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12 Reasons Not to Have Bariatric Surgery (From a Doctor) 

Connor Sellers
Published by Connor Sellers | Senior Coach
Last updated: September 22, 2023

After weeks of studying weight loss surgery and interviewing bariatric surgeons I’m acquainted with, I have gathered enough data on why weight loss surgery could be bad.

If you're looking to undergo this surgery to lose weight, you must be clear on all of the facts. Here are all the answers to why weight loss surgery might be bad.

Quick Summary

  • Weight loss surgery is bad as it makes you intolerant to some meals, and you might end up regaining weight at some point.
  • The main types of weight loss surgeries are adjustable gastric band, sleeve gastrectomy, and gastric bypass.
  • Some short terms effects of weight loss surgery include leaking from surgical wounds, wound bleeding, and bowel obstructions.

Types of Weight Loss surgery

Drawing a mark for a patient operation

Here are the main four types of weight loss surgeries:

  • Gastric bypass, often called Roux-en-Y, involves creating a tiny pouch from the stomach and linking it directly to the intestines. This allows food to bypass the normal stomach and move straight to the intestines [1].
  • Sleeve gastrectomy is done by inserting surgical instruments through incisions on the abdomen and cutting almost 80% of the stomach, limiting the amount of food you eat so you can lose weight.
  • Biliopancreatic diversion with duodenum switch is done after a sleeve gastrectomy. The majority of the intestines are connected to the duodenum, limiting how much nutrients (fats and proteins) are absorbed.
  • Adjustable Gastric Band is done by inserting adjustable bands around the upper part of the stomach that creates a small stomach sac. This small sac makes one feel fuller faster after eating less food.

Related article: Dr. Nowzaradan Diet Plan

Short Term Effects Of Weight Loss Surgery

Having chest pain

Leak From Surgical Wound

This happens when a hole forms in the stitches and stomach fluids leak. Although it rarely occurs, it might lead to sepsis and septic shock when it does.

Stomach leaks might also lead to intra-abdominal and blood infections, leading to multi-organ failure and possibly death. As a result, the leak demands immediate attention.

Symptoms that you might be leaking include:

  • Left chest and shoulder pain
  • Shortness of breath
  • Abdominal distention

Unfortunately, most of these symptoms don't show, and it's further complicated to diagnose a leak because there's no reliable, proven test for it.

Bowel Obstruction

One of the most feared consequences following a gastric bypass is bowel obstruction. It can be as mild as a bit of irritation or severe as a life-threatening problem. It might be caused by adhesions or an internal hernia [3].

When a patient experiences bowel obstruction, nothing can flow through the digestive tract.

This issue should be treated before the intestine's blood circulation declines and loses vitality due to the stress and swelling that develops.

The most severe condition relating to obstruction is bowel necrosis (no blood flow to the intestines) which is only managed through an emergency surgery procedure.

Signs of obstruction include:

  • Pain during defecation
  • Bloating
  • Vomiting
  • Abdominal tension

Excessive Bleeding

A person with aching stomach with red highlights

Bleeding in the first few days following gastric bypass surgery is a common complication in 1-4 percent of patients [4].

Typically, this is not from quick bleeding during surgery (though this might happen) but from the lengthy staple line suture on which the abdomen has been operated.

While on most occasions, the bleeding is self-limiting and resolves after deep vein thrombosis is stopped, excessive bleeding may necessitate a blood transfusion or further hospital treatment.

Additionally, severe bleeding can lead to postoperative illness or even death.

Signs include:

  • Hemorrhage
  • Abnormal pain in the lower abdomen

Painful Cramping And Stomach Pains

Abdominal cramping after you undergo bariatric surgery may occur due to the body's natural recovery since it got sutures and is still adjusting to significant changes.

This discomfort is quite manageable with prescribed pain medication, and it usually subsides within a few days following surgery.

However, severe stomach pains and cramping after surgery may appear weeks or months later. It may indicate a post-surgical problem that should be detected and managed as early as possible.

Some of the difficulties might be attributed to general surgical reasons, while others could be attributed to the unique risks of weight loss surgery.

Signs include:

  • Prolonged cramping
  • Sharp stomach pains

Long-term Effects Of Weight Loss Surgery

Anemic woman in bed with headache

Some patients who have lost weight due to this surgery experience long-term complications including:


Anemia and iron deficiency occur primarily in women after undergoing weight loss surgery. In the normal human digestive system, iron-rich foods are absorbed in the upper part of the stomach, known as the duodenum.

After a gastric bypass, the iron nutrients bypass the stomach directly into the intestines. This leads to less or no iron absorption and, hence anemia.

Here is a list of supplements that will help you with the protein intake after a gastric bypass.

Signs of anemia or iron deficiency include:

  • Headache
  • Tiredness
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Shortness of breath
  • Paleness

To avoid or treat anemia, patients with iron deficiency post-surgery may require injectable iron, which includes more than the standard 18mg multivitamin amount [5].


People who undergo weight loss surgery are more likely to suffer depression than other overweight people of the same age and sex.

Depression happens when the results are not as evident and immediate as one might have expected after the procedure. Also, the disappointment that comes with weight regain for some patients is depressing, especially after going through a gruesome painful surgery experience.

"For many people, bariatric surgery is a "last option," and if it does not produce the expected results, patients are likely to suffer depression" Kasey Goodpaster, Cleveland Clinic's Bariatric

Signs of depression:

  • Fatigue
  • Excessive sleeping
  • Lack of interest in activities
  • Irritability
  • Stress
  • Anxiety


3D Gallstones obstructing

Gallstones are another unwelcomed long-term effect of weight loss surgery that can occur in up to 35% of bariatric procedure patients [6].

Gallstones occur when a person has extremely high cholesterol levels and fatty deposits in the body.

When this happens, bile (liquid responsible for dissolving fats) cannot keep up with the excess fats, which begin to form fat lumps or stones.

In the worst-case scenario, the gallbladder may be removed during the weight loss surgery if a patient has a history of gallstones.

Signs of gallstones include:

  • Indigestion
  • Cramping
  • Back abdominal pain

Bulge Inside The Stomach (Hernia)

Hernias are abnormalities, blockages, or holes in the stomach or groin lining after one has undergone bariatric surgery. Severe obesity is a significant factor for wound hernias and bulges in the wound following surgery.

If you strain after surgery, you're likely to experience incisional hernias, which form a sac that protrudes outside the stitched area. The sac may contain stomach fluids, which can enlarge even when you cough.

And if it's not treated with immediate effect, the bulge continues to grow bigger.

Adding salt to the injury, the only way to treat hernias is by going for a second hernia surgery after your weight loss procedure.

Signs of hernia include:

  • Pelvic pain
  • Groin discomfort

Side Effects Of Weight Loss Surgery

A person vomiting

Obesity surgery usually incites side effects which make recovery a lot harder.

Intolerance To Some Foods

Food intolerance means your body fails to digest certain foods as it would typically do. It is a side effect that occurs mainly after the adjustment gastric band procedure.

After the weight loss surgery, your digestive system might become intolerant to some foods such as high protein, high fats, and certain fruits. Such foods may cause nausea, vomiting, bloating, or even diarrhea.

Because the adjustable bands create a small stomach, large food bites might not move down smoothly if it is placed too tight. Sometimes the band is too tight that drinking liquids become uncomfortable.


A woman suffering from malnutrition

Malnutrition is a condition that occurs due to a lack of micro and macronutrient absorption in the body.

Due to shrinking the stomach size during weight loss surgeries, patients feel fuller even with slight food intake.

Patients who do not get enough nourishment may be malnourished in the long term.

Others may resolve to eat non-nutritious junk food or drink excess calories in the form of soda or alcohol.

Protein deficit is frequently observed one to two years after the treatment, which may be avoided by following a high-protein diet as recommended by a dietitian.

Calcium and vitamin supplements are also advised to be administered to patients with nutrient deficiency.

Excess Wobbly Skin

Another nightmare of weight loss surgery is excess loose skin after surgery. When a person gains weight, the skin stretches to accommodate the body mass, which can damage the skin's elastin fibers and collagen.

After surgery and you lose some weight, the skin fails to snap back, and that's why you're left with flabby skin.

Sitting comfortably may be hampered by sagging skin near the glutes. 

Additionally, sweat can build behind the skin folds, causing redness and irritation. These may necessitate extra plastic surgery to remove the excess skin. If the pain is not enough, plastic surgery is way too expensive.

Regaining Weight

A sad woman regaining weight

The sad truth about weight loss surgery is that you could still regain weight after the procedure.

Choosing the wrong surgery procedure compatible with your body could lead to weight gain 12 to 18 months post operation [7].

Another reason for weight regain post-operation is when a patient gets a fistula (a connection between the stomach and intestines), and foods go into the bigger stomach, not the tiny sac created during surgery.

A second operation to correct a gastric bypass may be necessary for some severe weight regain situations.

On the other hand, this second operation increases the risk of problems such as bleeding, infection, high blood pressure, and gastrointestinal leakage.


Why Should You Not Get Weight Loss Surgery?

You should not get weight loss surgery because it is not a permanent solution to losing weight, aside from the lifelong complications that could even lead to death.

Does Bariatric Surgery Shorten Your Life?

Bariatric surgery shortens your life by five years [8], less than the average lifespan of people who don't undergo surgery.

Why Is Gastric Sleeve Bad?

Gastric sleeve is bad because of the short-term and long-term complications that arise after the procedure. They include excessive bleeding, kidney diseases, blood clots, and stomach leaks.

Can You Live a Normal Life after Gastric Surgery?

Yes, you can live a normal life after gastric surgery, but you'll have to make significant changes in your life. These changes include lifestyle, diet, and exercise habits.

Should You Undergo Weight Loss Surgery?

Weight loss surgery is simply a procedure, not a magic wand.

The short and long-term complications and side effects highlighted in this article underscore that weight loss surgery is bad and isn't a permanent solution to losing weight.

Even after getting the procedure done, you might still need to eat healthy food portions and exercise regularly to maximize the results.

This is why Totalshape is your Sureshot for weight loss, fitness, and healthy nutrition. Check out our top recommendations for the

without going under the knife.


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