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Bikini Competition Workout Plan, Diet & Supplements

Tracy Thompson
Published by Tracy Thompson | Senior Coach
Last updated: July 3, 2023

If you’re considering entering a bikini competition, you know that the preparation requires a lot of hard work and dedication. A solid workout plan can help you build the strength and muscle necessary to create a toned, lean, and aesthetically pleasing physique.

In my decade as a fitness trainer, I have created numerous plans for women looking to become the next top bikini girl.

This article will discuss exercises, diet, and supplements to get you competitive in the bikini division or jumpstart a healthy lifestyle.

Let’s get started.

Quick Summary

  • A bikini model workout should include cardio and weight training, a healthy diet, and all-natural supplements.
  • Rest is a crucial aspect of bikini competition resistance training.
  • Squats are highly-effective exercises that target more than one muscle group and therefore are a must in any bikini competition workout routine.

Bikini Competition Workout Plan

A person working out for a bikini competition

Here is a bikini competition workout plan focusing on building lean muscle, toning the body, and burning fat.

Remember to warm up before each workout with five to ten minutes of light cardio and cool down for five to ten minutes.

Also, be sure to stretch before and after each workout. Adjust the weights, reps, and number of sets based on your fitness level and goals.

Don’t forget that the body gets really comfortable when you do the same exercises over and over, so don’t be afraid to use this plan as a building block for a more dynamic workout plan.

Additionally, how much cardio you need depends on your body type and your fitness level at the start.

Monday - Glutes and Leg Day

  • Five to ten-minute warm-up on the treadmill
  • Smith machine squat - 3 x 12 reps
  • Smith machine single-leg deadlift - 3 x 12 reps
  • Walking lunges - 4 x 10 reps
  • Barbell good morning - 3 x 10 reps
  • Single leg press - 3 x 12 reps
  • Seated leg curl - 4 x 10 reps
  • Glute bridges - 3 x 12 reps
  • Leg extensions - 4 x 10 reps
  • Five to ten-minute cool-down on the stationary bike

Tuesday - Train Chest and Triceps

A woman training her chest at the gym for a bikini competition
  • Five to ten-minute warm-up on the stair climber
  • Bench press x 10 (3 sets)
  • Dumbbell fly x 12 (3 sets)
  • Cable chest press x 12 (3 sets)
  • Skull crushers x 12 (3 sets)
  • Push-ups x 10 (4 sets)
  • Triceps push-downs x 10 (4 sets)
  • Overhead extensions x 12 (3 sets)
  • Five to ten-minute cool-down on the elliptical machine

Also read: Chest and Triceps Exercises

Wednesday - Rest

Thursday - Back and Biceps Training

  • Five to ten-minute warm-up on the rowing machine
  • Lat pulldown x 12 (3 sets)
  • Pull-ups x 10 (4 sets)
  • Upright row x 12 (3 sets)
  • Bent-over row x 10 (4 sets)
  • Bicep curl x 12 (3 sets)
  • Hammer curl x 12 (3 sets)
  • Concentration curl x 12 (3 sets)
  • Five to ten-minute cool-down on the stationary bike

Friday - Shoulders and Abs

A woman at the gym doing shoulder workouts
  • Five to ten-minute warm-up on the elliptical machine
  • Shoulder press x 12 (3 sets)
  • Lateral raises x 12 (3 sets)
  • Rear delt flys x 12 (3 sets)
  • Russian twists x 10 (4 sets)
  • Planks - 3 sets of 30-second holds
  • Mountain climbers - 3 sets of 20 reps
  • Five to ten-minute cool-down on the treadmill

Saturday - High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

  • Five to ten-minute warm-up on the stationary bike
  • 30 seconds of all-out effort on the stair climber or treadmill
  • 30 seconds of rest
  • Repeat for 20 minutes
  • Five to ten-minute cool-down on the elliptical machine

Related: High Intensity Interval Training for Beginners

Sunday - Rest

“Taking regular breaks allows your body to recover and repair. It’s a critical part of progress, regardless of your fitness level or sport. Otherwise, skipping rest days can lead to overtraining or burnout.”

- Kirsten Nunez, MS, Health Journalist


A person making a healthy diet at the gym

Preparing for a bikini competition involves eating a strict diet that is low in calories and high in protein. Here’s a sample diet plan:

  • Breakfast: Two egg whites and one whole egg scrambled with spinach, One slice of whole-grain toast and Black coffee or green tea
  • Mid-Morning Snack:  One protein shake and  One small apple
  • Lunch: Grilled chicken breast, Mixed green salad with vegetables and One tablespoon of olive oil and balsamic vinegar dressing
  • Afternoon Snack: One small low-fat Greek yogurt and Blueberries (½ cup)
  • Dinner: Grilled fish (salmon, tilapia, or cod), Grilled vegetables (asparagus, zucchini, or peppers) and One tablespoon of olive oil and lemon juice
  • Before-Bed Snack: One protein shake


A woman holding a supplement bottle

Supplements are the final piece of a bikini competition workout plan because they can maximize your exercise and diet efforts.

Here are some supplement options to consider as a bikini fitness competitor.

Fat Burner

Female fat burner supplements can maximize your hard work and provide the following potential benefits:

  • Increased metabolism: Fat burners can help improve your metabolic rate, helping your body burn calories and thus reduce body fat.
  • Appetite suppression: Some fat burners contain ingredients like Glucomannan that can help suppress your appetite, making a low-calorie diet easier to follow.
  • Energy boost: Fat burners usually contain caffeine or other stimulants that can give you a temporary focus and energy boost.
  • Enhanced athletic performance: Some fat burners can help improve your exercise performance by increasing muscle blood flow and reducing fatigue.


A person holding supplement pills

Here are some potential benefits of taking branched-chain amino acid (BCAA) supplements:

  • Muscle growth: BCAAs are essential for muscle protein synthesis, the process by which your body builds new muscle tissue. Taking BCAAs can help support muscle repair and growth [1].
  • Reduced muscle soreness: BCAAs can help reduce the amount of muscle damage that occurs during exercise, which can lead to less post-workout soreness and faster recovery [2].
  • Improved exercise performance: BAAs can help delay fatigue during exercise and improve endurance, making powering through an intense workout easier [3].

“Supplementing with BCAAs may decrease muscle soreness by reducing damage in exercised muscles.”

- Gavin Van De Walle, MS, RD

Whey Protein

Whey protein is a convenient and effective way to supplement high-quality protein alongside your diet. Here are a few things whey protein can do:

  • Muscle repair and growth: Whey protein contains all the essential amino acids necessary for muscle repair and growth. Consuming whey protein post-workout can stimulate muscle protein synthesis [4].
  • Weight loss: Whey protein can be part of a calorie-controlled diet to help support weight loss. Protein helps increase satiety, making it easier to control your calorie intake [5].
  • Improved cardiovascular function: Some studies show that whey protein can help lower blood pressure and improve other heart markers [6].
  • Increased muscle strength: Consuming whey protein post-workout may improve muscular strength and power [7].

The Judges’ Focus

A woman wearing a bikini while looking at notes

You need to know what the judges are evaluating to get a high score.

Bikini competition judges are looking for a combination of factors when evaluating a competitor’s physique.

Some of the essential qualities that judges look for include:

  • Muscular tone and definition: Judges will examine the competitor’s muscle tone and definition, looking for a lean and toned appearance. The competitor should have clear muscle separation without being overly bulky or muscular.
  • Balance and symmetry: Judges also look for balance and proportion in the competitor’s physique, including the height and weight of the competitor as well as the proportions of the different body parts (tiny waist, toned arms, legs, torso, and shoulders).
  • Stage presentation and appearance: Judges expect a polished appearance and a confident stage presence, including the competitor’s skin tone, hair, makeup, accessories, and overall look that shows their body in the best light.
  • Posing and confidence: Competitors should be comfortable on stage and able to showcase their physique effectively through each quarter turn, various walks, and favorite poses. Judges will look for poise, grace, confidence, and a competitor who can move smoothly and gracefully.
  • Overall fitness and health: Judges evaluate the competitor’s general fitness and health level, including factors such as body fat percentage, the health of skin, hair, and nails, and overall well-being.

It’s important to note that competitions may have slightly different judging criteria or emphasis. Therefore, you should research the specific competition you want to enter to gain a deeper understanding of what the judges are looking for.

Hottest Female Lists:


How Long Does It Take to Train for a Bikini Competition?

How long it takes to train for a bikini competition depends on how fit you are at the start of your training. Typically, a twelve-week window is enough to prepare for competition, but it can take 14–16 weeks.

Do Bikini Competitors Take Rest Days?

Yes, bikini competitors take rest days. As with any training or fitness routine, rest days are critical to repairing and recovering your muscles.

Start Getting Ready for the Bikini Show Today

By following a well-rounded workout plan, staying committed to your goals, and nourishing your body with the proper diet and supplements, you can achieve the physique you need to be a successful bikini competitor.

Start with the workout plan outlined in this article, eat a low-calorie, high-protein diet, and consider incorporating a high-quality protein powder made for women to help support your body’s transformation.

Whether you are getting ready for competition day or jumpstarting your fitness journey, I hope you find success in the tips outlined in this article.


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