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8 Lat Pulldown Variations for Stronger & Wider Back

Connor Sellers
Published by Connor Sellers | Senior Coach
Last updated: July 12, 2023

As an experienced personal trainer, I've had the pleasure of helping countless people to transform their lives through health and wellness. And one common request I receive is providing an intense back workout using lat pulldown variations.

These game-changing exercises target the upper body, specifically the latissimus dorsi muscles.

Widely known as "lats," these muscles are essential for building a strong, balanced, and aesthetically appealing physique.

After putting it to the test, I’ve learned these exercises and variations are incorporated into workout routines to get a well-sculpted body.

I’ll share what I’ve discovered through trial and error about the best lat pulldown variations, providing a comprehensive guide to intensify your back workouts.

Quick Summary

  • Lat pulldown variations include single-arm lat pulldown, kneeling lat pulldown, mini band lat pulldown, crossover lat pulldown, and more. Adding them into workout routines can significantly enhance back and arm strength.
  • Different grips in lat pulldowns target specific muscle groups, optimizing overall results.
  • Proper form and technique in lat pulldowns are essential for achieving optimal muscle engagement and preventing injuries.

Best Lat Pulldown Variations to Try [+ Proper Form]

A person doing lat pulldown variations with proper form

I have tried and tested numerous lat pulldown exercise variations, and each has its own unique aspect you must consider before performing it [1].

It doesn’t matter if you're an 18-year-old starting your fitness journey or a seasoned gym-goer, these variations cater to all fitness levels.

Cable Straight-Arm Lat Pulldown

This variation targets your lats directly and also engages your triceps and shoulders.

Ensure your arms remain straight but not locked throughout the exercise.

To perform it:

  1. Keep your back straight
  2. Pull the cable bar down to your thighs using a pronated (overhand) grip
  3. Slowly return to the starting position

Mini Band Lat Pulldown

A person doing resistance band lat pulldowns

Ideal for home workouts. This exercise focuses on upper back,  shoulders, and the lats.

The mini band’s resistance will challenge your muscles in a way that a normal lat pulldown won’t.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Fasten the mini band around your wrists
  2. Extend your arms overhead
  3. Pull down until your elbows reach your sides

Resistance Band Lat Pulldown

Another great at-home option. The resistance band lat pulldown mimics the cable machine's action.

To perform it:

  1. Secure your favorite home gym resistance band overhead
  2. Grasp the band with both hands
  3. Pull it down to your chest
  4. Maintain constant tension on the band for better results

Read More: Resistance Band Back Exercises

Kneeling Lat Pulldown

A person doing kneeling lat pulldowns at the gym

The kneeling lat pulldown variation reduces the engagement of the lower back and increases the focus on the lats.

This variation is excellent for those looking to isolate their lats.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Kneel before the preferred cable machine
  2. Grasp the bar
  3. Pull it down to your chest while keeping your torso still

Single-Arm Lat Pulldown

This variation lets you focus on one side at a time, making it perfect for addressing muscle imbalances.

To perform it, pull the handle down with one arm while keeping your torso stationary. Feel the burn in your lats.

Related: Straight Arm Lat Pulldown Guide

Chest-to-Bar Lat Pulldown

A person doing chest to bar lat pulldowns at the gym

The chest-to-bar lat pulldown is a challenging variant targeting the upper lats and middle-upper back muscles.

To perform the exercise:

  1. Draw the bar down towards your upper chest
  2. Squeeze your shoulder blades together
  3. Slowly return the bar to the starting position
  4. Keep your chest puffed out throughout the movement

Tall-Kneeling Dual Cable Lat Pulldown

This variation adds a core stability element to the traditional lat pulldown. Hence targeting lats and abs.

To perform it:

  1. Kneel between two cable machines
  2. Grab the handles
  3. Pull them down simultaneously
  4. Keep your core engaged to stay balanced

Crossover Lat Pulldown

A person doing crossover lat pulldowns at the gym

The crossover lat pulldown targets the lats from a unique angle.

It also works out shoulders and traps, giving you killer back training.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Stand between two cable machines
  2. Cross your arms to grab the opposite handles
  3. Pull the handles down

Learn More: Best Cable Crossover Machines For Home Gyms

Killer Lat Pulldown Variation Routine

A person on a machine at the gym doing lat pulldowns

Here’s a killer lat pulldown variation routine you can do when trying traditional lat pulldowns alternatives.


1. Arm Circles (1 minute in each direction)

Position yourself with feet shoulder-width apart, extend your arms outwards, and create small circular motions with them. After a minute, reverse the direction.

This will help warm up your shoulder joints.

2. Band Pull-Aparts (2 sets of 15 reps)

Stand upright, and hold a resistance band with both hands extended straight in front of you.

Maintain your arms straight without bending your elbows, draw them apart while contracting your shoulder blades together, then gradually go back to the initial stance.

3. Cat-Camel Stretch (2 sets of 10 reps)

Get on your hands and knees, round your back towards the ceiling, hold for a moment, then arch your back while lifting your chest and eyes towards the ceiling.

This will help mobilize your spine and warm up your back.

4. Scapular Retractions (2 sets of 10 reps)

Stand or sit with your back straight. Keep your arms relaxed by your sides, squeeze your shoulder blades together, and then release.

This warms up the muscles around your shoulder blades, vital in lat pulldown movements.


  1. Cable Straight-Arm Lat Pulldown: 3 sets of 10-12 reps
  2. Chest-to-Bar Lat Pulldown: 3 sets of 10-12 reps
  3. Single-Arm Lat Pulldown: 3 sets of 10-12 reps per arm
  4. Crossover Lat Pulldown: 3 sets of 10-12 reps

Lat Pulldown Grips to Use When Training

A woman at the gym doing lat pulldowns

You can use different grips while performing lat pulldowns, each offering unique benefits and targeting your muscles in slightly different ways [2].

Wide Grip Lat Pulldown

“The highest latissimus dorsi to biceps ratio of activation occurred during the wide grip pulldown and the seated row.”

- Dr. Greg Lehman, Doctor of Chiropractic

The wide-grip lat pulldown is how most people learn to perform this exercise.

Wide grip lat pulldowns require you to position your hands wider than shoulder-width apart. You'll primarily target your latissimus dorsi (the "lats"), helping to create a broad, V-shaped back.

This grip also involves the infraspinatus and teres major, two smaller shoulder muscles [3].

Neutral Grip Lat Pulldown

A person doing neutral grip lat pulldowns at the gym

The neutral grip (palms facing each other) engages your lats, middle and lower trapezius, rhomboids, and serratus anterior muscles.

This grip is excellent for adding variety to your back training routine and ensuring you develop your muscles evenly.

Reverse Grip Lat Pulldown

The reverse grip lat pulldown uses an underhand or supinated grip. It provides a unique twist on the exercise, emphasizing the lower lats and engaging the biceps more.

This can be a great choice if you want to incorporate extra arm work into your back exercises.

Close Grip Lat Pulldown

The close grip lat pulldown is performed with your hands closer than shoulder-width apart. It shifts the focus from the outer lats to the central back muscles.

This grip targets the rhomboids and middle trapezius, critical for good posture and spinal stability.

Benefits of Training Using a Lat Pulldown Variation

A person doing lat pulldown variations at the gym

Training with a lat pulldown variation offers significant benefits, such as:

  1. Muscle Activation: Different variations target your lats uniquely, ensuring complete muscle activation [4].
  2. Avoid Plateau: Avoid the dreaded training plateau and challenge your muscles by changing your routine with different variations.
  3. Improved Form: The variety in lat pulldown exercises helps to enhance your form, boosting the effectiveness of your workouts.
  4. Injury Prevention: Different lat pulldown variations balance muscle development, reducing the risk of injury due to muscular imbalances.
  5. Versatility: Lat pulldown variations are adaptable to different fitness levels and can be modified based on individual needs and goals.

What Muscles Are Trained While Doing Lat Pulldowns?

A person training his muscles with lat pulldowns

Lat pulldowns train biceps, forearms, lats, traps, delts, and rhomboids and here’s how:


The pulling movement in lat pulldowns engages your biceps, helping you increase strength and definition in your arms.

Moreover, varying the grip in the exercise stimulates different parts of these muscles, providing a more balanced development.


You work your forearm muscles by holding and pulling the bar, improving grip strength. This strengthening can also benefit other exercises that require a firm grip, like deadlifts.

Latissimus Dorsi

A person flexing his back musclesw

As the primary muscle worked during lat pulldowns, the latissimus dorsi (or 'lats') gets significantly strengthened, contributing to a wider back and better posture.

Lat pulldowns assist in developing the "V" shape in the back.


The trapezius muscles in your upper back get activated as you control the movements. This provides neck stability and good posture.

Posterior Delts

Although not the main focus, the rear deltoids get a workout when you pull the bar down. This helps balance the development of shoulder muscles and prevent injuries.


The rhomboids activate when you squeeze the shoulder blades at the end of the pull movement. This improves scapular retraction, which is helpful for posture and shoulder stability.

Tips to Improve Your Lat Pulldown Variation Results

A person doing lat pulldowns on a machine at the gym

Here are a few helpful tips to enhance your performance while doing lat pulldown variations based on what Peter Ronai said.

  1. Mind-Muscle Synergy: Don't just go through the motions. Focus on the muscles you're working. Visualize them contracting and releasing with each rep.
  2. Control Your Movements: Avoid using momentum or jerky movements to lift the weight. Instead, focus on a smooth, controlled movement throughout the entire rep.
  3. Adjust Your Grip: Don't stick to one grip. Experiment with wide, neutral, reverse, and close grips. Different grips target your muscles from different angles, promoting balanced muscle development.
  4. Maintain a Proper Form: Keep your chest up, your back straight, and your shoulder blades pulled back during the exercise. This ensures you're targeting the right muscles.
  5. Avoid Overloading: While it's crucial to challenge yourself, lifting too much weight can compromise your form and lead to injury. Pick a weight that helps you perform the exercise correctly while still feeling challenged. It’s better controlled and lighter weight than anything else.
  6. Regularly Switch Variations: Regularly switch up your lat pulldown variations. This will keep your muscles surprised and encourage continued growth and strength gains.

“The lat pulldown is an open kinetic chain, multi-joint exercise that is appropriate for novice, intermediate, and advanced level exercisers. It can be performed with a number of types of equipment and requires minimal equipment to perform.”

- Peter Ronai, Professor at the Department of Exercise Science


Which is the Best Lat Pulldown Variation?

The best lat pulldown variation is subjective and depends on individual fitness goals and the specific muscles you aim to target. A wide grip lat pulldown is recommended for targeting outer lats, while the close or reverse grip is preferable to emphasize the middle back or rhomboids. Combining single-arm, chest-to-bar, or cable straight-arm lat pulldown variations may be ideal for complete back training.

Can I Still Train with the Lat Pulldown Machine?

Yes, you can still train with the lat pulldown machine. The traditional lat pulldown is a staple in many workout routines due to its effectiveness in targeting the back muscles, particularly the latissimus dorsi.

Which is the Best Grip for Lat Pulldown Variations?

The best grip for lat pulldown variations depends on the muscle trained. For example, the wide grip lat pulldown is excellent for a back workout, while the reverse grip focuses on the biceps and lower lats.

Supplement Your Lat Pulldown Workout Routine For a Wider and Stronger Back

Incorporating lat pulldown variations into your workout routine is an excellent way to build a broader and stronger back. But don't forget that exercise is only one part of the equation.

Supplementing your workouts with proper nutrition and suitable meals can significantly affect your results.

We recommend post-workout drinks like Transparent Labs, Jacked Factory, or Optimum Nutrition for post-workout recovery. These will help replenish the nutrients your body needs to repair and grow your muscles.

Do you have a favorite lat pulldown variation or a workout tip you'd like to share? Drop us a comment below.


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