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8 Best Teas for Weight Loss With Fat Burning Effect

Connor Sellers
Published by Connor Sellers | Senior Coach
Last updated: August 5, 2023

As a personal fitness coach, I work closely with my clients and dietitians to make their weight loss efforts as effective as possible.

One of the more interesting ways that I have found to deal with belly fat more effectively is by adding certain types of teas. But you can’t just drink any kind of tea, as not all of them will have an impact on fat cells.

So, I got together with my nutritionist and dietitian to look up the scientific studies on the best teas for weight loss.

Here’s what I learned.

Quick Summary

  • The best tea for burning fat are green tea, black tea, white tea, ginger tea, oolong tea, peppermint tea, and hibiscus tea.
  • Tea contains some antioxidants called catechins which directly impact how the body breaks down fat in the body.
  • Green tea extracts, white tea extract, and Pu Erh tea extract are some supplements you can also consider to substitute tea.

Can Drinking Tea Help You Lose Weight?

Holding a hot cup of tea

Yes, drinking tea can help you lose weight.

Scientific research has shown that there are antioxidants called catechins in some teas that can have a direct impact on how easily your body can break down fat [1].

These studies have shown that by reducing the bottleneck from breaking down fat, they can also help you maintain a healthier and lower body mass index.

You also need to consider that some teas contain caffeine. And this stimulant has been shown to have a thermogenic effect on your metabolism to boost weight loss even more [2].

“Teas have a type of flavonoid called catechins that may boost metabolism and help your body break down fats more quickly. And the caffeine in many teas increases your energy use, causing your body to burn more calories.”

- Sabrina Felson, MD,

Let me now show you some ideal teas for weight loss.

8 Types Of Tea Ideal For Burning Fat

Isolated tea on table outdoors

Having consulted and researched scientific papers and confirmed them in practice, I’ve compiled my list of teas that can promote weight loss.

1. Green Tea

Green tea is by far the best tea for weight loss. Multiple studies have proven a link to fat metabolism, but the most important one is a study from 2008 [3].

In this clinical trial, a group of obese people was able to lose over 7 pounds more weight than the control group.

And they achieved this in just 12 weeks of drinking green tea.

Another study had a look at the effects of ​​green tea extract and whether it could burn belly fat [4].

The results also showed that individuals who drank green tea reduced waist circumference in test subjects.

That’s why I recommend that all my weight loss clients drink a few cups of green tea or take an extract on a daily basis.

2. Black Tea

Black tea is what you’ll typically find as an English breakfast tea. Studies on this type have also shown a direct link to weight loss and reduced waist circumference in strict trial conditions [5].

The study highlighted that it wasn’t just the caffeine content of black tea that could be triggering improved fat reduction.

One tip I got from my dietitian is to make homemade iced tea without sugar to lose weight over the summer months as well.

It’s very refreshing and is great to sip on at the gym to remain hydrated.

3. Pu Erh Tea

Pouring a Pu Erh Tea on glass cup

Pu Erh tea is a traditional Chinese tea, and you’ll be able to get it in most Asian food stores.

The fermented Chinese tea has a unique flavor that takes a bit of getting used to. But the benefits that scientists have found should convince you to add a cup to your diet plan.

One study found that a test group taking Pu Erh tea experienced over 2 pounds of increased weight loss compared to the control group [6].

It’s a great herbal tea, and I’ve even seen it in health food stores mixed with other ingredients to achieve different flavors.

4. White Tea

White tea can be difficult to find as it’s not overly popular in the U.S. The tea leaves are barely processed and picked from young plants, resulting in a very subtle flavor in my experience.

But when it comes to metabolism-boosting catechins, white tea seems to have comparable amounts to green tea [7].

These are chemical substances found in many herbal plants and teas that can promote weight loss when you regularly take them in a large enough concentration [8].

It’s not as heavily studied as green tea, but for some people, the flavor might be more appealing.

5. Ginger Tea

A Ginger tea on mug

Many people take ginger as a tea or extract because of its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects [9].

While this can be very helpful for athletes, there’s also the potential benefit of weight loss.

Multiple studies have shown positive impacts of ginger when it comes to fighting obesity and weight management [10].

You can add more to your meals or simply drink a couple of cups of ginger tea each day. It has a great spicy flavor, and I find it quite refreshing.

6. Oolong Tea

The best way I can describe Oolong tea is that it’s somewhere between black and green tea. Oolong tea also tends to have a slightly more fruity flavor and smell.

The most interesting study I found measured the effect of this Chinese tea on metabolic rates and body fat oxidation. Scientists concluded that it had a significant impact on fat cells by boosting metabolic rates by almost 3% [11].

That can add up to a lot of calories to significantly reduce your body fat index.

7. Peppermint Tea

Top view of a cup of peppermint tea

My grandmother always recommended peppermint tea for upset stomach and indigestion. But there is also increasing evidence that it can help with weight loss.

One study, in particular, found that peppermint oil increased satiety in a test group [12]. What that means is that when you pick the right timing between meals, a cup of peppermint tea could help you avoid hunger cravings and snacking.

And if you tend to snack on unhealthy stuff like candy bars, then this simple and refreshing drink can help you better burn belly fat.

8. Hibiscus Tea

Hibiscus tea has a unique flavor that is sweet and sour with a fruity hint to it. I find it very refreshing, and you can drink it cold as well in the summer.

Medical science has concluded that this tea can help with weight loss and improve BMI, with one trial showing significant improvements after 12 weeks [13].

It also has many other benefits for your overall health, which should convince you to start drinking it on a regular basis.

Related: Drinks That Burn Fat While Sleeping

Timing Your Intake

The only thing I would say about timing these teas is that you might want to avoid drinking black and green tea later in the day because they contain some caffeine [14].

While caffeine can help with weight loss, it could end up messing with your sleep cycles.

What you can do is drink green tea in the morning and then switch to hibiscus or Oolong tea in the afternoon.

Drinking black tea in the morning can also reduce your coffee intake and reduce the chances of getting jittery.

Taking Advantage Of Extracts

Different tea extracts

If you’re not a fan of drinking herbal tea, then you can still take advantage of them through supplements.

These are the most common extracts you’ll find on supplements that aim to get you to your weight loss goals faster:

  • Green tea extract
  • Pu Erh tea extract
  • White tea extract

Check the supplement labels or ask your local health food store if they have powdered or capsule tea extract.


Should You Drink Tea Every Day For Faster Weight Loss?

Yes, you should drink tea every day for faster weight loss. If you pick the right types of tea, you can increase fat oxidation and reduce your hunger cravings as well.

Can You Drink Too Much Fat-Burning Tea?

Yes, you can drink too much fat-burning tea. While they do have many health benefits, too much of a good thing can cause an upset stomach.

And because some teas contain caffeine, they can also make you feel jittery.

Should You Start Drinking Tea For Weight Loss?

While drinking herbal teas is not a replacement for a healthy diet and exercise routine, they can speed up your weight loss journey.

And I highly recommend buying a few of the above recommendations.

And if you’re aiming for reduced body weight and want to achieve this a bit faster, then try adding natural fat-burning supplements.

Check our thorough reviews where we are trying to find the best option in the market:

These can trigger increased metabolic rates to burn off more calories and fat, and even those small impacts on a daily basis will add up over the weeks and months ahead.


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