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Ab Cuts CLA Belly Fat Formula Review (2023) Does it Work?

Tyler Sellers
Published by Tyler Sellers | Senior Coach
Last updated: August 21, 2023
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You’re probably familiar with the promises, main ingredients, and effects of many fat-burning supplements.

Lots of them, including Ab Cuts CLA Belly Fat Formula, contain the popular Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) that seems safe and effective at first sight but turns out to be a topic of debate among scientists.

You must know both sides of the coin before you decide whom you can trust.

So, we’ve examined this formula, available related studies, and hundreds of consumer reviews to create this review and explain what positive and negative effects you can expect from this product.

What Is Ab Cuts CLA Belly Fat Formula?

Ab cuts product up close

Ab Cuts CLA Belly Fat Formula is a supplement that helps reduce body fat, increases metabolism, and promotes a healthy antioxidant supply. It contains widely-researched ingredients such as CLA, Omega-3, Vitamin E, and flaxseed oil.

This product is free of stimulants and may help support good body composition when used with a healthy diet and regular exercise.

Ab Cuts CLA Belly Fat Formula promises to provide the following benefits:

  • Trim excess fat from the abdominal and thigh area (usually critical for any female)
  • Improve satiety, metabolism, and body composition
  • Get fit and retain lean muscle mass
  • Support your overall health

However, this is one of the supplements that heavily relies on Conjugated Linoleic Acid, which is the key ingredient to help you feel and look good.

As someone who has tried various supplements over the years, I was skeptical due to the lack of clinical evidence supporting Ab Cuts CLA's claims.

During my trial, I also attempted to research the brand's history and reputation but found limited information, which was a red flag for me.

Let’s dive deeper into each ingredient's effectiveness and other information you need to know.


Ab cuts product

Ab Cuts

Overall Score 3.8

Ab Cuts Ingredients

Supplement facts of ab cuts

Vitamin E

This fat-soluble vitamin with antioxidative properties helps your body fight free radicals to protect your cells from diseases, prevent oxidative stress, and strengthen immunity [1].

In my three months of using Ab Cuts CLA, I noticed that my skin seemed healthier and more radiant, which I attribute to the Vitamin E in the formula.

While it didn't directly contribute to my weight loss, it was a pleasant side effect that made me feel good about my overall health.

But our dietician mentioned that current studies suggest that vitamin E supplementation can improve insulin sensitivity, which may help regulate your appetite better.

Safflower Oil extract (seed - 80% CLA)

This product contains 1,000 mg of Safflower Oil per serving, 80% of which is a mixture of polyunsaturated fatty acids known as Conjugated Linoleic Acid.

CLA is thought to have some modest effect on weight loss in animals like mice, but it’s not clinically proven effective in humans [2].

In my experience, after eight weeks of consistent use alongside a strict diet and regular exercise, I only lost 2 pounds, significantly less than I had hoped for.

This mirrors the experience of several other users I've spoken to.

“Human studies on CLA are very unreliable, and the overall effects seen with CLA are not overly potent as well as sometimes contradicting.”

  • Kamal Patel, Nutrition Researcher, Co-founder of

CLA is marketed as a weight loss and bodybuilding dietary supplement, even though there have been a few studies on its effectiveness and health benefits and little evidence to support the claims [3].

Omega 3 Fish Oil (Anchovy)

Fish omega 3 oil supplement

While taking Ab Cuts CLA, I found that the Omega 3 Fish Oil positively affected my mood and mental clarity.

While I didn't notice significant weight loss, I did feel more focused and less stressed, which was a welcome benefit.

This ingredient has anti-inflammatory properties, but it has no significant influence on fat loss [4].

Our clients didn’t feel any relief in terms of reducing muscle soreness after workouts, and our dietician pointed out that the dosage of 300 mg per serving isn’t enough to cause such an effect.

Borage Oil

Another unconvincing ingredient with anti-inflammatory properties, Borage Oil, is proven to help treat rheumatoid arthritis, depression, PMS, eczema, acne, hair loss, etc.

A study has shown that Gamma-Linolenate (GLA) found in this oil may reduce weight gain after major weight loss in people prone to obesity [5].

Even if it would do so, its dose in this product is quite low and probably ineffective.

Flaxseed Oil

Flaxseed Oil contains several fatty acids, proteins, and fiber.

It can enhance your digestion, prevent constipation and diarrhea, reduce inflammation, improve your heart health, brain function, and skin appearance, and help balance your estrogen levels, among other health benefits.

The only way it can support weight loss is by curbing hunger. And a few users mentioned that it helped improve their digestion and appetite.

Sesame Seed Oil

Sesame Seed Oil is the last component on this ingredient list, and I’ve lost hope that this product can do something to help you lose weight like other reliable fat burners.

Sesame seeds are also rich in fiber and protein, plus low in Sodium, so they might help you reduce your appetite. But, they’re also high in fat, which isn’t wise to consume daily if you want to lose weight.

  • It contains fatty acids, antioxidants, and other nutrients providing general health and wellness support
  • Third-party lab tested, manufactured in the USA in a GMP-certified facility, ensuring ingredient quality, purity, and safety
  • No fillers, stimulants, or artificial ingredients
  • Easy-to-swallow soft gel capsules
  • Cheap
  • Not formulated to burn fat as other fat burners have proven to work
  • Lacks clinically proven, reliable fat-burning ingredients
  • Scientific evidence that CLA supports weight loss is limited and debatable
  • CLA dose is too low to have any significant, visible effect on its own (only 1,000mg per serving)
  • Unlikely to reduce appetite, boost metabolism and energy
  • Multiple user complaints
  • Contains allergens
  • Not suitable for vegans or vegetarians

Ab Cuts Possible Side Effects

fatigue in pills

The possible side effects of Ab Cuts CLA are:

  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Upset stomach
  • Headache
  • Backache
  • Increased risk of bruising and bleeding due to slow blood clotting
  • It may worsen insulin resistance and diabetes
  • Liver toxicity [6]
  • Increased chances for inflammation
  • Interactions with other medicines [7]

It also contains soy, fish, and other content that may cause allergic reactions in some individuals.

Besides nausea, stomach discomfort, and the other side effects listed above, some consumers have also reported:

  • Gas
  • Bloating
  • Constant belching
  • Constipation
  • Dizziness

Although these may not be typical user reactions to this supplement, they can occur, especially when people exceed the recommended doses hoping for faster results.

Some users complained of stomach aches immediately after taking the recommended 2-capsule serving.

As with any other similar product, people who’re taking blood-thinning and other medications, pregnant and nursing women should avoid it.

You know my attitude:

Always consult your doctor before taking any supplement, including weight loss supplements, or making any major changes in your diet and exercise program. They will know whether these products are beneficial to your current situation or whether you might experience some unwanted side effects.

Other Reviews:

Where to Buy?

I purchased my bottle of Ab Cuts CLA directly from the company’s official website to ensure authenticity. It arrived within a week, and the purchasing process was smooth.

However, I later discovered it was available from a reputable online retailer at a lower price, which I’ll consider for future purchases.

One bottle contains 120 soft gels. The manufacturer offers customers a 30-day money-back guarantee (not including shipping costs) if they buy the product directly from their website.

Although the price is relatively low (and depends on the seller), if you’re seeking a reliable fat burner and not just a general health and immunity supplement, I dare say this wouldn’t be of much value.


Ab cuts product

Ab Cuts

Overall Score 3.8

How Should You Use AB Cuts CLA?

pill intake

You should use Ab Cuts CLA according to the directions on the label - one serving (two soft gels) daily with meals.

To minimize the chances of side effects and achieve the best results, besides taking these soft gels with food twice a day, the manufacturer suggests combining this product with a low-calorie, healthy diet, and exercise regimen.

According to research, you need at least 3,200mg of CLA per day to notice any fat loss benefits [8].

This product doesn’t seem to provide an adequate dose to support body fat reduction and help users achieve significant weight loss results or visible changes in their body shape.

Some people may exceed the recommended dosage hoping to experience the CLA benefits sooner, but in that way, they risk experiencing adverse effects rather than improvement.

Customer Reviews

Ab Cuts Review

Having read hundreds of customer reviews from various online sources, I’ve noticed that some people are satisfied with the product. They’ve rated it with 4 or 5 stars, explaining that it’s an affordable, easy-to-swallow CLA supplement that made them feel better overall and curbed their appetite to help control weight after a while.

Many other negative testimonials complained that it didn’t work as expected and gave them some stomach discomfort.

“Has not worked as well as I was under the assumption it would. I have watched my diet, done some exercises, and am not as pleased and I think I should be. Some people may have had better results, but for me it has not been so well. Only lost 3 pounds. Very disappointed.” Wanda S.

“I'm on a strict diet, and I'm going to the gym but my results are not different than any other time I have dieted. So basically no way to know if it is having any results. Nothing amazing or out of the ordinary that I can say is a result of this product.” Lee M.

“I had high hopes for this product being that there is a lot of evidence behind CLA and abdominal fat reduction. And this product may work for some people; but I would have to agree with those that say it made them nauseous and gave them digestive issues. I take a lot of supplements with no issues so not sure what’s different about this one. Just be aware, something in them may upset your stomach. It’s too bad, I really wanted to like them.” Leah Howlett

Fat Burner Alternatives


PhenQ, as revealed in our review, ranks among the top weight loss supplements that target weight loss in five unique ways.

It is an all-natural fat burner that intends to shed stored body fat, block new fat production, regulate appetite, boost energy levels, and improve focus.

Unlike Ab Cuts CLA Belly Fat Formula, which uses CLA, omega-3, and vitamin E to reduce body fat, PhenQ contains caffeine, Capsimax powder, and L-carnitine to enhance metabolism and increase energy well as chromium and nopal to suppress your appetite.

It’s highly different from Ab Cuts CLA Belly Fat Formula as PhenQ is a 5-in-1 weight loss pill containing scientifically proven ingredients that have been scientifically proven to work for maximizing fat loss.


Unlike Ab Cuts CLA Belly Fat Formula, which targets fat reduction and healthy metabolism, in our discovery LeanBean is an all-natural weight loss supplement with a female-friendly formula that boosts thermogenesis and suppresses appetite for faster weight loss.

It contains a small dose of caffeine from natural sources like a green coffee bean, turmeric, glucomannan, chromium, and vitamins B6 and B12 to support overall weight loss and immunity, all of which are not seen in the Ab Cuts CLA formula.

It has a higher price tag than Ab Cuts CLA because it’s a vegan-friendly weight loss pill that works as an appetite suppressant, making it suitable for women struggling to lose weight with dieting and exercise alone.

Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout Cut is a vegan fat burner originally formulated for bodybuilders and performance athletes.

Unlike Ab Cuts CLA Belly Fat Formula which heavily relies on the combination of CLA, omega-3, and vitamin E to reduce fat, it contains common ingredients such as caffeine, glucomannan, and L-theanine to promote thermogenesis and suppress appetite.

Overall, its safe and potent formula for men and women is ideal for professional athletes who want to enhance muscle growth, strength, and endurance and active people who need a boost in losing weight and getting ripped.


Can Ab Cuts Target Specific Areas of the Body?

No, Ab Cuts can’t target specific areas of the body. No other weight loss supplement can do that.

Does CLA Work Without Exercise?

CLA works without exercise, according to some dubious findings. But, I believe it barely works for fat loss, even with regular exercise.

Is It Safe to Take?

It is safe to take up to 6,000mg of CLA for a year, according to the National Institutes of Health. The studies about its long-term usage in higher doses are inconclusive.

Since this product doesn’t contain any banned or harmful ingredients, I guess it’s not risky for healthy people to consume it following the directions and the recommended daily dosage.

Other safe fat burners we've reviewed:

Do You Get Energy from These Pills?

No, you don’t get energy from these pills based on user reviews, just help in appetite control.

Are They Gluten-Free?

Yes,  they are gluten-free, as the manufacturer claims.

Does Ab Cuts CLA Belly Fat Work?

I doubt that Ab Cuts CLA Belly Fat Formula works exactly as officially presented based on what I’ve learned about Ab Cuts CLA while researching this review.

Although it might be an average CLA supplement option, there’s no conclusive evidence it works for weight loss because the CLA effects on reducing fat are insignificant and unreliable.

Since it lacks proven, effective appetite-suppressant and thermogenic ingredients, I wouldn’t call it a fat burner or pick it over other effective products.

I’d rather trust 190,000+ users satisfied with the science-backed PhenQ formula instead and try it out risk-free.

We Recommend This Instead


PhenQ CTA supplement product
Overall Score 5.0
  • Boosts energy for better gym performance
  • Suppresses appetite
  • Improves overall mood and brain function
  • Replenishes the body's lost electrolytes
  • Get the BEST PRICE until the end of September
  • Can be only purchased through the company website
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4 thoughts on “Ab Cuts CLA Belly Fat Formula Review
Read This Before Buying

  1. These are actually useful! When I was boxing professionally, I used them to help me lose fat and build lean muscle.

  2. Is this different from the Ab Cuts Enhanced CLA Belly Fat Formula? If so, how is it different?

  3. Does anyone know if it’s safe to double Ab Cuts dosage by taking double?

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