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9 Suspension Training Workout Routines (TRX Exercises)

Christiana Mikesch
Published by Christiana Mikesch | Senior Coach
Last updated: June 29, 2023

Suspension trainer workouts can boost your functional strength, cardiovascular health, weight loss, and balance.

As a fitness coach, I’ve compiled a list of the total body resistance exercises (TRX) that have yielded the best results for my clients.

After conducting thorough research, I narrowed the list down to the top nine exercises.

Quick Summary

  • The best TRX exercises include squats, chest presses, triceps extensions, chest flys, biceps curls, lateral lunges, glute bridges, and planks.
  • Suspension training is a form of bodyweight training that utilizes your body weight and suspension trainer strap to give you a full-body exercise that enhances strength, balance, and flexibility.
  • Common suspension training mistakes include improper form, attempting advanced exercises too soon, and not engaging the core during the training.

Suspension Trainer Workout Routine

Man using suspension trainer for his workout

1. TRX Squats

How to perform this exercise: 

  1. Position your TRX training system bands nearly shoulder height and hold onto the handles.
  2. Stand facing the TRX and hold the handles in front of your stomach with your elbows bent and toes facing forward.
  3. Squat down and keep your chest up and back straight as if you’re taking a seat in a chair.
  4. At the bottom of your squat, use your legs to push back to the starting position rather than pulling yourself up with the TRX.
  5. Repeat for a few sets.

2. TRX Push-ups

To properly execute a push-up: 

  1. With the TRX suspension training straps attached to the high anchor point, adjust the TRX strap so that the handles are just a few inches off the floor.
  2. Get into a push-up position, your feet hip-width apart and your hands shoulder-width apart, holding on to the TRX handles.
  3. Slowly bend your elbows to lower your upper body until your chest touches the ground. Your core is engaged and your body is straight from your heels to your heady.
  4. Push your body to the starting position.
  5. Repeat for as many reps as you desire. Remember to keep your head and neck aligned with your spine, and avoid arching or sagging your back during the movement.

3. TRX Chest Press

Doing TRX Chest Press

How to do a chest press with a TRX or other suspension system:

  1. Attach quality suspension trainer straps to an anchor point above your head.
  2. Adjust the straps to a mid-length position and hold the handles.
  3. Lean forward to a 40-degree angle.
  4. Lower yourself toward the floor, and bend your elbows to a 90-degree angle.
  5. Press yourself back up to return to the starting position. Remember to keep your core engaged and your back straight throughout the movement.
  6. Repeat TRX chest workout until reaching the desired amount of reps.

“Keep the straps from scraping your skin by setting up the cables and exercise properly. It may feel more stable resting the straps on your arms during the chest press, but it makes the exercise less effective and creates an uncomfortable skin problem post workout.”

- Darla Leal, Editor at

4. TRX Triceps Extension

To perform this TRX suspension trainer exercise: 

  1. Assume a plank position and brace your core so your spine is neutral.
  2. Fall out so that your elbows are on your forehead, and keep your elbows close to your ears.
  3. Extend your elbows and keep your core tight and your back straight as you raise your body to the starting position.
  4. Repeat for the desired amount of reps, making sure to keep control and form throughout the exercise.

5. Chest Fly

Performing Chest fly using suspension trainer

How to do this exercise using a TRX suspension trainer:

  1. Hold the TRX handles evenly on both sides of your body at chest level.
  2. Take a step back.
  3. Open up your arms with a slight bent in your elbows.
  4. Pause for three seconds before slowly bringing your hands in front of you.
  5. Repeat for the desired amount of repetitions.

6. Biceps Curl

How to perform suspension trainers' biceps curls:

  1. Hold the handles with both hands.
  2. Lay back so your hands are entirely extended, maintaining a neutral spine.
  3. Curl yourself up and squeeze at the top.
  4. Slowly lower back down towards the floor to return to the starting position.
  5. Repeat until reaching the desired amount of repetitions.

7. Lateral Lunge

Doing lateral lunge in her home gym

How to perform this total body resistance exercise:

  1. Stand with your legs straight, feet shoulder-width apart, and arms extended in front of you, holding the TRX straps.
  2. Push your hips back, keeping your arms straight, bending the right leg until the knee reaches 90 degrees.
  3. Push back through this leg to return to the standing position, maintaining a straight back throughout.
  4. Repeat for the opposite side.

8. Glute Bridge

How to do this exercise:

  1. Lay down on your back on the ground.
  2. Insert your heels into the cradles.
  3. Put your hands on the ground and lift your hips, forming a straight line from the knees to the shoulders.
  4. Pause for three seconds before slowly lowering yourself back down to the starting position.
  5. Repeat until reaching the desired amount of repetitions.

9. Plank

Doing suspended plank outdoors

How to do this exercise:

  1. Set up the straps at mid-calf length.
  2. Lie on the ground with your hips aligned to the anchor point.
  3. Place your heels into the foot cradles and your hands below your shoulder blades.
  4. Bend your elbows landing softly on your forearms, maintaining a neutral spine.
  5. Hold for 3 seconds before slowly extending your arms to return to the starting position.
  6. Repeat until reaching the desired amount of repetitions.

What Are the Benefits of TRX Suspension Training?

Woman doing suspension training

The benefits of TRX suspension training are enhanced strength, balance, weight loss, flexibility, and joint health.

Incorporate suspension training, a form of traditional resistance training that engages your upper body, into your fitness routine. Perform TRX exercises that require you to move away from the anchor point to challenge your stability and activate multiple muscle groups. Enjoy the benefits of full-body workouts inspired by Navy SEAL training.

Intermediate to moderate fitness enthusiasts can incorporate TRX into their routine to build a strong core and muscular endurance [1].

By utilizing your body weight and gravity, this training equipment can give you a full-body workout and allow you to perform dozens of exercises.

As the TRX straps’ length is adjustable, you can work your entire body and train your muscles at different angles.

Engage your chest muscles by lifting weights while maintaining proper body form, with your left knee and left foot supported by the TRX system. Extend your left arm and leg, ensuring your arms are fully extended for optimal mobility training. Challenge your stability by performing exercises on one foot using the TRX system.

Additionally, suspension training has less injury risk compared to free weight workouts as it is joint-friendly. You can adjust the intensity of the exercise.

For example, if you’re performing a low row, your feet position and strap length can adjust this exercise’s difficulty level.

“​​One of the many pros of this method of training is developing a strong core. A stronger core improves posture, helps relieve low back pain, and reduces the risk of injury. This is so important for functional fitness.”
- Darla Leal, Editor at

What Are Examples of Common Mistakes During TRX Workout? 

Woman doing TRX workouts

Examples of common mistakes during TRX workouts include poor form, dropping the elbows, and loose suspension training straps.

  • Improper Form - One of the most common mistakes people make during a TRX workout is failing to properly adjust the straps to their body. This can lead to improper form, injury, and ineffective results.
  • Disengaging the Core - Many people forget to engage their core during the workout, which is essential for stability and balance.
  • Loose Suspension Straps - The suspension straps should be tight during each movement to be effective and intense [2].
  • Uneven Pressure on the Sides - If the straps are uneven, your movements will feel lopsided.
  • Physical Unreadiness - Be aware of performing some TRX exercises that don’t match your fitness level too soon.
  • Letting the TRX Straps Rub Against the Skin - Straps might constantly rub against your biceps or shoulders in pressing movements due to improper strap setup. Keeping them away from your skin is essential to prevent friction.


Can You Build Muscle With TRX Training?

Yes, you can build muscle with TRX training. By using your own body weight and the resistance of the straps, TRX can help you build strength, endurance, and muscle mass.

Can You Do Suspension Training Every Day?

No, you can’t do suspension training every day. Most experts suggest that recovery time is crucial for muscle growth and repair. Including rest days into your workout schedule is crucial to avoid setbacks, injury, or burnout, which can delay your fitness progress.

Maximize Your Suspension Training Results with Protein Powders

Suspension training can help you improve your bodyweight movements and feel more functionally fit.

Combine weight training with bodyweight exercises under the guidance of a personal trainer to maximize the benefits of your TRX workout. Use the foot cradles to stabilize yourself in the starting position for effective push-ups and other exercises.

Due to their unstable nature, these exercises will allow you to build core strength and greater mobility.

I also advise my clients to incorporate a healthy regimen and add one of the protein powders below:

After trying out these products, we experienced an improvement in strength, energy, focus, and muscle growth.


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