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6 Exercises For Fat Knees to Tone Your Legs

Tracy Thompson
Published by Tracy Thompson | Senior Coach
Last updated: August 30, 2023

Throughout my ten-year career, I have specialized in developing targeted workouts to address specific problem areas, such as excess knee fat.

My tried-and-true exercises to reduce knee fat and build lean muscle have helped clients transform their bodies and achieve their fitness goals.

In this article, I’ll share insights on the best exercises for losing knee fat, discuss the benefits and risks of these workouts, and explain how they fit into a well-rounded fitness routine.

Let’s get started.

Quick Summary

  • The best exercises to lose inner knee fat include cardio and strength training.
  • Spot reduction of fat in the knee area is not possible with any single movement.
  • Cardiovascular exercise promotes overall fat loss, while resistance leg exercises can tone muscles.

Best Exercises to Target Knee Fat

A person checking out their knee fat outside

Losing weight is key to achieving more shapely legs and can prevent knee pain. You should implement a fitness plan with cardio, strength-training exercises, and proper nutrition.

Though you cannot spot-reduce knee fat, the following exercises will reduce your overall body fat percentage and improve muscle tone.

Run Or Jog

Running and jogging effectively burn calories and strengthen the front area around the knees.

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is more effective at burning calories than continuous endurance exercise [1].

Try these HIIT workouts for running:

  • Timed Sprints: Do short bursts of running for ten seconds, followed by two minutes of a light jog. Start with four rounds and increase as you get stronger.
  • Cardio Intervals: For 30–60 seconds, run at a hard pace, followed by 2–5 minutes of jogging at a leisurely pace, during which you can still maintain a conversation. Repeat the cycle based on your fitness level.
  • Hill Repeats: Run up a gentle hill or adjust the incline on a treadmill to 10–20%. Walk back down slowly. Repeat four rounds, gradually increasing the number of rounds.

However, running and jogging are high-impact activities that are tough on the knee joints, so if you have existing knee injuries, consider a low-impact option.

Ride A Bike

A person riding a bike outside

Biking is a good cardio exercise and provides toning benefits for the quads, thighs, and calves.

It is a low-impact alternative to running, particularly for individuals with knee pain or a preexisting leg injury.

Like running, there are two options when biking: interval and long-distance training.

Incorporate both into your workout routine to burn fat and get the maximum benefit from the leg muscles.


Lunges, hands down, are one of the best lower-body exercises that target the front muscles of the legs.

Strengthening and toning the quadriceps with lunges helps to tighten the entire leg, including the knees and glutes.

Traditional lunges involve stepping one leg forward until the knee is at a 90-degree angle, keeping the upper body straight. You can increase reps or hold dumbbells for added resistance.

“The stronger you can make your hips with lunges (and other lower body exercises), the less likely it is that your knees will become the victim of pain and injury.”

-Susane Pata, National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM)


A person in the gym doing squats

Squats target the quadriceps, aiding in the toning of the legs.

As a bonus, squats help tone up the glutes as well.

Squats involve standing with feet shoulder-width apart and lowering the body toward the floor as if to sit in a chair.

Start with 12 squats and build up to more sets as strength increases.

Jumping rope

A good weighted jumping rope is an effective calorie burner because it works the entire body.

Not only does jumping rope provide a great way to lose excess fat, it also helps tone and strengthen the legs.

The technique is more important than the speed in this full-body workout. Land with knees slightly bent to avoid injury and use softer surfaces rather than concrete or asphalt.

Since it’s a high-impact exercise, it’s best suited for individuals with healthy knees.

Jumping rope is best done in short bursts as part of a circuit training program or warm-up for weightlifting or strength exercises.


A group of people walking outside

Walking is a classic activity that is low-impact and affordable and can reduce body fat and tone lower-body muscles.

You can increase aerobic conditioning, heart health, and endurance by walking faster, farther, and more frequently.

Walking provides numerous health benefits, including greater knee strength [2].

Other benefits include:

  • Increases energy
  • Helps manage chronic conditions
  • Strengthens immune system
  • Improves balance
  • Helps manage weight
  • Reduces stress
  • Improves mood
  • Strengthens bones
  • Improves muscular endurance
  • Promotes losing fat
  • Improves sleep quality

Interval training (alternating periods of brisk and leisurely walking) takes less time and has the benefits of increased cardiovascular fitness and calories burned.

Related: Does Walking Burn Fat

Knee Health

A person holding their knee

It is essential to consider overall knee health when attempting to reduce the fat around your knees, as you don’t want to risk injury.

It takes time and effort to reduce fat around the knees, particularly for those who do a lot of sitting, so be sure to follow safe exercise practices.

Protect your knees during exercise by wearing appropriate shoes, performing exercises on soft surfaces, bending knees without going past toes, resting when needed, and taking days off between workouts.

Other Options

Cardio and strength training exercises combined with proper nutrition are the best ways to lose fat, eventually reducing knee fat.

Incorporate a healthy diet of lean protein, fruits, and vegetables. Besides exercise, the key to fat loss is to eat fewer calories.

“To lose weight, you must create a calorie deficit. You can create a calorie deficit by eating fewer calories or exercising, but preferably both.”

- Gavin Van De Walle, MS, RD

Beyond diet and exercise, you have several other options to get rid of fat cells in the knee area.

These include:

  • Knee liposuction
  • Ultrasound
  • CoolSculpting
  • Laser therapy
  • Light therapy
  • Mesotherapy

How Long Will It Take To Fix Fatty Knees?

A person working out their knees outside

How long it will take to fix fatty knees depends on how much overall stored fat you have.

You likely have a lot of body fat accumulation if you want to get rid of fat around your knees.

So keep in mind that fat loss is not a race; patience and consistency are crucial to success. Exercise, particularly HIIT, will build muscle and stamina to speed up metabolism.

You are looking at a minimum of 12 weeks of dedicated diet and exercise to start reducing fatty knees.


What Causes Fat Around The Knees?

The causes of fat around the knees include things like aging, hormonal changes like pregnancy and menopause, inactivity, and weight gain. You can lose knee fat by decreasing overall subcutaneous fat.

Is It Easy To Lose Knee Fat?

It isn’t easy to lose knee fat because you can’t spot-reduce fat but must focus on overall body fat reduction. You can, however, do specific exercises that target the muscle groups in the leg to promote muscle mass and tone.

You Can Get Rid Of Fat Around Your Knees

Exercises, including cardio and resistance training, combined with a balanced diet, are essential to getting rid of unwanted fat.

Remember, you didn’t gain excess weight overnight and won’t lose it overnight.

But with consistent dedication to exercise, nutrition, and supplementation, you’ll be on your way to getting rid of knee fat and meeting your fitness goals.

To accelerate progress, consider adding one of our tested and approved high-quality fat burner supplements above to boost metabolism and enhance fat burning.


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