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Alison Sweeney’s Weight Loss Journey (Her Secrets Exposed)

Tracy Thompson
Published by Tracy Thompson | Senior Coach
Last updated: August 6, 2023

Alison Sweeney, the host of The Biggest Loser, looks like she has gone through quite a significant body transformation. It's almost ironic when she says that hosting the show finally gave her the tools and motivation to lose weight.

And it might sound even more surprising when you consider that she never appeared overweight on Days of Our Lives.

That made things even more interesting for our team, and we got together with our dietitian to spend a day going through interviews to find out what she did to shed those pounds.

Here's what we found out.

Quick Summary

  • Alison has lost 30 lbs since she became serious about losing weight.
  • She openly spoke about her weight and self-image struggles over the years.
  • After abandoning extreme fad diets, Alison switched to a healthy carb intake and monitors everything she eats.

How Did Alison Sweeney Lose So Much Weight?

Alison was able to lose so much weight because she took full control of her calorie intake and what she ate.

That didn't mean sticking to crazy liquid diets or fad ideas like the cabbage soup diet (yes, it exists), but making sure that she only ate healthy and nutritious food.

More details on this shortly.

She also followed her husband's advice and stopped complaining about her body, and invested her energy into exercising on a daily basis.

It was this change in attitude and the help of a new friend on Loser, Jillian Michaels, that ultimately gave her all the information she needed to stop feeling bad about herself and take the right action.

The good news is that she's very open about her new healthy diet and eating habits.


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  • Born: September 19, 1976
  • Height: 5'4"
  • Starting Weight: 129 lbs
  • Total Weight Loss: 30 lbs

What Does Alison Sweeney Eat?

Alison Sweeney's diet to lose weight

Alison eats a carefully planned and balanced diet and always pays close attention to the number of calories she's eating.

That means she will eat small meals multiple times a day rather than big plates of food.

She has also mentioned in interviews that she was always tempted by treats in the lunch line at the studio.

But it seems like switching to limited healthy carbs was some of the best advice she got [1].

Now, Alison has never provided a detailed meal plan, but my dietitian came up with some ideas based on interview comments Alison made:

  • A breakfast of oatmeal with agave nectar, fruit, and greek yogurt is a great way to start the day in a healthy way.
  • Lunch should consist of a large salad with diced avocado to get a boost of healthy fat that will keep you full for longer [2].
  • If you can't avoid a mid-afternoon snack, then maybe try a protein shake to avoid loading up on calories.
  • And for dinner, focus on lean chicken with snap peas and brown rice.

What's Her Exercise Routine?

Alison's top exercises to lose weight involve a spin class four days a week, strength training two or three times a week, and some yoga on top of that.

She refers to it as "solid butt kicking."

The strength training doesn't have to involve using weights.

She most likely relies on body composition exercises like push-ups, squats, and pull-ups.

And I'm a big fan of even some light to moderate yoga, even just for 20 minutes as part of a morning wake-up routine.

"I went right from the set of The Biggest Loser finale to the hospital and gave birth to Megan. Labor is the hardest workout you'll ever do. It hurts like your 9,000th sit-up."

- Allison Sweeney

Her Supplements

Different supplements spread around

Alison hasn't spoken specifically about the supplements she takes.

But my dietitian has been following The Biggest Loser for many years and used that knowledge to figure out what kind of supplements she was advised to take.

In addition to something like a whey protein isolate and multivitamins, the one that is most likely to make getting and staying slim possible is a high-quality fat burner.

Such products are designed to help suppress your appetite for more control over your calories. And they can also boost your metabolism slightly to get you to your weight loss goals a little bit faster.

Has Alison Sweeney Maintained Weight Loss?

Yes, Alison has maintained weight loss and has become very vocal about the importance of eating healthy rather than pursuing some crazy fad diets.

Between having great support from her husband, professional advice from colleagues on The Biggest Loser, and the motivation she gets from contestants, she has shown that even a busy working mother can get and stay fit. 

The other thing that she has mentioned is that it’s important to surround yourself with supportive and positive-thinking people. It’s the best way to avoid doubt from setting in.

Lose Weight Like Alison With a Targeted Plan

You don't need to become the next star of Days of Our Lives to follow this approach, but you do need to pick freshly prepared meals that have no sugar, and are low in carbs overall.

And if you add a fat-burning supplement to a regular workout schedule, you should inevitably see quicker results.

Check out the details about the fat burners that we have tested with great success:

Most of our test data results indicate they will speed up your progress noticeably.


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