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Best Middle Trap Exercises (Build Your Trapezius)

Michael Garrico
Published by Michael Garrico | Co-Founder & Marketing Director
Last updated: July 11, 2023

The trap is a huge muscle that comprises three segments; middle, lower, and upper traps.

Numerous workouts target the traps, but some are more effective, particularly when targeting to develop a single segment of the trap, like the middle trap.

As a certified fitness trainer, I've helped many clients achieve their goals of developing bigger and stronger mid traps.

And with over six years of experience, I will provide my expertise on the best middle trapezius workouts and how to train the trap muscles effectively.

Quick Summary

  • The best middle trapezius exercises include the incline Y-raises, behind-the-back barbell shrug, bent-over rows, chest-supported T-bar rows, reverse dumbbell flys, and unilateral rows.
  • Any exercise that requires you to squeeze the shoulder blades together targets your middle traps.
  • The mid traps not only contribute significantly to back thickness, but they're also essential for maintaining general shoulder health.

The Best Middle Trap Exercises

A person doing middle trap exercises

Incline Y-Raise

Y Raises are a fantastic, simple shoulder stability workout that works the rotator cuff muscles and mid and lower traps.

Although the Y Raise is most typically performed on an incline bench, it may be tailored to your specific requirements and done in various ways, including on the floor, swiss ball, flat bench, or even standing.

How to perform:

  1. Lie facedown on an incline bench, your chin extending past the end of the bench.
  2. Hold two weight plates or dumbbells in each hand.
  3. Raise both dumbbells as high as possible while forming the letter Y with the arms and body.
  4. Hold this stance for two seconds before bringing the dumbbells to their starting position.
  5. Repeat for reps.

Behind-The-Back Barbell Shrug

A person doing Behind-The-Back Barbell Shrug workouts

The barbell behind-the-back shrug is a trap-specific exercise. With the bar behind you, you can maintain your shoulders lifted up and back instead of rounded forward.

It is common in upper-body conditioning and muscle-focused training.

How to perform:

  1. Stand while grasping a bar with an overhand grip behind the thighs. Have both your hands and feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Lift the shoulders as high as possible toward your ears while maintaining your arms straight.
  3. Hold the stretch briefly before returning to the starting position.
  4. Repeat for reps.

Bent-over Row

The bent-over barbell row is among the most effective workouts to develop a larger and stronger back.

This workout requires very little equipment and can be done in almost any gym. It works the rhomboids, the middle trap, biceps, forearms, lats, and core.

"Instead of folding forward, bend over by pulling your hips backward. Pushing the hips back helps you maintain your spine neutral during your workout."

- Scott Laidler, Celebrity Personal Trainer

How to perform:

  1. Bend both knees, push the hips back, and lean forward while keeping a neutral spine while grasping the weight with a shoulder-width-pronated grip (knuckles facing up).
  2. Maintain a neutral head position, brace the core, and breathe deeply. Bend your elbows and retract the shoulders to pull the bar towards your tummy.
  3. Pause for a bit at the peak of each rep and compress your back.
  4. Exhale as you extend your arms and drop the weight back to the starting position.
  5. Repeat for reps.

Chest-Supported T-Bar Row

A person doing a Chest-Supported T-Bar Row workout at the gym

Chest-supported t-bar rows enable you to train your whole mid and upper back while minimizing lower back involvement.

You will require a chest-supported T-bar row machine for this upper-body workout.

How to perform:

  1. Adjust the foot base so that your knees are slightly bent, your torso is supported on the pad, and you may safely hold the t-bar.
  2. Load the machine with suitable weight before walking onto the platform and placing the chest against the pad.
  3. Grab the t-bar handles with a pronated grip slightly wider than shoulder width and unrack the bar by pushing it from the loading rack.
  4. The barbell ought to be in front of you, with both arms fully stretched, feet on the base, and chest on the bench; this is your starting position.
  5. Take a deep breath before bringing the t-bar closer to your torso by flexing the arms and retracting the shoulders.
  6. Tuck your elbows between 45° and 90°.
  7. At the top of the repetition, squeeze the back and pause for a second.
  8. Exhale as you gently drop the weight back to its starting position by straightening your arms.
  9. Repeat for reps.

Read More: Chest-Supported Rows: Dumbbell and Barbell Variations

Reverse Dumbbell Flys

The reverse dumbbell fly is an excellent exercise for isolating your middle traps.

However, as an added benefit, this exercise will train your rear delts, rhomboids, and rotator cuff.

"When raising the dumbbells, concentrate on pushing your shoulder blades together. When lifting dumbbells, lead with your arms, keep your elbows slightly bent, and don't exceed shoulder height."

- Lacey Stone, Certified Personal Trainer

How to perform:

  1. Select the required weight from the rack, then walk a few strides back into an open space.
  2. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  3. Hinge from the hips till your torso is nearly parallel to the ground, then hang your arms straight down from your shoulders with a neutral grip.
  4. Breathe deeply and lift the dumbbells towards the roof.
  5. Slowly lower the load to the starting position.
  6. Repeat for reps.

Unilateral Rows

A person doing unilateral rows at the gym

The unilateral row is an excellent workout for building strength and growth in the back and traps.

How to perform:

  1. Make a 45-degree inclination on a bench. Hold a dumbbell in the right or left hand using an overhand grip.
  2. Slowly lower yourself face-first onto the bench, ensuring your chest is firmly planted at the apex of the bench.
  3. Lift the head slightly while gazing at the ground with the dumbbell at your sides. Begin rowing the dumbbell by bending your elbows.
  4. Use the free hand to grab the top of the bench to keep yourself in position.
  5. Repeat as many times as needed, then swap hands and perform the action with the other arm.

Learn More: Best Unilateral Exercises: Tips and Workout Plan

What Is the Trapezius Muscle?

A person working out his Traps at the gym

The trapezius, often known as the traps, is a big paired trapezoidal-shaped superficial (surface) back muscle extending from the lower part of the head to the bottom of the thoracic vertebrae of the spine and laterally to the scapular spine.

The trapezius muscle group is divided into three functional portions (or groupings of fibers) known as the upper, middle, and lower traps.

They work together to stabilize and maneuver the scapular (depress, retract, elevate, and rotate) and stabilize and move the spine/neck [1].

Upper trap fibers begin from the back of the skull and go downward and laterally before entering into the posterior part of the collarbone at the shoulder joint [2].

The upper trap's major functions are to elevate the scapular, which raises and lifts your arm girdle, and to lengthen, tilt, rotate (and protect) the neck, enabling you to move the head.

The muscle fibers of the middle trapezius emerge from the first, second, and third thoracic vertebrae right below the neck and go laterally to the scapula spine near the shoulder joint [3].

The primary function of the middle traps is to pull the shoulder blades closer to the spine (scapular retraction) and to support the shoulder during particular arm motions. Its role is critical for overall posture and stability when performing horizontal pulling and pushing.

The muscle fibers of the lower traps emerge from the remaining thoracic vertebrae (T4-T12) and travel upward and laterally before merging around the scapular [4].

The lower traps’ primary function is scapular depression (bringing the shoulder blades downward), the opposite of the upper traps.

Related Articles:

How To Train the Middle Trap

A person flexing his trap muscles and back muscles

Mid-Trap runs over the shoulders and aids in shoulder stabilization. These muscles benefit from high repetition and may be exercised efficiently with lesser weights.

Scapula adduction (squeezing the shoulder blades together) and upward rotation most activate the middle traps.

As a result, movements like bent-over rows, seated rows (which include scapula adduction), and Y raises (which entail upward rotation) will efficiently target the middle trapezius.

Like any workout requiring pushing your shoulder blades together, rows train your middle traps directly.

Major complex back exercises should adequately work the middle traps for development.

The middle traps are a key mover in most of the greatest back exercises, such as rows, so there's no need to spend too much extra time focusing on them.


How Do You Get a Bigger Middle Trap?

You get a bigger middle trap by performing workouts that directly target the middle trapezius muscles, enable a full range of motion, and stabilize the traps, such as shrugs and deadlifts.

What Is the Function of Middle Trapezius?

The middle trapezius' primary functions are to pull the shoulder blades closer to the spine (scapular retraction) and to support the shoulder during specific arm motions. It is essential for overall posture and stability when performing horizontal pulling and pushing.

Do Shrugs Work Middle Traps?

Yes, shrugs work the middle traps. Some synergist muscle groups involved in the shrug action include the middle trapezius muscles. Similarly, the levator scapulae, a muscle on the side of the neck, performs a secondary function in shrug motions.

Supplementing Your Mid Trap Exercises

If you aim to enhance middle trapezius growth and strength, the abovementioned exercises are some of the safest, most effective, and most beneficial motions to execute.

Include them in your weekly training session and see your traps grow with time.

Also, when executing these workouts, don't forget to eat healthily, get adequate rest, and use these best post-workout supplements for boosted endurance, stamina, and faster recovery for your next training session.


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