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Britney Spears Workout Plan & Diet (How She Stays in Shape)

Christiana Mikesch
Published by Christiana Mikesch | Senior Coach
Last updated: August 2, 2023

As a certified fitness coach, I've made it my norm to go through celebrity stats, workouts, and diet plans to gather insights to help my clients and readers get into shape when starting on their fitness journey.

Britney Spears, the "princess of pop," is known for having an athletic body.

I listened to some of her interviews and Youtube videos to know how she stays in shape and the workouts she does.

In this article, I will detail everything about Britney Spears, including her workout and diet plan, supplements, and the principles she follows to stay in shape.

Quick Summary

  • Britney Spears' workout routine includes a lot of aerobics, dancing, and swimming.
  • Regarding her diet, she prefers protein sources such as salmon, pig, and chicken, which she frequently pairs with steamed veggies.
  • Britney Spears' training routine changes daily. She likes to do workouts that best suit her mood.

Celebrity Stats/Career Highlights

  • Age: 41 years
  • Height: 5ft 4in
  • Weight: 126 lbs
  • Waist: 27in
  • Chest: 35in

Britney Spears’ Workout Routine

Britney Spears' workout routine includes a lot of dancing, cardiovascular exercise, and swimming.


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Below is Britney Spears's exercise routine:

Week 1:

Britney Spears' workout routine for week 1 features seven exercises

  • 45 minutes of at-home cardio
  • 1 hour of drenched fitness
  • 30 minutes of swimming laps
  • 1 hour of drenched fitness
  • 90 minutes of dance rehearsal
  • 90 minutes of drenched and swimming
  • 45 minutes of at-home cardio

Week 2:

In her second week, Britney Spears' workout routine also includes seven different workouts

  • 1 hour of power yoga routine
  • 1 hour of drenched fitness
  • 90 minutes of swimming or hiking
  • 1 hour drenched fitness
  • All day "chasing kids"
  • 90 minutes of drenched plus swimming
  • 45 minutes of at-home cardio

Britney Spears also recently shared the exact exercises that she performs to maintain her shape.

These exercises include:

1. Plank-up Downs

Woman in red workout attire performing plank up downs

Britney Spears nails the box plank-up downs that effectively work her arms and core.

2. Physioball Raise Into Side Bends

Britney does physio ball rises followed by physio side bends using a large physioball. This is an excellent workout for core strength.

3. Front Raise

Britney uses a barbell to conduct the front raise, an exercise that strengthens her front delts and shoulders.

4. Leg Raises

Britney uses a Roman chair to practice core-targeting leg raises.

"Core-strengthening workouts develop your core muscles, including the back, pelvic, and abdominal muscles. A strong core makes it simpler to do several physical tasks."

- Dan Bowen, NASM Certified Personal Trainer

5. Dumbbell Press Fly

Performing dumbbell press fly

Britney performs the dumbbell press fly, which targets her chest muscles.

6. Physio Ball Sit-ups

Britney Spears’ abs workout aims at strengthening her core muscles, and she performs the physio ball sit-up to obtain that.

7. Running on a Non-Motorized Treadmill

Among the most efficient treadmills for establishing good running techniques is jogging on a non-motorized treadmill.

Unlike traditional electric treadmills, there are no on-and-off switches or complicated controls and settings to contend with.

It is a manually controlled treadmill that aids in developing technique, cadence, posture, and balance.

8. Pulldowns

Woman doing tricep pulldowns

After the treadmill workouts, Britney performs the cable pulldowns to target the triceps muscles.

This exercise helps tone the back of the upper arm.

9. Bridge

Britney Spears performs bridges to target everything from her glutes to the biceps.

10. Bicycle Kicks

Britney Spears' workout routine involves a lot of abs exercises. She does the bicycle kicks as one of the final exercises.

11. Bridge Kicks

Britney completes the set by returning to the bridge position and performing bridge kicks before stretching and relishing the completion of her grueling program.

Britney Spears’ Workout Principles

Britney Spears' workout routine changes daily. With so many possibilities, Britney chooses the activity that best suits her mood.


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Britney Spears' workout routine includes yoga, light weight lifting (like bicep curls), regular ab workouts, and strength training exercises for women (such as bosu ball push-ups).

Her weekly workout schedule consists of five days of exercise and two days of rest.

She maintains a healthy calorie balance by diet, therefore, she doesn't require much aerobic in her training. As a result, there isn't a lot of cardio.

She works out for 90 minutes daily, then spends five hours practicing her dance routine before returning to her workout.

Britney attends a class called Drenched Fitness, which alternates between high-intensity interval training (HIIT), circuit, and a great cardio workout routine every 15 minutes to keep things exciting.

Swimming is another essential part of Britney Spears' workout routine. She likes swimming laps to keep track of her progress.

Britney usually swims for 30 minutes.

She can work and exercise simultaneously and likes dancing as a workout.

"Dancing is a wonderful aerobic workout that is both challenging and enjoyable."

- Britney Spears, American Singer & Songwriter

Britney Spears’ Diet Plan

Top view of omelet breakfast

Britney Spears constantly attempts to maintain her eating habits clean and excludes processed or junk food.

Britney Spears' diet plan incorporates plenty of vegetables, greens, and fiber into her meals, and she drinks seven to eight liters of water daily.

Let's take a closer look at Britney Spears' diet plan:

  • Meal 1: Omelet , Fresh fruit and Oatmeal
  • Snack: Granola  and Yogurt
  • Meal 2: Chicken breast or salmon fish, Cold juice or fresh fruit smoothies and Greens such as broccoli and lettuce
  • Snack: Almonds and Walnuts
  • Meal 3: Grilled chicken or pork and Steamed vegetables

Britney Spears Diet / Nutrition Principles

Britney Spears diet is limited to 1,500 calories daily, primarily focusing on lean protein combined with high-fiber veggies.


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Britney Spears usually prefers a healthy start to the mornings before her strenuous workout.

Britney Spears' diet for breakfast includes an egg-white omelet or a bowl of oatmeal with fruits and whole wheat toast.

A Britney Spears diet for lunch consists of delicious salads topped with a serving of lean protein, such as chicken or salmon.

The celebrity prefers water or a real-fruit power smoothie with her meals, usually served on top of a mixture of baby greens.

Britney Spears diet for supper includes a plated feast of lean, grilled pork or chicken with steamed mixed vegetables.

Britney Spears's diet consists of regular, high-protein snacks to help manage her sugar cravings.

One of the superstar's favorite snacks is soy chips and a cup of low-fat yogurt with fruits and granola.

She also enjoys walnuts and almonds on occasion.

She follows the Mediterranean Diet, which is frequently regarded as the world's healthiest.

It is a practical, clean-eating regimen with several health benefits, including preventing heart disease and strokes, a reduced likelihood of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease, a greater lifespan, and weight loss [1].

Britney Spears often eats well, however, she does sometimes allow herself to indulge.

This is because, when utilized correctly, a weekly "cheat meal" was proven to enhance metabolism and decrease feelings of deprivation, allowing you to lose weight and stick to your diet plan [2].

What to Eat

Strawberry yoghurt in bowl

Britney adheres to a strict food plan that is abundant in nutrients and gives her an adequate quantity of carbs, proteins, minerals, and vitamins.

If you wish to keep fit like Britney, you should concentrate on the following foods:

  • Lean meat for better health
  • Low-fat yogurt to satisfy sweet cravings
  • Nuts like almonds and walnuts are essential for fueling your body
  • Fresh fruits for carbohydrate needs
  • Vegetables and salads for fiber

What Not to Eat

If you want to be as fit as Britney Spears, you ought to avoid the following meals, which are bad for your health and may affect your long-term fitness:

  • Complex carbohydrates (for example, pastries, cakes, and cookies)
  • Deep-fried meals (for example, french fries)
  • Sugary beverages
  • Aerated beverages (for example, Coke)
  • Fruit juices (they have only sugar and no pulp)
  • White bread

Britney Spears Supplements

Woman showing a supplement product

Britney Spears has outstanding beauty and a strong determination that helps her to stay in excellent shape.

She eats a well-balanced diet rich in nutrients and supplements that are highly beneficial to her health, such as:

  • Zinc Supplements: Zinc is essential for your body's metabolic operations, particularly digestion. Zinc also helps reduce aging and improves immunity [3].
  • Chia seeds: Chia seeds are fiber-rich and act as a stomach filler. They also help to avoid a variety of heart-related issues [4].
  • Omega 3: Omega 3 is perfect for your mental and physical well-being. Many disorders, including Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and Lupus, can be addressed by consuming quality Omega 3 as a supplement or as a dietary meal [5].
  • Magnesium: This micronutrient is necessary for different metabolic processes in the body and for healthy hair, nails, and bones [6].
  • Vitamin C: This is a powerful anti-aging and antioxidant vitamin. It also aids in immunity enhancement [7].
  • Vitamin D: This aids in regulating phosphate and calcium levels in the body. These nutrients are required to maintain the health of bones, teeth, and muscles [8].
  • Greens Supplement: Spears concentrates on certain fruits and vegetables for their health-promoting properties, but she adds greens supplements if she doesn't get enough fresh food.


What Does Britney Spears Eat To Stay in Shape?

To stay in shape, Britney Spears eats a diet restricted to 1500 calories a day and contains a lot of lean proteins and high-fiber vegetables.

How Many Crunches Did Britney Spears Do a Day?

Britney Spears does 500 crunches daily or 1000 crunches on a "good day."

How Did Britney Spears Lose So Much Weight?

Britney Spears lost a lot of weight by maintaining a strong calorie balance and following a fitness regimen that includes yoga poses, abs workout, and weight training. Britney Spears exercises 5 days a week.

Supplements for the “Britney Spears” Physique

Britney Spears follows a strict diet plan and workout routine that keeps her in shape. However, as she says, losing weight when she wants to is not easy.

It takes determination, hard work, and consistency to obtain a body physique like that of Britney Spears.

But don't forget the basics; enough rest and incorporating the best post-workout supplements for recovery.

Upon testing, the supplements proved effective by boosting our endurance and helping us recover faster for our next workout session.


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