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How to Get a Fast Metabolism Permanently (10 Useful Tips)

Connor Sellers
Published by Connor Sellers | Senior Coach
Last updated: July 30, 2023

As a fitness trainer, I have helped many clients understand the importance of a higher metabolism in achieving fitness goals.

Because I get asked frequently about the best ways to boost metabolism, I discussed with colleagues what we’d seen work and not work and confirmed those findings with online research publications.

Here we’ll discuss factors influencing metabolism, lifestyle changes, and exercise that enhance caloric burn and promote optimal health. By implementing these strategies, you’ll be on your way to a consistently faster metabolism.

Let’s begin.

Quick Summary

  • You can boost your metabolic rate with a healthy diet, rest, and exercise.
  • Maintaining muscle mass can speed up your resting metabolic rate.
  • A slow metabolic rate means the body burns fewer calories, leading to difficulty losing weight.

How To Increase Your Metabolism

A woman is trying to have fast metabolism

Before we look at several proven methods to boost your slow metabolism, let’s review what metabolism is.

What is Metabolism?

Metabolism refers to the various chemical processes constantly occurring in your body. It determines the number of calories your body requires.

The faster your metabolism, the more calories you burn.

Basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the indispensable energy your body needs for fundamental physiological functions like breathing, heartbeat, and body temperature regulation.

It is the metabolic rate required to keep your body ticking while at rest or asleep.

Resting metabolic rate (RMR) is the baseline metabolism necessary to sustain vital bodily functions while at rest or performing low-energy activities like eating, drinking, brief walking, and sweating [1].

Individuals with more muscle have a higher resting metabolic rate.

Eat Regularly

A woman having her meal

Maintaining balance and regularity is vital to good health, and following a consistent meal pattern can significantly benefit your body.

Research shows eating at regular intervals can improve metabolism, help reduce inflammation, improve circadian rhythms, enhance stress tolerance, and promote gut health by managing the composition of bacteria [2].

Eat Fat-Burning Foods

Chilis on the desk as a fat burning food

Certain foods boost your metabolism and promote fat burning.

Green Tea

Studies show that drinking green tea can help increase metabolism and promote fat burning. These teas can convert stored body fat into free fatty acids, enhancing exercise effects [3].

With their low calorie content, green tea benefits weight loss and maintenance.

In addition, their metabolism-boosting properties may help prevent weight loss plateaus caused by a decrease in metabolism.

Spicy Foods

Hot peppers contain capsaicin, a compound known to boost metabolism, making them an attractive option for those looking to lose weight.

But not everyone can tolerate the amount of spice needed to produce a significant effect.

Remember that more than adding spices to your diet is required to produce substantial results.

However, it can make a slight difference when combined with other metabolism-boosting strategies [4].

Related: Does Spicy Food Burn Fat


Research shows coffee has a temporary metabolic-boosting effect due to the presence of caffeine.

It also shares similarities with green tea in terms of promoting fat burning, and combining these effects may make it a compelling choice for those aiming to lose weight and keep it off [5].

However, it’s important to note that the impact of caffeine can vary, as demonstrated by a study that found it to be more effective at increasing fat burning during exercise in people with a less active lifestyle compared to trained athletes [6].

“"You can manipulate your metabolism to a degree, it is often a small change that may help you burn more calories. That, along with adopting a healthier diet and making sure you get enough exercise, may give people the extra push they need to lose and maintain weight."

- Dr. Chih-Hao Lee, Harvard's T.H. Chan School of Public Health

Eat More Protein

Different sources of protein

Certain foods can temporarily increase your metabolism, so you burn more calories after a meal, known as the thermic effect of food (TEF).

This temporary increase is caused by the extra energy required to digest, absorb, and process nutrients [7].

Protein requires a whopping 20–30% of its usable energy just for metabolism, compared to 5–10% for carbs and 0-3% for fats [8].

Additionally, eating more protein can help prevent muscle loss and boost metabolism during weight loss, counteracting the drop in metabolism that generally comes with dieting.

Eat Enough Calories

Restricting calorie intake too severely may cause your metabolism to slow down as your body conserves energy.

Skipping meals to lose weight may be counterproductive, as it can lead to a slower metabolism.

You actually burn calories when you digest food.

Even eating meals that are not satiating enough can have a similar effect, warns the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics [9].

Do Resistance Training

A man doing resistance training

Muscle is metabolically more active than fat [10].

Increasing muscle mass can boost your metabolism, allowing your body to burn more calories even at rest.

High-Intensity Interval Training

Studies suggest that HIIT is particularly effective for burning fat compared to other forms of exercise.

By incorporating quick and intense bursts of activity, HIIT can help you burn more fat and increase your metabolic rate, which continues after your session [11].

Drink Enough Water

A woman drinking enough water

Switching to water from sugary drinks is a powerful tool in the battle against weight gain.

Preliminary studies show that drinking water can increase your metabolism for a short time, allowing it to burn off up to 30% more calories and help with weight management [12].

Additionally, drinking water before meals can help curb your appetite and help you consume fewer calories.

In one study, those who drank 17 ounces of water 30 minutes before meals over three months lost nearly three pounds more than those who didn’t [13].

Reduce Stress

Stress can wreak havoc on our bodies and indirectly impact our metabolism by affecting our eating habits and sleep patterns.

Get Enough Sleep

A woman having a good sleep

Research suggests that the body may reduce the metabolic rate to conserve energy during periods of sleep deprivation.

One study shows that inadequate sleep can lead to a decrease in metabolic rate.

This study, conducted in a sleep laboratory, found that participants who slept only 4 hours per night for five nights experienced a drop in metabolic rate.

However, after one night of recovering with 12 hours of sleep, their metabolic rate returned to normal [14].

The CDC recommends adults sleep at least seven hours per night [15].

Get Enough Vitamins

Vitamins are crucial for maintaining a healthy body. Recent research indicates that a deficiency in B vitamins may slow the body’s ability to metabolize lipids such as cholesterol and triglycerides [16].

While further investigation is necessary, the link between vitamins, metabolism, and weight loss is intriguing.

“Multiple factors affect metabolic rate, or the number of calories burned. These include age, muscle mass, body size, and physical activity.”

- Atli Arnarson BSc, PhD

Does Dieting Affect Metabolism?

A woman eating vegetables

Yes, dieting can affect metabolism.

Moderate weight loss can lead to burning fewer calories at rest.

By incorporating resistance training and eating sufficient amounts of protein, you can preserve lean muscle mass to help maintain your metabolism during weight loss.

How Long Does It Take To Speed Up Your Metabolism?

How long it will take to speed up your metabolism depends on several factors, including activity level, diet, body mass index, age, and health status.

How Do You Reset Your Metabolism?

A man in a black background doing his workout

You cannot reset your metabolism, but you can do things to increase your metabolic rate.

These include:

  • Incorporate strength training to build more muscle mass
  • Eat protein-rich foods to burn more calories
  • Get enough rest
  • Eat enough because calorie restriction can slow your metabolism
  • Incorporate high-intensity exercise to burn fat

What Is The Most Natural Way To Increase Metabolism?

The most natural way to increase metabolism is to maintain an active lifestyle, eat a healthy diet, and get enough rest.

Additionally, staying hydrated, eating certain foods, and doing aerobic exercise and weight lifting will promote fat metabolism.


What Triggers Fast Metabolism?

The best thing that triggers a fast metabolism is physical activity. Perform a combination of weight training and cardio. High-intensity workouts are particularly effective at improving calorie burn and metabolic rates.

How Many Meals A Day Should I Eat To Speed Up Metabolism?

How many meals you eat a day to speed up your metabolism is based on personal preference. Some encourage eating smaller meals more frequently, while others believe in three larger meals. The key is to eat regularly, and remember that your metabolism slows if you eat too few calories.

You Can Maintain a Healthy Metabolism

Achieving a healthy metabolism requires a combination of lifestyle changes and understanding the factors influencing your metabolic rate.

By incorporating the strategies we’ve discussed, you can enjoy better weight management, increased energy, and improved overall health.

Many of my clients successfully use an all-natural fat burner to support their efforts.

While I remind them that there is no fast fix, these supplements certainly have their place.

If you are considering a fat burner to support your efforts, click the links to find the ones we’ve tested and trust.


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