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How to Lose Face Fat? (9 Simple Tips You Need to Do)

Connor Sellers
Published by Connor Sellers | Senior Coach
Last updated: September 25, 2023

As a personal trainer, I have many clients with very specific weight loss goals. And while most of the time it’s all about belly fat, I’ve had a few people who have struggled to reduce facial fat.

The problem with targeted fat loss is that your body tends to get rid of easily accessible abdominal fat first. So even with a healthy weight, you might still struggle with losing facial fat.

So, I teamed up with my dietitian and a few colleagues to research how to lose face fat in an effective way.

Quick Summary

  • You can lose face fat by combining cardio, and strength training, and also controlling what you consume.
  • Facial fat is caused by general weight gain because of a poor diet.
  • Performing facial workouts, hydrating, and cutting out refined carbs are some ways of losing weight around the face.

How Can You Lose Fat in Your Face?

A woman holding a weighing scale near her face

You can lose fat in your face with a combination of careful diet control, plenty of cardio and strength training, and targeted facial exercises for a more defined look.

Let’s start with the diet part.

Dietitians and personal trainers would probably argue for all eternity about what percent of losing weight comes down to diet vs exercise.

But a reasonable assumption is to say that 70% of your success will depend on dieting [1].

And the same will be the case if you need to lose facial fat.

As for exercising for weight loss, you’ll want to have a combination of regular cardio and resistance training to achieve a higher calorie deficit [2].

But there are also some simple face exercises that won’t involve a dodgy facial muscle exercise device you saw on a late-night shopping channel.

What Causes Facial Fat?

Facial fat is most commonly caused by general weight gain, and the most common reason for that is a poor diet [3].

And one thing our team observed with many clients is that it seems like the early stages of obesity tend to affect the abdomen, legs, and chest.

It’s at much higher Body Mass Index (BMI) levels that the weight gain seems to affect facial fat in most cases.

The other thing we have experienced is that even as clients gradually progress toward a healthy weight, the fat loss in the face seems to be a lot slower.

We couldn’t find any scientific studies on this phenomenon, but when we asked a load of colleagues in online forums, most of them had seen similar results.

I’ll cover some tips on how to target fat loss to eliminate and prevent facial fat altogether.

Face Fat and Metabolic Disorders

A woman holding a measuring tape to her face

Insulin resistance is one of the most common metabolic disorders, and it’s directly tied to higher obesity levels.

Some early studies have found that facial fat is also a good predictor of insulin resistance [4].

What’s important, though, is that there’s no clear evidence of what comes first.

Does insulin resistance cause the face fat to increase or the other way around?

What I would say is that underlying causes of a poor diet, lots of sugary treats, and processed foods generally contribute to metabolic disorders.

And the same things will also contribute to face fat and make it impossible to lose weight.

And that means that focusing on general weight loss is most likely the best way to handle such facial rejuvenation.

Is It the Same Alcohol Bloating?

No, facial fat is not the same as alcohol bloating, even though many people often have that misconception.

As mentioned above, facial fat is excess energy stored in fat cells. But generally, alcohol-related bloating is a very different thing. 

Because alcohol is a diuretic, it means that excessive intake will start to dehydrate you.

And as the body loses water, it will try to hold onto as much as possible, and that can cause that puffiness in the face [5].

At the same time, regular and non-excessive alcohol consumption can still create a barrier to effective weight loss because of all the empty calories [6].

You’ll see shortly that cutting out alcohol is one of our important tips to reduce facial fat for that reason.

9 Tips to Lose Weight Around the Face

A person wiping face sweat in the gym

I strongly suggest you take these nine weight loss tips and make them part of your daily routine to lose chin fat and fats around your face.

1. Facial Exercises

Studies have shown that doing regular facial exercises can help reduce signs of aging and make your face appear slimmer [7].

It all comes down to how well your facial muscles work, and these experiments have shown that you can tone the face like the rest of your body.

Some simple facial exercises you can do multiple times are day are:

  • Puff up your cheeks with air and push it from side to side
  • Repeatedly smiling and relaxing with teeth clenched
  • Puckering your lips and moving them from side to side
  • Yawning, followed by blowing up your cheeks

2. Focus on Hydration

Dehydration can have a huge effect on how easily you’ll end up losing weight [8]. First of all, drinking enough water can help with water weight management, so you don’t get that bloated, puffy face.

But it can also help you avoid snacking. Any time you feel like reaching for some chocolate or a can of soda, simply have a large glass of water instead [9].

Drinking sufficient amounts of water to lose weight can help you cut down on calories a lot, and beyond getting rid of excess facial fat, it should also help you feel a lot healthier.

3. Do More Cardio

A person jogging outside while looking at her smart watch

Reliable scientific studies have proven that cardio for weight loss is still one of the best ways to deal with excess body fat [10].

What is more interesting, though, is that it seems like you can achieve more effective weight loss by regularly varying your cardio intensity.

So, if you go for the same run, at the same speed, and for the same distance and are struggling with losing weight around your face, then you’re taking the wrong approach to cardio exercise.

Either switch around the type of cardio you do or, ideally, start doing some high-intensity interval training to burn fat.

4. Cut Out Refined Carbs

If your diet is full of refined and simple carbs from highly processed food, then losing fat anywhere in your body will be more difficult [11].

Starting with your breakfast, make sure you switch those sugary cereals for whole grains. Those whole grains are slower to digest and will avoid blood sugar spikes [12].

And for lunch, try to get more calories from lean protein and healthy fat sources, like fish with an avocado salad.

Your healthy diet should also include the main evening meal that contains complex carbs from fresh green vegetables.

“Because of the fiber in whole grains, our body processes them more slowly, which means those units of glucose enter the bloodstream more gradually.”

- Eliza Sullivan, Food Writer at

5. Drink Less Alcohol

A woman holding red wine

It doesn’t take excessive alcohol intake to mess up your weight loss journey.

Even small regular amounts of alcoholic drinks add up to a lot more empty calories that will pile on extra body fat [13].

If you want to deal with excess fat and avoid puffy water retention in your face, then stop drinking any alcohol for a while and see for yourself how much of a difference this change can make to support weight management.

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6. Boost Your Fiber Intake

Fiber is one of the undervalued heroes of weight management, and studies have revealed two very interesting ways that it can help you lose weight [14].

Firstly, while you might be taking in more calories, fiber forms a gel-like substance in your stomach that passes through undigested. So it doesn’t boost your blood glucose or increase your fat storage.

Secondly, the study also revealed that soluble fiber helps people to stick with diets and not give up prematurely. You feel full for longer, eat less, and will experience more effective fat loss.

7. Make Sure You Sleep Well

A woman sleeping soundly

One research study, in particular, looked at people’s weight gain and fat reduction processes depending on their sleep quality [15].

The research revealed that improving sleep duration and quality doesn’t just boost your weight loss, but it can prevent weight gain in the first place.

Start by having a planned bedtime routine that doesn’t involve staring at your phone or tablet until midnight.

Turn off all devices early, read a book and make sure you get eight hours of high-quality sleep.

It has become part of every weight loss strategy that I put together for clients, and it can also help with toning and building up muscle mass.

8. Avoid Sugar

Sugar consumption is one of the main contributors to metabolic disease and obesity [16].

The main reason is that it’s very easy for the body to absorb, and boosting your calorie intake in this way will cause blood sugar spikes.

This will likely have a big effect on overall body fat, including your face.

Cutting out refined sugar altogether, and keeping fructose from fresh fruit down as well, should go a long way towards reducing facial fat.

And it will take you much closer to a healthy diet.

9. Check Your Sodium Intake

A woman drinking a fruit drink while looking at her smart watch in the kitchen

And finally, one of the ways to prevent excess facial fat is by making sure you don’t consume too much sodium.

of the most visible effects of excess sodium is that it not only increases your blood pressure but also causes water weight gain [17].

You’ll find that processed foods are typically full of sodium, and paying more attention to the nutritional labels of what you buy will help you avoid it altogether.


Can Chewing Gum Reduce Face Fat?

No, chewing gum won’t reduce face fat. It might seem like a form of facial exercise, but simply chewing won’t target fat in one place [18].

It will take more than moving your facial muscles to get a slimmer face, and it all has to start with your diet.

Why Is Your Face Fat but You’re Skinny?

If you’re skinny but your face looks fat and bloated, then it’s probably down to water retention. It’s one of the most common causes of puffiness, and typical weight loss efforts won’t solve this problem [19].

Can You Lose Face Fat in a Week?

No, you probably won’t be able to lose face fat in a week.

While your weight loss and exercise efforts might start to show signs of improvement, it would generally take a few weeks or months to see more of an improvement.

What Foods Make Your Face Fat?

Foods rich in simple and refined carbs are most likely to make your face fat.

These are much faster for your body to digest than complex carbs, fat, and protein, and the resulting blood sugar spikes often result in increased fat storage processes.

Take Action to Get Rid of Those Chubby Cheeks

All weight loss efforts have to start with the right combination of dieting and exercise. But to lose weight around your face, you’ll need to pay even more attention to the way you exercise and the types of food and drink to avoid.

Once you’ve got a balanced diet, it’s also a good idea to consider taking a daily fat burner supplement.

We’ve tested dozens of these and have a list of recommended products:

They aren’t magic pills but can help you burn just a bit more fat.


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