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5 Garage Gym Workout Routines (Ultimate Full Body Fitness)

Tyler Sellers
Published by Tyler Sellers | Senior Coach
Last updated: June 27, 2023

Garage gyms are becoming increasingly popular among people who want to create a personalized workout space in their homes. With the right equipment and workout routines, your garage gym can deliver amazing fitness results.

Over the past 10 years, I’ve trained hundreds of clients remotely, helping many of them build a bespoke home gym for their specific needs.

In this article, I’ll share five different garage gym workouts, the essential gym equipment for each, the benefits of having a garage gym, and tips for maximizing your garage gym experience.

Let’s begin.

Quick Summary

  • You can set up a home garage gym for strength, bodybuilding, calisthenics, HIIT, and yoga training.
  • The benefits of having a gym in your garage outweigh the cons; nothing beats having your own personal workout space.
  • Investing in a gym for your garage may seem expensive at first, but it’s cheaper in the long run.

Garage Gym Workouts

A woman working out in the garage

Here are five workout routines you can perform in your garage home gym.

Workout #1: Strength Training

Equipment: Power rack or squat stand, weight plates, flat bench (adjustable), barbell, deadlift platform (optional).

Exercises: Squats, deadlifts, bench press, overhead shoulder press, pull-ups, and more.

Benefits: Having a strength-training set-up is a great way to start off your home gym fitness routine.

It allows you to focus on the four big compound movements (squat, bench, deadlift, and overhead press) and other exercises as well.

The only downside is that most of the equipment is quite expensive. But if you plan to exercise at home, investing in the equipment is a lot cheaper in the long run.

Tips: Make sure your garage has enough horizontal and vertical space to fit a power rack. You’ll also want to have enough space to store your barbell and weight plates. The good news is that most power racks come with storage pegs.

Workout #2: Bodybuilding

Body builder working out

Equipment: Free weight dumbbells, barbell, plates, adjustable bench, resistance bands, cable machine (optional).

Exercises: Bicep curls, tricep extensions, lateral raises, leg curls, calf raises, and most exercises that require free weights.

Benefits: A garage setup for bodybuilding gives you the opportunity to target specific muscle groups without waiting for equipment or being limited by gym hours.

With a focus on hypertrophy, you can sculpt your body according to your personal goals in a private, focused environment.

Tips: Most of the equipment for a bodybuilding setup is fairly cheap if you buy it used and from the right places. Machines might be on the pricier side, but they’re worth it in the long run. We highly recommend pairing the bodybuilding set-up with the strength-training one so you can combine both routines.

Related: Best Bodybuilding Leg Workout

Workout #3: Calisthenics

Equipment: Pull-up bar, dip station, calisthenic rings, parallettes, and ab roller.

Exercises: Pull-ups, push-ups, ab-wheel, dips, etc.

Benefits: A calisthenics workout set-up in a garage allows you to work on bodyweight exercises that develop functional strength, flexibility, and body control [1].

Having a dedicated space makes it easier to track your progress and fine-tune your technique without distractions. 

The best part is that setting this up isn’t too expensive, and the equipment will last you many years.

Tips: If you plan on doing the strength and calisthenics workout routine, we recommend buying a power rack with a pull-up and dip station.

Workout #4: High-Intensity Interval Training

Woman doing jumping jacks

Equipment: None, since most HIIT workouts are purely bodyweight training exercises.

Exercises: Most HIIT exercises like jumping jacks, squats, mountain climbers, burpees, etc.

Benefits: Out of all the workout setups, this one is the cheapest because it requires little to no exercise equipment. Anything you need is purely optional.

Doing HIIT workout in your garage gives you a safe place to perform various cardio workouts, free of judgment. All you need is a cell phone or laptop and a free workout app.

Tips: If you’re someone who isn’t comfortable doing HIIT movements in public, this might be the perfect option for you.

Also Read: Best Fat Burning HIIT Exercises

Workout #5: Yoga and Recovery

Equipment: Yoga mat, foam roller, bands, yoga blocks, etc.

Exercises: All yoga poses

Benefits: A garage yoga and recovery space allows you to work on your flexibility, balance, and mindfulness in your own personal space.

It offers a dedicated area to focus on stretching, mobility, and relaxation, improving your overall fitness and well-being.

Tips: A yoga set-up is fairly cheap and requires very little space, so we highly recommend adding it to your other set-ups to create a more complete garage home gym.

Tips To Maximize Your Garage Gym Workout

Gym equipment in a row

Here are some tips to make the most of the gym in your garage:

  • Invest in quality equipment: High-quality home gym equipment ensures a safer, more effective workout.
  • Organize your space: Keep your garage home gym clean and organized to create an inviting workout environment. Make sure your garage is spacious and maximized to build a home gym.
  • Maintain a workout schedule: A home gym isn’t an excuse to throw routine out the window. Consistency is key for progress, so set a regular workout routine.
  • Incorporate variety: Rotate between different workout routines so you’re hitting every muscle group, avoiding plateaus, and experiencing better workouts [2].
  • Personal training: Personal trainers aren’t out of the equation in garage home gyms. You can always opt for one online to guide you through workouts.

“Hitting a plateau is inevitable. Remaining at the plateau is within your control, though... Try increasing your workout frequency. If you’re training once per week, switch to two sessions a week.”

- Dr. Sean Preuss, Ed.D, M.S.


Is It Healthy to Workout in a Garage?

Yes, it’s healthy to workout in a garage as long as you have proper ventilation. Working out in a closed garage without airflow could be unhealthy for your body and cause fungal growth in your garage.

Is the Treadmill Ok in the Garage?

Yes, having a treadmill in your garage is okay. However, place it in an area where it won’t affect your other exercises.

Transform Your Workout Routine With a Garage Gym

A well-equipped garage home gym gives you full control of your fitness journey. With the right combination of strength training, bodybuilding, calisthenics, HIIT, and yoga, you can optimize your workout plan for your personal goals.

To further enhance your home workout experience, consider taking a pre-workout supplement.

After testing several options with our clients, these supplements made the cut. They provide a clean energy boost, enhance focus, and increase endurance, making them the perfect addition to your garage gym workouts.


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