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Can A Testosterone Booster Help Beard Grow? (Science-Based) 

Michael Garrico
Published by Michael Garrico | Co-Founder & Marketing Director
Last updated: August 10, 2023
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Some men I’ve talked to have been struggling to grow full beards for as long as they can remember. Testosterone boosters were their last resort.

Surprisingly, some of them got awesome results. But others saw no improvement whatsoever.

Since I’m a fitness trainer, I already assumed why the male hormones affect different men differently. But I wanted to confirm my hypothesis.

That’s why I’ve spent dozens of hours researching this topic and finally found the answer.

Here’s how to tell if a booster will help you grow a beard.

Quick Summary

  • Testosterone boosters can help the beard grow by shortening the hair growth cycle, namely telogen, catagen, and anagen.
  • Regular workouts, eating a healthy diet, minimizing stress, protecting your skin from irritation, and getting enough sleep are some ways of increasing testosterone levels for beard growth.
  • Healthy testosterone levels increase beard growth.

Does a Testosterone Booster Help with Beard Growth?

man thinking while holding his beard

A testosterone booster helps with beard growth in men who suffer from low T. That’s because body hair growth, in general, depends on testosterone and its more potent form, dihydrotestosterone (DHT) [1].

“Testosterone gets converted in the hair follicle to a more potent form called dihydrotestosterone. Some hair follicles have receptors on them that are very sensitive to this higher form of testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, and that will stimulate hair growth.”

- Dr. Jennifer Chwalek, Dermatologist

So, your success in growing a beard partially depends on how sensitive your hair follicles are to DHT. You can’t really do much about that - it is what it is.

But the rate at which your beard grows is also affected by your testosterone levels. And, luckily, boosters can increase your T.

Here’s how it works: higher testosterone leads to higher DHT. The opposite is true for low T. That’s why healthy young men grow a thick beard faster than older men with lower testosterone.

In addition, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and paying attention to the overall health of your body and hair follicles can positively influence beard growth.

Adequate nutrition, including essential nutrients like proteins, vitamins, and minerals, supports hair follicle health and vitality, facilitating robust body hair growth, including the beard.

Proper hair care practices, such as regular washing and moisturizing, can also contribute to a conducive environment for healthy hair follicles and optimal beard growth.

In a nutshell, testosterone accelerates beard growth by shortening the hair growth cycle. The cycle consists of three phases: 

  • Anagen
  • Catagen
  • Telogen

Healthy levels of testosterone shorten the catagen and telogen stages. In other words, they can increase beard growth.

But testosterone supplements may also have adverse effects [2].

DHT affects beard hair and head hair differently. While it helps with beard growth, it may also accelerate the thinning of the hair and lead to male pattern baldness.

Other Causes of Slow Male Facial Hair Growth

man hiding his face

Low testosterone levels are by no means the only possible cause of slow facial hair growth.

Genetics largely determine how slow or fast your beard will grow.

If your father or your grandfather couldn’t grow a beard, chances are you’ll struggle with it, too. And it won’t have anything to do with low T.

Additionally, slow beard growth may be a consequence of a skin condition. For example, alopecia is known to cause hair loss and balding [3], so it may also affect your beard.

Other common causes of slow beard growth are hypothyroidism, iron deficiency, and anemia.

So, increasing your testosterone levels is not a sure-fire way to accelerate beard growth. Maybe you don’t suffer from low testosterone production at all, and boosters may only be a waste of your money.

That’s why we suggest you order a blood test through your doctor before buying supplements. This will help you determine the real cause of your problem.

6 Other Ways to Increase Testosterone and Help the Beard Grow

healthy living man

Testosterone boosters aren’t your only option. And no, we aren’t suggesting you take anabolic steroids instead - please don’t go down that route. Steroids can damage your mental and physical health.

What we’re suggesting is that you try boosting your testosterone levels naturally with proper self-care.

Here are the six most effective habits you can practice to increase testosterone and accelerate beard growth.

Smart Exercises

Besides being beneficial for your overall health, weight lifting and HIIT exercises can help with both testosterone and beard growth.

Deadlifts, overhead presses, and bench presses are all fantastic weight lifting exercises.

When it comes to HIIT, you can do just about anything that gets your heart rate up.

Run a couple of sprints, jump ropes, or go up and down a few flights of stairs, whichever you prefer.

A Healthy Diet

Instead of using synthetic testosterone, try eating foods that are rich in natural T

Also, try to avoid trans fats. They’re usually found in junk food, such as pizza and fried foods.

Opt for monounsaturated fats instead. Some studies indicate that they can boost testosterone and DHT production [4]. You can get them from olive oil, nuts, salmon, and avocado.

Minimize Stress

man practicing yoga

Cortisol - the body’s stress hormone - is known to kill testosterone. So, minimizing your stress levels could have a massive impact on your T and your beard.


  • Incorporating more physical activity into your everyday
  • Getting out in the sun and soaking in vitamin D
  • Consuming less caffeine (and replacing it with water)

The only way to experience the positive effects of these methods is to make a habit out of them. For example, it’s better to exercise every day for 15 minutes than exercise once a week for 2 hours.

Protect Your Skin From Irritation

Exercise may naturally boost testosterone and beard growth, but it also causes profuse sweating. And sweat irritates the skin.

To prevent irritation and grow a full, healthy beard, use a beard wash while you shower.

Rub the product into your beard and rinse it out when you’re done showering.

Moisturize And Condition

You can’t grow new beard hair if your skin and the hairs you already have aren’t healthy.

Think about it this way. The weeds need to be removed from a garden so that roses get enough light, food, and water. That’s the only way they can grow and flourish.

The same goes for your beard. It will grow faster if you maintain the environment it’s in.

There are two ways in which you can do so.

Firstly, use a conditioner to keep your beard soft and protect it from damage.

Secondly, keep the skin under your beard healthy by moisturizing with beard oil. Beard oil will hydrate your skin and prevent itchiness, dryness, and flakiness, i.e., keep the environment healthy.

Get More Sleep

One study found that sleep restriction lowers testosterone levels in young, healthy men. On the flip side, the men had higher T-levels when they were rested [5].

So, if you want more testosterone—and a fuller beard—try sleeping for 8 hours each night.

Getting enough sleep also affects male fertility [6] and cortisol levels, so it’s a win-win.


How Long Does It Take for Testosterone to Work on Facial Hair?

On average, it takes 12 months for testosterone to work on facial hair [7].

Should You Use A Testosterone Booster To Grow Your Beard?

Increasing testosterone levels can lead to a fuller beard—but only if you suffer from naturally low T levels. Otherwise, boosters won’t accelerate beard growth because they won’t solve the real cause of your issues.

Order a blood test through your GP to establish your levels of hormones before you spend money on supplements. That’s the only way you’ll know if you’ll get a return on your investment.

If the blood test confirms that you lack T, we encourage you to try boosters. Don’t expect fast results but know they’re coming if you remain patient.


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