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8-Week Body Recomposition Workout Plan (Faster Results)

Connor Sellers
Published by Connor Sellers | Senior Coach
Last updated: July 23, 2023

The body recomposition workout plan is for you if you seek the best workout plan to build muscle and lose body fat simultaneously.

However, building muscle while also losing fat can represent a big challenge, and that’s why proper weight lifting and cardio programs are necessary to achieve those results.

Based on my experience as a certified personal and more than 43 hours of research, I created the perfect body recomposition workout routine you can already implement today.

After reading the article, you will know everything about the workout routine, nutritional plan, and supplementation plan necessary to recomposition your body by reducing body fat percentage and gaining muscle.

Quick Summary

  • The body recomposition workout consists of 8 weeks of combined resistance and cardio training with different volumes and intensities to lose fat and gain muscles.
  • Everything from the workout routine to the diet and supplementation must be sorted out before starting the recomposition process to ensure maximum results and avoid severe health problems or mechanical injuries.
  • The only way to lose weight, whether fat-free or fat-mass, is to be in a calorie deficit, which means consuming fewer calories than your total daily energy expenditure.

Body Recomposition Workout Routine

A person doing body recomposition workouts at the gym

To get the most out of your body recomposition plan, you must follow certain guidelines, and the first one is progressive overload.

Progressive overload means increasing the intensity, number of sets, reps, or total training volume for each following workout session [1].

This will ensure maximal hypertrophy and strength gains while minimizing the stagnation and plateau that always occurs with inappropriate programming [2].

In addition, you should carefully monitor your behavior during the recomposition plan for signs of overtraining.

Overtraining will decrease your performance and increase the potential for future injuries [3]. 

Lastly, follow the exact order of exercises from the list, and if you wish to change them, always perform compound exercises first and isolation exercises second.

This will maximize hypertrophy and strength gains, minimize the risk of injuries, and allow your central nervous system to be recovered for each following activity [4].

The exercises will be ordered based on difficulty (compound exercises are harder than isolation exercises).

Here is the entire body recomposition workout plan:

  • Monday - Workout A + LISS (low-intensity steady-state) Cardio
  • Tuesday - Workout B
  • Wednesday - Workout C + HIIT (high-intensity interval training) Cardio
  • Thursday - Workout D + LISS Cardio
  • Friday - Workout E
  • Saturday - Workout F + HIIT Cardio
  • Sunday - Rest Day (No Cardio or Lifting)

"Whether you’re heading back to the gym after a long period away or you’re braving the weight room for the first time, figuring out what to do once you hit the gym can be daunting. That personal trainer you worked with a few years ago had you do awesome exercises, but now that you’re striking out on your own, you might have no idea how to build your first workout program without someone else telling you what to do."

- Jake Boly, Certified Personal Trainer

Phase 1 (Weeks 1 to 4)

A person doing bench presses at the gym

Here is the phase 1 (weeks 1 to 4) of the whole body recomposition plan.

Workout A (Chest and Triceps)

  • Incline barbell bench press - perform 4 sets of 8 reps and rest between 2 and 5 minutes between the sets.
  • Decline barbell bench press - complete 3 sets of 12 reps and rest 3 minutes before the following set.
  • Cable flies - perform 3 sets of 12 reps and rest for no more than 90 seconds between the sets.
  • EZ-bar skull crushers - complete 3 sets of 12 reps and rest between the sets for 60 to 90 seconds.
  • Dips (bodyweight or with added resistance) - perform 3 sets of 12 reps and rest for as little as possible between the sets.
  • Reverse-grip tricep press downs - complete 3 sets of 12 reps and rest for no more than 90 seconds between the sets.

Related Articles:

Workout B (Back and Biceps)

  • Barbell deadlifts - perform 4 sets of 8 reps and rest between 2 and 5 minutes between the sets.
  • Close-grip lat pulldowns - complete 4 sets of 10 reps and rest for 2 minutes between the sets.
  • Bent-over barbell rows - perform 3 sets of 12 reps and rest for 2 minutes between the sets.
  • Wide-grip lat pulldowns - perform 3 sets of 12 reps and rest for 3 minutes between the sets.
  • Reverse-grip barbell curls - complete 3 sets of 12 reps and rest for 90 seconds between the sets.
  • Cable curls - perform 3 sets of 12 reps and rest as little as possible between the sets.

Related: Best Back and Biceps Workout Routine

Workout C (Quads, Glutes, and Hamstrings)

A woman doing squat workouts at the gym
  • Barbell back squats - perform 4 sets of 6 reps and rest for up to 5 minutes before the following set.
  • Stiff-legged barbell deadlifts - complete 3 sets of 8 reps and rest as much as needed before the next set.
  • Barbell lunges - perform 8 lunges with both legs for 3 sets and rest for 3 minutes between the sets.
  • Leg curls - complete 3 sets of 12 reps and rest for 90 seconds between the sets.
  • Leg extensions - perform 3 sets of 12 reps and rest for 90 seconds between the sets.
  • Reverse hyperextensions - perform 3 sets of 10 reps and rest for as little as possible between the sets.

Workout D (Shoulders and Traps)

  • Seated barbell overhead press - perform 8 reps for 4 sets and rest between 2 and 5 minutes between the sets.
  • Standing barbell shrugs - complete 4 sets of 12 reps and rest as little as possible between the sets.
  • Machine shoulder press - perform 3 sets of 12 reps and rest for 90 seconds between the sets.
  • Machine lateral raise - complete 4 sets of 8 reps and rest for 2 minutes between the sets.
  • High-angle cable face pulls - perform 3 sets of 12 reps and rest for 90 seconds between the sets.
  • Cable shrugs - complete 3 sets of 12 reps and rests as little as possible between the sets.

Workout E (Arm Day — Biceps and Triceps)

A person working out his biceps and triceps at the gym
  • Standing barbell curls - perform 12 reps for 4 sets and rest for 2 minutes between the sets.
  • Close-grip barbell bench press - complete 3 sets of 12 reps and rest for 2 minutes between the sets.
  • EZ-bar curls - perform 3 sets of 12 reps and rest for 90 seconds between the sets.
  • EZ-bar skull crushers - complete 3 sets of 10 reps and rest for 90 seconds between the sets.
  • Reverse-grip cable curls - perform 3 sets of 12 reps and rest for 90 seconds between the sets.
  • Tricep press downs - complete 3 sets of 12 reps and rest as little as possible between the sets.

Also Read: Best Arm Fat Exercises

Workout F (HIIT Cardio + Abs and Calves)

  • Ab wheel rollouts - perform 10 ab wheel rollouts for 3 sets and rest as much as needed between the sets.
  • Seated calf raise - complete 3 sets of 12 reps and rest as little as possible between the sets.
  • Hanging leg raises - perform 3 sets of 12 reps and rest as little as possible between the sets.
  • Calf raises on leg press machine - complete 3 sets of 15 reps and rest as little as possible between the sets.
  • Decline weighted sit-ups - perform 3 sets of 15 reps and rest as little as possible between the sets.

Phase 2 (Weeks 5 to 8)

A person doing barbell presses at the gym

Here is the phase 2 (weeks 5 to 8) of the whole body recomposition plan.

Workout A (Chest and Triceps)

  • Incline dumbbell (DB) bench press - perform 4 sets of 8 reps and rest between 2 and 5 minutes between the sets.
  • Decline DB bench press - complete 3 sets of 12 reps and rest 3 minutes before the following set.
  • Flat DB flyes - perform 3 sets of 12 reps and rest for no more than 90 seconds between the sets.
  • Dips (bodyweight or with added resistance) - complete 3 sets of 12 reps and rest between the sets for 60 to 90 seconds.
  • DB overhead tricep extensions - perform 3 sets of 12 reps and rest for as little as possible between the sets.
  • Cable rope press downs - complete 3 sets of 12 reps and rest for no more than 90 seconds between the sets.

Workout B (Back and Biceps)

  • DB deadlifts - perform 4 sets of 8 reps and rest between 2 and 5 minutes between the sets.
  • Close-grip lat pulldowns - complete 4 sets of 10 reps and rest for 2 minutes between the sets.
  • DB rows - perform 3 sets of 12 reps and rest for 2 minutes between the sets.
  • Wide-grip lat pulldowns - perform 3 sets of 12 reps and rest for 3 minutes between the sets.
  • DB Hammer curls - complete 3 sets of 12 reps and rest for 90 seconds between the sets.
  • Cable curls - perform 3 sets of 12 reps and rest as little as possible between the sets.

Workout C (Quads, Glutes, and Hamstrings)

A woman lifting a barbell and doing squats
  • Hack squats - perform 4 sets of 6 reps and rest for up to 5 minutes before the following set.
  • Stiff-legged DB deadlifts - complete 4 sets of 8 reps and rest as much as needed before the next set.
  • DB Bulgarian split squats - perform 8 split squats with both legs for 3 sets and rest for 3 minutes between the sets.
  • Leg curls - complete 4 sets of 12 reps and rest for 90 seconds between the sets.
  • Leg extensions - perform 4 sets of 12 reps and rest for 90 seconds between the sets.
  • Reverse hyperextensions - perform 4 sets of 10 reps and rest for as little as possible between the sets.

Workout D (Shoulders and Traps)

  • Seated DB overhead press - perform 8 reps for 4 sets and rest between 2 and 5 minutes between the sets.
  • Standing DB shrugs - complete 4 sets of 12 reps and rest for as little as possible between the sets.
  • Machine shoulder press - perform 3 sets of 12 reps and rest for 90 seconds between the sets.
  • DB side laterals - complete 4 sets of 8 reps and rest for 2 minutes between the sets.
  • High-angle cable face pulls - perform 3 sets of 12 reps and rest for 90 seconds between the sets.
  • Cable shrugs - complete 3 sets of 12 reps and rests as little as possible between the sets.

Workout E (Arm Day — Biceps and Triceps)

A person doing bicep curls at the gym
  • Seated DB curls - perform 12 reps for 4 sets and rest for 2 minutes between the sets.
  • DB overhead tricep extensions - complete 3 sets of 12 reps and rest for 2 minutes between the sets.
  • DB concentration curls - perform 3 sets of 12 reps and rest for 90 seconds between the sets.
  • DB skull crushers - complete 3 sets of 10 reps and rest for 90 seconds between the sets.
  • Reverse grip cable curls - perform 3 sets of 12 reps and rest for 90 seconds between the sets.
  • Tricep press downs - complete 3 sets of 12 reps and rest as little as possible between the sets.

Workout F (HIIT Cardio + Abs and Calves)

  • Ab wheel rollouts - perform 12 ab wheel rollouts for 4 sets and rest as much as needed between the sets.
  • Seated calf raise - complete 4 sets of 12 reps and rest as little as possible between the sets.
  • Hanging leg raises - perform 4 sets of 12 reps and rest as little as possible between the sets.
  • Calf raises on leg press machine - complete 4 sets of 15 reps and rest as little as possible between the sets.
  • Decline weighted sit-ups - perform 4 sets of 15 reps and rest as little as possible between the sets.

What Is Body Recomposition?

A person lifting weights at the gym

Body recomposition is the process of recompositioning your body. It entails changing your lean body mass to body fat ratio.

Body recomposition means changing the amount of muscles and body fat your body currently has.

It usually entails increasing fat-free mass, such as muscles, and lowering the body fat percentage by reducing fat stores.

To build lean muscle mass, you must incorporate resistance training sessions focusing on the lower body, upper body, and core musculature.

To lower the body fat percentage by raising your fat-free mass, all you need to do is start with muscle hypertrophy training.

However, if you seek to lower the body fat percentage by reducing fat stores, especially belly fat, you must introduce cardio sessions with mostly aerobic emphasis.

This is because it has been proven that aerobic workouts burn the most significant amount of fat, especially in the belly area. This is because it has been proven that exercising in the aerobic zone burns the most significant amount of fat [5].

This zone is between 35 and 50% of VO2 max (maximum rate of oxygen consumption) in beginners and increases based on experience, current fitness level, age, sports history, and other factors.

"If you’re a fresh-faced trainee in your first months — or year — of training, you’re suffering from an embarrassment of riches that you may not even realize. Your strength skyrockets on a weekly basis, your mood improves as you adjust to the mental benefits of regular exercise, and, of course, you pack on meat like you work at a butcher shop."

- Jake Dickson, Certified Personal Trainer

Suggested Foods to Lose Fat and Gain Muscle

A person eating a salad at home

Here are some lean protein sources to eat for healthy body recomposition:

  • Chicken breast - 1 oz or 28.35g
  • Turkey breast - 1 oz or 28.35g
  • Fresh fish - 1 oz or 28.35g
  • Shellfish - 25 oz or 35.5g
  • Egg whites - 2 eggs worth 67g
  • Egg beaters - ¼ cup or 2.15 oz or 61g
  • Salmon filet - 1 oz or 28.35g (also counts as ½ a fat serving)
  • Lean sirloin - ¾ oz or 21.25g
  • Eggs - 1 egg or 50g (also counts as 1 fat serving)
  • Salmon - 1 oz or 28.35g (also counts as ½ a fat serving)

Here are some healthy fat sources to eat for healthy body recomposition:

  • Peanut/almond butter - 2 tsp or 0.38 oz or 10.6g (smooth or crunchy)
  • Avocado - 1 oz or 28.35g
  • Peanuts - 1/3 oz or 9.36g
  • Extra-virgin olive oil - 1 tsp/4.5g or 0.16 oz
  • Almonds - 6 pieces or 8.6g (dry roasted)
  • Aged and fresh cheeses - 1 oz or 28.35g
  • Cashews - 1/3 oz or 1 tsp/9.65g
  • Flax oil - 1 tsp or 4.5g
  • Enova oil - 1 tsp or 4.5g
  • Benecol light - 1 tbsp or 14g

Here are some healthy carbohydrate sources to eat for healthy body recomposition:

  • Bagel - ½ or 42g (whole-wheat, oat-bran, 9-grain)
  • Pita bread - ½ or 32g (6.5 inches in diameter)
  • Barley - 25 tbsp or 15.6g (pearled or dry)
  • Granola - 5 tbsp or 16.5g
  • Honey - ¾ tbsp or 15.8g
  • Oatmeal - ¼ cup or 20g (dry)
  • Rice - 1/3 cup or 64.35g (brown long-grain and cooked)
  • Pasta - 1/3 cup or 46g (wheat and cooked)

Supplements for Body Recomposition

A person holding supplements for body recomposition

The best supplements to eat for body recomposition include protein powders that promote muscle growth, pre-workouts, and fat burners. Protein powders have two types, casein, and whey.

Whey protein powder quickly enters the bloodstream and allows for faster recovery, but it also stays less in the bloodstream, and sometimes not all the nutrients get absorbed properly.

Casein protein powder slowly enters the bloodstream and stays there longer than whey, but it isn’t the best for fast recovery.

Pre-workouts will help you get ramped up before the workout, even when you don’t feel like working out [6].

The ones with caffeine, creatine, and beta-alanine are especially useful, so consider these ingredients for the perfect pre-workout supplement.

Lastly, fat burners can help that little extra inch during the weight loss journey, but you shouldn’t just rely on them.

They are only effective if you correctly set the whole workout, diet, and supplementation routine.


How Long Does It Take for a Body to Recomposition?

It takes between 8 to 12 weeks for the body to recomposition. After 8 weeks, your body will start to exhibit visible changes regarding lean body muscle mass, percentage of body fat, body weight, and similar.

How Should I Workout for Body Recomposition?

You should combine cardio and weight training workouts for body recomposition to increase fat-free mass, initiate muscle growth, decrease body fat percentage, and increase bone density.

By combining resistance training with high-intensity interval training, and cardiovascular exercises, you can drastically improve your body composition by quickly initiating churning calories, fat loss, and muscle hypertrophy.

How Realistic Is Body Recomposition?

Body recomposition is very realistic if you follow a high-protein diet, muscle-building resistance-based program, and appropriate supplementation. You can easily increase your lean body mass (muscle mass) by performing a couple of resistance training sessions and regulating your daily calorie intake.

What Is the Best Supplement for a Body Recomposition Workout?

The best supplement for a body recomposition workout is a high-quality whey protein powder.

It enters the bloodstream quickly, allowing for better muscle protein synthesis and faster recovery.

In addition, having a lean diet and proper protein supplementation will decrease stored body fat (excess body fat) and increase the rate at which burning body fat occurs.

How much protein you ingest daily is crucial to initiate weight loss and build muscle mass, so I advise you to read the following articles to help you choose the best protein powder tailored to your goals and needs:

Let me know how you plan to start with your new body recomposition plan and if there are any things or steps along the way you need help with.


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