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Does Almond Milk Increase Testosterone? (From a Dietician)

Michael Garrico
Published by Michael Garrico | Co-Founder & Marketing Director
Last updated: August 10, 2023

Recently, I found an article claiming you will significantly raise your testosterone if you drink almond milk.

Although continuously skeptical about these nutritional breakthroughs, I always want to investigate the science behind them to equip my clients and readers with verified information.

So, with the assistance of my dietitian, I spent a few days going through scientific papers to inspect the purported benefits of almond milk and how it relates to hormone balance.

Let’s dive in.

Quick Summary

  • Almond milk can help boost testosterone levels Since it contains some nutrients necessary for hormone synthesis.
  • Regular milk or some other plant-based milk options might be able to help you increase testosterone levels even more than almond milk.
  • To further boost your testosterone levels, you should exercise, avoid processed foods, and get enough sleep.

Will Almond Milk Help Your Testosterone Production?

Man drinking almond milk to increase testosterone

Almond milk could help your testosterone production, especially the fortified form since it contains some nutrients beneficial for testosterone synthesis.

The most important one is vitamin D.

A study from 2011 showed vitamin D supplementation might increase testosterone levels in men who previously had vitamin D deficiency [1].

Low vitamin D levels may cause erectile dysfunction and loss of muscle mass and strength - symptoms it has in common with testosterone deficiency.

A 3.5-ounce portion of fortified almond milk provides about 5% of the daily value of vitamin D and, on top of that, about 17% of the DV of calcium [2].

Aside from its known benefits for bone health, studies also showed calcium supplementation might increase testosterone levels [3].

This milk (even unfortified) is also a good source of magnesium, a mineral essential for using energy in the body and controlling blood sugar levels which may also indirectly impact testosterone [4].

Authors of a study conducted in 2010 concluded that magnesium supplementation could increase testosterone (both total and free) in men [5].

“Among its numerous roles include one in the testicles where it helps protect tissue from free radicals. If you’re deficient, then the testicles get damaged to a degree and testosterone may be lowered.”

- Kurtis Frank, Research director at

And what about mineral zinc?

Sadly, even though almonds are high in zinc and eating them might prevent zinc deficiency (by extension also testosterone deficiency), this mineral is lost in the process of making almond milk.

So eating almonds would be a better option?

It probably would, but in moderation, as almonds may interfere with sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) which can decrease free testosterone by binding itself to this hormone and preventing the tissues from absorbing it.

Almonds also contain phytic acid that blocks the absorption of essential minerals [6].

All things considered, we can’t say drinking almond milk has a highly favorable nutritional panel for boosting testosterone levels.

What About Other Milk Options?

Top view of three different milk bottles

Other milk options (e.g., oat milk, coconut milk, soy milk) generally can’t come close to dairy milk when it comes to testosterone-raising potential.

We recommend organic dairy milk since it naturally contains a fine blend of nutrients necessary for maintaining normal testosterone levels.

Important Nutrients in Whole Milk

Close up image of almond milk to boost testosterone levels

Cow’s milk contains vitamins that boost testosterone because it is naturally rich in vitamins B12 and B2, calcium, and phosphorus, but it’s also often fortified with vitamins D and A [7].

Vitamin B12, for example, is able to initiate small testosterone increases [8].

Vitamin B2 prevents  5 alpha-reductase enzymes from converting testosterone to a hormone called Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) [9].

Vitamin A promotes Leydig cell differentiation (the main part of the testes responsible for T-production) [10].

However, make sure to take dairy milk in moderation, as some researchers claim it contains synthetic or natural hormones that can raise estrogen levels [11].

Better Plant-Based Options

Our recommendation would be organic fortified soy milk, as nutritionally, it comes closest to cow’s milk (but almost without saturated fat) and may generate nearly the same health benefits.

However, soy milk was the subject of controversy for its impact on male reproductive hormones as it contains phytoestrogens, but some new studies seem to dismiss these claims [12].

What Else Could Help You Boost Testosterone?

Exhausted person resting from workout routine

Your everyday choices affect testosterone levels, and utilizing them can help you avoid potential health issues like depression, erectile dysfunction, infertility, etc.

Luckily, you might be able to boost testosterone levels in several natural ways:

  • Get plenty of sleep - Sleep and testosterone are related and it is recommended to get at least eight hours every night since most testosterone release happens when you’re asleep.
  • Improve your diet - Avoid processed foods that can disrupt hormonal balance and promote obesity. Excess abdominal fat can increase enzyme aromatase, converting testosterone into estradiol, ultimately resulting in testosterone deficiency [13].
  • Exercise - A mixture of strength training and a cardio workout will simultaneously burn excessive fat and stimulate muscle mass growth. Compound weight-lifting movements are one of the recommended testosterone-boosting exercises that will also promote more testosterone release [14].
  • Take a T-booster - Top testosterone-boosting products contain natural ingredients like herbs and micronutrients that are scientifically proven to support healthy testosterone synthesis and help maintain optimum levels.


Does Almond Milk Raise Testosterone in Females?

Almond milk doesn’t raise testosterone in females since it doesn’t contain enough compounds that could significantly impact testosterone levels.

Does Almond Milk Raise Estrogen Levels?

Almond milk doesn’t raise estrogen levels even though it does contain phytoestrogens. However, the class of phytoestrogens in almond milk has weak effects on the body compared to the naturally produced estrogen, so it most likely won’t cause any hormone imbalance.

Balanced Diet for Balanced Hormones

No single food will magically boost testosterone levels. It simply has to be the right combination of nutrients accompanied by certain lifestyle choices.

That’s why I usually advise my clients to take natural T-boosters, as most of them contain combinations of scientifically-backed ingredients that stimulate your body to produce testosterone naturally.

We have tested most of the top products on the market to come up with these lists of best performers: 

Check out these links to find the product that’ll work best for you.


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