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Can Low Testosterone Make You Angry? (6 Possible Symptoms)

Isaac Robertson
Published by Isaac Robertson | Co-Founder & Chief Editor
Last updated: September 22, 2023
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Most people simply associate boosting testosterone levels with macho bodybuilders who are trying to maximize their muscle mass.

But testosterone plays a critical role in so many other parts of men’s health. And that includes mental health and their emotional state at different times of life.

See, low levels of testosterone become increasingly more common as men age, and one of the least understood symptoms is the impact on temper.

That’s why we’ve done some research and can now bring you scientific details on how testosterone is linked to your state of mind and what symptoms to look out for.

We also have some tips on how to tackle the problem.

Quick Summary

  • Low testosterone levels in males have a direct impact on the overall temper like anger and aggressiveness, and state of mind.
  • Some signs worth checking out for include low mental energy, lack of motivation, constant stress, decrease in sex drive, and low physical energy.
  • Eating healthy, working out, and taking supplements are some proven ways of dealing with low testosterone levels.

Does Low Testosterone Change Your Mood?

mad holding his hair out of frustration

Yes, the male sex hormone impacts your state of mind and overall temper.

Unfortunately, many people simply believe that higher levels of testosterone bring about aggressive and angry behavior.

It’s often a sign that athletes have taken anabolic steroids and is also a side effect of testosterone therapy.

But here’s the problem. From age 30 and older, men will gradually reduce testosterone production by 1% per year, and that’s an unfortunate but normal part of aging.

Because this happens gradually, the associated mental health symptoms can go largely unnoticed for many years.

And one of those symptoms is angry behavior and unprovoked aggression.

Doctors and scientists have also shown that more than 13 million men in the U.S. have low T-levels that are causing issues ranging from reduced sex drive to significant mental health problems [1].

However, it's important to differentiate between natural age-related testosterone decline and the use of anabolic steroids. Anabolic steroids are synthetic versions of testosterone misused by athletes and bodybuilders to enhance performance.

Anabolic steroids can cause serious health issues, including hormone imbalances, liver damage, cardiovascular problems, and psychiatric effects.

Understanding that the risks associated with anabolic steroid use far outweigh any potential benefits is crucial.

How Do Hormones Influence Your Mood?

man hiding his face by his knees

Women reading this will be very aware of how hormones impact their mental state. Whether it’s from their monthly period, menopause, or during pregnancy, hormonal mood swings are common.

But both men and women suffer from the impact of hormonal imbalances. It’s just that it affects men gradually and not on a regular recurring basis. The result is that it can catch men off-guard and become a strain on families and relationships.

But how does this happen?

I won’t go into a complete mind-numbing physiology lecture here, but it’s important to understand how low testosterone influences the mind, ultimately leading to the irritable male syndrome.

One of the main underlying reasons for this is the connection between testosterone and the stress hormone cortisol. As T-levels go down, cortisol can increase, which can prevent the brain from stopping certain hostile and angry behavior [2].

On top of that, other symptoms like erectile dysfunction and low testosterone can further challenge men in self-esteem and self-confidence, with resulting behaviors very similar to aggression.

It’s important for men and their partners to be aware of this anger issue and that it may be an uncontrolled response to changes in the body. It’s as common as depression and anxiety and shouldn’t be labeled as a character trait.

Monitoring Your Frame Of Mind

both men with upset emotions

As already mentioned, both low and high testosterone levels can be associated with a lot more than not being able to lose weight or gain muscle. A low T-level far outside the normal range can bring on anger issues.

But before it gets to uncontrolled and frustrating anger, other things might become noticeable.

Here are a few symptoms to look out for:

  • Increased irritability
  • Low physical and mental energy
  • Lack of focus and motivation
  • Constant stress
  • Signs of depression
  • Decrease in sex drive

It’s important to understand that it’s not likely that these signs will suddenly appear.

And not all men will show all of these signs. But if you, or someone you know, have gradually shown more signs of any of these issues, then a low T-level might be what’s triggering this.

The sooner you can intervene and address this problem, the less it will affect your life and potential anger issues.

Combatting Low Testosterone and Mood Swings Are There Alternatives to TRT?

stack of supplements and a plate of salad getting eatean

The good news is that low testosterone levels don’t always require medical testosterone replacement therapy. Those tend to come with other side effects from the medications that you may want to avoid as much as possible.

However, if you're considering medical intervention, consulting with Leading Online TRT Clinics can provide valuable insights.

So, if you feel like you might be dealing with T-levels that are too low, then the first thing might be a trip to the doctor to confirm this through a blood test.

And then, you can start with these simple tips to get back to normal testosterone levels.


One key factor in low T-levels is a crappy diet. If you eat lots of sugar and junk food, those actions could result in 25% less testosterone and higher estrogen levels [3].

That’s a significant hormone imbalance and one that you can regain control of by paying more attention to healthy eating.

Related: Do Bananas Increase Testosterone?


When you exercise, your body sends dozens of hormonal signals. Those include an increase in testosterone and growth hormone production, which are not only key factors for your weight and muscle mass but also your temper.


Taking natural testosterone boosters can be the easiest and safest way to counteract the impact of natural aging.

It should be your first option before considering hormone replacement therapy unless a doctor has advised otherwise.


Can Low Testosterone Make You Unhappy?

Yes, low testosterone can make you unhappy and even trigger irritability and anger. This is mainly down to an imbalance in sex and stress hormones that directly influence how the brain reacts to different situations.

What Is the Main Cause of Low Testosterone?

Metabolic issues and obesity are the main causes of low testosterone. There are several diseases, including cancer and testicular infections, that may also lead to low testosterone.

Do You Understand The Effects Of Low T-Levels Better Now?

Hopefully, you’ll understand now that both low and high levels of testosterone come with symptoms that can impact mental health and overall temper.

And if you look out for the early signs, then natural boosters should be a good solution and the best way to avoid testosterone replacement therapy.

But your diet and exercise program also impact hormones, so make sure you take a close look at your lifestyle choices.

And if you need some tips for recommended supplements, check out our list of best testosterone boosters.


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