program to strengthen your upper and lower arms and boost your curling strength.

Give them a go, stay the course, and incorporate these best post-workout supplements for faster recovery.

The supplements proved effective upon testing, as they increased our endurance, strength, and energy and boosted our muscle recovery for the next workout session.


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