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7 Supplements That Lower Testosterone in Males (A Must-Try!)

Connor Sellers
Published by Connor Sellers | Senior Coach
Last updated: September 19, 2023
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As a certified fitness coach, I always ensure that my clients keep their levels of testosterone in check, which in turn helps them gain and maintain their muscle mass, improve their sexual drive, and boost their strengths.

As some of my clients suffered from high testosterone levels, I took my time to go through a vast amount of research to get information on supplements that would help them lower their T levels.

I will discuss my findings in this article.

Let's get right into it.

Quick Summary

  • Zinc, flaxseed, mint, and omega-3 are some supplements that can effectively lower testosterone levels.
  • Excess testosterone can cause puberty to start early, and cause dysfunction in areas that testosterone controls.
  • Testicular tumors, and taking excess supplements, can increase your testosterone levels.

What Are the Effects of High Testosterone in Men?

Irritated bearded man wearing glasses

The effects of high testosterone in men are irritable and aggressive behavior, low sperm count, and shrunken testicles.

In males, testosterone regulates libido, bone density, fat distribution, muscle mass, endurance, and the synthesis of sperm and red blood cells.

Men with excess testosterone levels may encounter a number of distressing symptoms and health effects.

These include: 

  • Mood changes such as irritation or aggression in certain men.
  • Reduced sexual performance and libido [1].
  • Acne and breakouts due to the interruption of testosterone’s role in creating and releasing skin oil.
  • Changes in hair growth, such as having excessive body hair or baldness.
  • Increased "bad" cholesterol levels, potentially leading to cardiac arrest, heart disease, or stroke [2].
  • Increased risk of sleep problems and infertility.

"Elevated testosterone can cause irritable and aggressive behavior, increased acne, and worse sleep apnea. You may experience reduced sperm count and shrinking testicles if you have an excess of testosterone in your blood."

- Joseph Brito, Doctor of Medicine

In our experience, most of our clients who had high testosterone levels suffered muscle mass loss, lack of sleep, and loss of energy.

Some also reported having experienced brain fog and a lack of concentration.

What Supplements Lower Testosterone in Males?

Top view of different supplements that lower testosterone in males

The supplements that lower testosterone in males include zinc, flaxseed, vitamin D, omega-3 fish oil, diindolylmethane, turmeric, and mint.

Below are some of our recommended supplements to help you decrease your testosterone levels.


Zinc, as one of the natural anti-androgen supplements, helps balance the testosterone levels in the body [3].

It also blocks the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase, which converts testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) [4].

Thyroid hormones have a variety of vital functions in the body, like metabolism, maturation, and body temperature [5].

Zinc aids the body in maintaining appropriate thyroid function by creating thyroid-releasing hormones inside the brain.

Men who are zinc deficient may not create sufficient amounts of these hormones.

This can also affect testosterone levels.

The recommended dose is 30-50 mg consumed immediately after a meal.

You should, however, not take zinc on an empty stomach, as it could make you nauseous.


Flaxseed inside a bowl

Flaxseeds are testosterone-killing foods that are known to be natural anti-androgen supplements high in heart-healthy lipids, fiber, and essential minerals and vitamins.

Furthermore, some studies suggest that they may induce a drop in testosterone levels in certain individuals.

This is due to the high concentration of lignans (primary sex hormone binding globulin), which are plant components that attach to testosterone and cause it to be expelled from your body [6].

Furthermore, flaxseeds contain omega-3 fatty acids, which have been associated with a drop in testosterone [7].

A small randomized controlled trial of 25 men having prostate cancer found that supplementation with flaxseed and reducing total fat intake dramatically decreased testosterone levels [8].

Similarly, a case study found that regularly taking flaxseed supplements reduced testosterone levels in a 31-year-old woman with polycystic ovary syndrome, a disorder marked by elevated male hormones [9].

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is an important fat-soluble vitamin required for bone strength. It also has anti-androgen characteristics that may help to reduce testosterone naturally.

It appears to work through a unique vitamin D receptor (VDR) found in human reproductive organs.

D vitamins are natural anti-androgens that function as regulators of several enzymes, especially those responsible for controlling the production of adrenal sex hormones created in adrenal glands. This, in turn, results in adequate testosterone production [10].

While best gained from the sun, you may want to use Vitamin D supplementation in a cloudy region during the winter months since it is not abundant in many dietary sources.

Omega 3 Fish Oil

Holding fish oils on hand

Omega-3s are a sort of necessary anti-androgen fatty acids that may assist in naturally reducing serum testosterone.

Fish such as salmon, sardines, and tuna are the finest dietary sources.

On the other hand, walnuts and chia seeds are plant sources of omega-3s.

Although, the type present in these plant sources is not as effectively absorbed in the body as the type found in fish supplies.

Those who consume mostly plant-based diets can supplement with algae-based supplements to achieve their nutritional requirements.

Omega-3 fatty acids can naturally reduce testosterone levels by exhibiting anti-androgen traits and improving insulin resistance, which aids in blood sugar control [11].

In a small research, individuals were given either 3 grams of omega-3 or a placebo daily.

The testosterone level was considerably lower in the individuals who received omega-3 supplementation, according to the study [12].

Omega-3 fish oil can also aid women with polycystic ovary syndrome by reducing metabolic disorders such as insulin resistance and obesity.

Diindolylmethane (DIM)

So, what is DIM?

Diindolylmethane is a naturally occurring chemical that is produced during the digestion of plants like broccoli and kale.

DIM helps to block the aromatase enzyme, which converts testosterone to estrogen.

That said, DMIs are natural anti-androgen supplements that aid in lowering free testosterone levels in the body and better managing the symptoms associated with excessive T levels [13].


Turmeric powder spilled from a bowl

Turmeric is yet another excellent supplement to decrease testosterone naturally.

Curcumin, the foundational element of turmeric, has anti-inflammatory effects [14].

This is important because inflammation can occur in persons with high free testosterone levels due to hormonal and vitality effects.

In addition, a study found that turmeric extract can be beneficial for naturally suppressing testosterone levels.

This is achieved by improving insulin resistance, which directly impacts testosterone secretion in men [15].

Related: Does Turmeric Increase Testosterone?


Spearmint and peppermint, both herbs from the mint group, are natural anti-androgen supplements that have been found to affect testosterone directly.

One 30-day study found that daily consuming spearmint green tea decreases testosterone levels considerably  [16].

Similarly, animal research discovered that giving rats spearmint essential oil for 20 days decreased their serum testosterone levels [17].

Another animal research found that consuming peppermint tea affected levels of hormones in rats, resulting in a drop in testosterone when compared to the control group [18].

However, high-quality human research focusing on both sexes is required to determine how mint impacts testosterone levels in both males and females.

How Can TRT and Other Factors Cause High Testosterone Levels?

Muscular man holding steroids

High testosterone in men can be caused by anabolic steroid use, excessive use of testosterone supplements, and adrenal glands or testicular tumors.

Some bodybuilders and athletes use anabolic substances to boost athletic productivity and muscle growth.

They function similarly to natural testosterone by attaching to androgen (sex hormone) receptors in the brain [19].

This enables them to influence pathways that define masculine traits and trigger cells that create proteins that develop muscles.

Their binding to androgen receptors does not provide room for testosterone to attach, leading to high T levels in the body. Hence, signs of high testosterone are evident.

"Testosterone replacement therapy and supplementation with testosterone, whether obtained illegally or through a prescription, may also raise testosterone levels."

- Kevin Martinez, Doctor of Medicine

However, some males are genetically predisposed to generating high amounts of testosterone. For those considering testosterone replacement therapy, Check out the Fountain TRT review for more information.

According to the study published by the British Medical Journal, people in this group are at a substantially increased risk of having blood clots, cardiovascular disease, and a range of other circulatory concerns [20].

Because of the gravity of the situation, men with elevated levels of testosterone must be tested and notified of their potential risks.


How Can Men Reduce High Testosterone Levels?

Men can reduce high testosterone levels by supplementing with zinc, mint, flaxseed, and vitamins.

Does Zinc Lower Testosterone?

Yes, zinc lowers testosterone by raising the progesterone hormone that blocks the functions of androgens.

Is There a Pill to Lower Testosterone?

Yes, there is a pill to lower testosterone known as the Luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH). It reduces the amount of testosterone produced by the testicles.

Maintaining Testosterone Levels

The supplements mentioned above are a great way to lower your high testosterone levels. However, while changing your diet is a great start, you are at risk of substantially reducing your hormone production.

That said, incorporating a testosterone booster into your training routine is a great way to maintain a healthy balance.

We’ve tested a number of testosterone boosters and came up with a list of the best ones on the market.

They contain natural ingredients that aim at boosting testosterone levels and preserving a proper hormonal ratio.


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