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16 Weight Loss Tips For Women (Best Diet & Training)

Christiana Mikesch
Published by Christiana Mikesch | Senior Coach
Last updated: August 13, 2023

For each of the male fitness clients that come to me for tips on bulking, a female client is looking for advice on losing weight.

So I decided to work closely with our registered dietician at Total Shape to compile a science-backed quick tips guide on losing weight so I can direct them towards it to start them off.

After in-depth research, conversations with my colleagues, and what I’ve seen in my years as a fitness trainer, I have gathered some great tips for women looking to shed excess weight, so read on to learn about them.

Quick Summary

  • The best weight loss tip for women is tracking what you eat and i's respective calorie intake.
  • Increasing your protein intake can also boost your weight loss journey.
  • Intermittent fasting can also help in weight los as it limits calories intake.

Our Best Weight Loss Tips For Women

A woman holding a measuring tape and a bowl of salad

When it comes to weight loss, five pounds or a hundred and five pounds, the whole body, mentally and physically, is involved. Our weight loss tips for women outlined below encompass this whole-body approach.

1. Track Everything

Weight loss isn’t too complicated a process, yet it’s challenging. Weight loss comes down to a simple equation: calories out must be greater than calories in.

Keeping a food journal, especially in the beginning, is critical.

You may be surprised about the calorie content in each bite you take.

One study shows a direct correlation between weight loss and the time the participants spent tracking their diet. Interestingly, the participants required less time journaling between months one and six to maintain weight loss success [1].

Many great apps track calories and sync with your smartphone.

I advise my clients to invest in a fitness tracker, a standalone, or a smartwatch. Along with a calorie tracker, you will get in-depth information on what calories you take versus the energy you are expending.

2. Don’t Fall For “Healthy” Labeling

A healthy raw foods close up image

Don’t take the manufacturer’s word on a healthy product; read the label and get to know and understand the ingredients [2].

A good practice is to look at the first three ingredients, look for whole foods, avoid labels that begin with refined grains, sugars, or hydrogenated oils, or have an ingredient list multiple lines long as this suggests it is highly processed.

Let’s look at a few terms you commonly see on product labels that manufacturers want you to believe are healthy.

  • Low-fat: This may seem enticing; usually, something else is added, like sugar, and this also means healthy fats are not there either.
  • Made with whole grains: The amount is minimal if these do not appear in the first three ingredients, and also, even these grains are still starchy, so this should factor in the diet equation, especially a low-carb one.
  • A low-carb diet is excellent for weight loss; however, there are many highly processed or junk foods that say low-carb on the label so you should stick to whole fruits, vegetables, and grains.
  • No-added sugar: Some foods are naturally high in sugar, so just because they contain no added sugar doesn’t make them healthy. You may also find added sugar substitutes in these products.

3. Hydrate

Water is critical to many body functions, including lubricating joints, aiding kidneys and liver, moistening tissues, and regulating body temperature [3].

Drinking more water is one of the best commitments you can make in your weight loss plan.

There is a direct link between hydration and lipolysis, the body's process of breaking down fat [4].

Studies show that if you drink more water before a meal, you are likely to consume fewer calories, helping create a calorie deficit that encourages weight loss [5].

So how much water should you drink?

There is no longer a one-size-fits-all approach to hydration; instead, it is calculated by body weight, half an ounce to an ounce per pound, and other factors.

For instance, an active person in a warmer climate will require more water than a sedentary individual in a cooler climate to keep sufficiently hydrated [6].

4. Cut Your Carbs

Low carb raw foods

Your body uses carbs for energy, so selecting the right carbs is critical.

Refined carbs are highly processed, resulting in a product not rich in fiber and nutrients.

Examples include white bread, pizza dough, pastries, white flour, some breakfast cereals, and pasta. These carbs increase hunger, blood sugar levels, fat stores, and weight gain [7].

A balanced diet rich in whole grains may offer many health benefits like lowering type 2 diabetes risk, reducing inflammation, and promoting weight loss [8].

5. Up Your Protein

Studies show a higher protein diet results in more significant weight loss, fat mass loss, and preservation of lean mass reductions in triglycerides, blood pressure, and waist circumference [9].

A high-protein breakfast can help you feel fuller longer, reducing the number of snacks you consume.

Some great protein choices at breakfast include:

  • Eggs
  • Turkey bacon
  • Nut butter
  • Black beans
  • Greek yogurt
  • Protein powder

Adding protein powder to a fruit smoothie made with Greek yogurt or an egg scramble with black beans, tomatoes, spinach, and feta are examples of how you can fuel your day.

Incorporating a bit of protein into meals and healthy snacks throughout the day can keep you on track. Nuts and cheese or celery or banana with peanut butter make great snack choices while choosing quinoa over pasta or rice can also up the protein content in a meal.

Eating a protein-rich diet can help people lose weight because it can help them avoid overeating. A high protein diet can help build lean muscle when combined with exercise. Lean muscle helps to burn more calories throughout the day, which can also help with weight loss.

-Natalie Olsen, R.D., L.D., ACSM EP-C

6. Fill Up On Fiber

A cereal full of fiber

Nuts, seeds, vegetables, fruit, oats, quinoa, and legumes are all great sources of fiber for a healthy diet.

Studies show that increasing fiber by 14 grams daily resulted in less calorie intake and weight loss in just over three months [10].

Fiber helps slow how fast your stomach empties, which may promote weight loss as you feel fuller and longer, reducing calorie intake [11].

7. Watch Out For Processed Foods

Processed foods are usually high in sodium, calories, and sugar but offer little nutrients like fiber and protein.

There is a direct link, especially for women, between these foods and excessive weight [12].

Eliminating processed foods can help you lose weight while replacing those foods with whole foods promotes a healthier lifestyle long-term.

8. Add More Fruits and Veggies

Fruits and vegetables close up image

Fruits and veggies are an excellent way to get your body's nutrients.

Fruits and vegetables contain water which helps keep you hydrated, which is highly important when it comes to weight management.

Fruits and vegetables are also a great source of fiber which, along with helping you feel fuller longer, helps keep your digestive system functioning correctly, keeping your body free of toxins [13].

Satiety directly impacts weight loss by reducing caloric intake, and it’s always a good idea to satisfy sugar cravings with a whole fruit than with candy.

Related Article: Best Fruit to Help You Lose Weight

9. Don’t Drink Your Calories.

The calories in drinks add up quickly. Even fruit, when it’s turned into a fruit juice and stripped of its fiber, can lead to blood sugar spikes and lead to weight gain.

A specialty coffee beverage from your favorite shop on your way to work each morning can also be a culprit because of the many calorie-dense ingredients it can come with.

Beer is also full of carbs and calories, and alcohol, in general, is no friend of weight loss as it can encourage junk-food overeating and lead to fatty liver and visceral fat build-up.

10. Try Intermittent Fasting

A concept of fasting, using fruits and numbers to visualize a clock

Intermittent fasting is becoming increasingly popular over more traditional calorie-restrictive diets. Intermittent fasting involves restricting calories for a time followed by a period of unrestricted eating followed by a fasting period, and so on.

Intermittent fasting may cut calories and increase the number of calories burned at rest, enhancing metabolism and ultimately leading to weight loss [14].

There is no hard and fast rule regarding intermittent fasting; I tell my clients to experiment with what works best for them based on results and how they feel.

11. Consider a Supplement

I advise my clients to consider a supplement only after they get their diet and exercise plan in order. Supplements are a great way to give your body an extra boost.

Whether you pick a probiotic for women, pre-workout for women, female multivitamin, or fat burner for women, select a supplement free of unnecessary fillers, additives, and sugars, as these can add calories.

What supplement should you choose?

The answer depends entirely on your current health and fitness goals. It is always advisable to consult a healthcare professional before starting any supplement.

12. Add Strength Training

A woman holding a light dumbbell

Cardio is excellent for burning fat and should be a part of your exercise routine.

Adding resistance training can help you build muscle and strengthen your bones. Lifting weights will help you improve your body composition, so you will probably feel and look different even if the scale isn’t moving [15].

13. Get Enough Sleep

Sleep affects many body functions, including the hormones that regulate hunger and stress. Regulating the hunger and thirst hormones allows the body to balance appetite and satiety, reducing the consumption of extra calories that could inhibit weight loss efforts [16].

Maintaining a proper sleep schedule results in feeling rested, giving you the energy to be more active and better able to make healthy choices.

14. Manage Stress

Stress can devastate our physical and mental health, significantly impacting weight loss. Being stressed raises cortisol levels, and chronically elevated cortisol may inhibit fat burning.

Also, have you heard of “stress-eating”?

There is truth in the name, as ongoing stress releases cortisol, which increases appetite, usually resulting in overeating [17].

15. Get Rid Of The “Diet” Mentality

Double sunny side up egg with vegetable

Don’t join the diet culture; sure, fad diets can be immediately satisfying because you may lose weight quickly, but rarely does this last, and you are back to square one.

You will set yourself up for success when you understand that losing and maintaining a healthy weight is a complete lifestyle change.

Valerie Sinady, health coach and founder of Val+You Wellness, adds that diet culture focuses on being thin rather than being healthy and well.

This can lead to a variety of negative outcomes including an unhealthy relationship with food, an unhealthy relationship with your body, lower self-esteem, and poorer mental health.

Here are a few additional tips to keep in mind as you incorporate these whole life changes to diet and exercise:

  • Keep goals attainable and reasonable
  • Just because you slip up, don’t give up
  • Use smaller plates to aid portion control
  • Reward yourself
  • Practice mindful eating, slowly and methodically chewing each bite
  • High-intensity interval training (HIIT) can help burn more calories

16. Keep Moving

Incorporating an exercise routine on top of eating healthy foods and staying hydrated will ensure you keep a calorie deficit, resulting in weight loss.

Keep it fun and mix it up; exercise is a lot less burdensome if it is something you enjoy.

Aside from a consistent exercise routine, here are a few ways you can increase your movement every day:

  • Park further away: don’t go for the closest parking spot; get in those extra steps.
  • Lunch break workout: Taking 15 minutes to do a quick, higher-intensity exercise can benefit your weight loss efforts.
  • Take the stairs:  opt for the stairs over the elevator; stairs are one of the easiest ways to add movement to your day.
  • Make leisure time more active: Rest and relaxation are essential for overall well-being. Adding a little movement to leisure activities can help you burn extra calories. Try a stationary bike instead of watching your favorite show from the couch.

"Research has shown that even just 15 minutes of exercise can net you nearly the same effects as 60 minutes of working out, if you increase the intensity,"

-Phil Tyne, Former Condition Coach for the San Diego Chargers

Related Article:


What Should a Female Eat to Lose Weight?

Females who want to lose weight should focus on a diet high in protein and whole foods and low in carbs and sugar. A high protein diet can decrease cravings, boost metabolism, and increase a feeling of fullness. Eggs, meat, poultry, fish, and legumes are excellent protein sources.

What Causes a Big Stomach in Females?

Causes of a big stomach in females include a poor diet, lack of exercise, and insufficient sleep. Improving exercise habits, getting plenty of rest, and making better food choices like eliminating processed, high carb, and sugary foods will go a long way in reducing stomach fat.

How Do Actresses Lose Weight Fast?

Actresses lose weight fast by adhering to a strict diet and exercise routine, usually under the guidance of a licensed trainer and sometimes a registered dietitian.

What Will You Do With These Weight Loss Tips?

So you start checking off the list.

You have changed your eating habits and ditched unhealthy foods.  You are calorie counting, eating lean protein and brown rice, and keeping your sweet tooth at bay most of the time.

Exercise is now part of your daily routine, and you feel like you are starting to turn a corner toward maintaining healthy life habits.

To entirely turn that corner, you may benefit from an all-natural fat burner supplement for women. You’re putting in the hard work; why not reap the most benefits


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