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9 Signs You Need a Testosterone Booster 

Isaac Robertson
Published by Isaac Robertson | Co-Founder & Chief Editor
Last updated: August 12, 2023
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Many men simply associate low testosterone levels with older men who are past their prime.

But those same men are surprised when I tell them that from the age of 30, most of them will hit an annual decline of 1% in free testosterone.

How much of a decline each man encounters depends on overall health, exercise, and diet. But how do you know if your T-levels are low and you might need the help of a natural booster?

The answers for both young and older men are to look out for a few symptoms. The more of these that seem familiar, the more likely a T-booster might help.

Let me tell you what to check for.

Quick Summary

  • Indicators that you need a testosterone booster are low sex drive, low sperm count, difficulty with erection, constant fatigue, hair loss, and loss of muscle mass.
  • It is safe to take testosterone boosters daily in order to help boost your testosterone levels.
  • Unexplained mood swings are another indicator your testosterone levels are low.

9 Signs That You Need A Testosterone Booster

man with a sperm bottle and a man in distress

Here are the nine main symptoms of low T-levels. It’s important to look at these in combination, meaning that if you recognize three or more signs, you are in testosterone deficiency.

1. Low Sex Drive

Sexual function is one of the first signs that low testosterone might be starting to become an issue. There’s a reason why most men in their 40s aren’t as sexually active as they were in their teens.

But you don’t need the hormonal drama that is puberty to have a healthy sex life.

Men that have noticed a more sudden drop in their appetite for sex should definitely be considering that lower testosterone levels are the problem.

If you have a few more of the following signs, and you’re over the age of 30, it’s most likely that you’re experiencing testosterone issues.

2. Difficulty With Erections

crouch area of a man

There are many health conditions that might lead to erectile dysfunction.

If you're experiencing difficulties in maintaining an erection, particularly in the morning when testosterone levels are typically highest, it could be an indication of erectile dysfunction, which may be associated with low testosterone levels.

But you don’t have to be suffering from full-on dysfunction to be able to identify that your testosterone may not be in a normal range.

Here’s one way to determine if this is a contributing problem.

Men’s testosterone is at its highest first thing in the morning. If you struggle to maintain an erection first thing in the morning, then it’s most likely due to low levels of testosterone.

3. Low Sperm Count

With higher age comes a lower sperm count and quality. And that’s all tied to a lower testosterone production which can often lead to problems conceiving. Now, you would need to be tested for low sperm production and quality.

But if such a test did come back positive, then a low T-count is likely to be a significant contributing factor.

And most men in these situations should consider taking a natural testosterone booster.

4. Hair Loss

bald man

The same hormone that leads to pubic hair, acne, and a beard in teenagers, may also be the offending problem if you start to lose body hair.

It’s actually less likely to affect the hair on your head. Ironically, it’s medical testosterone use like steroids that could lead to balding [2].

But low testosterone levels are quite likely to lead to a reduction of the chest, arm, and leg hair.

5. Constant Fatigue

This is a sign that shouldn’t be taken on its own, as there are so many things that could lead to mental and physical fatigue. But for men with numerous other symptoms of low testosterone, this is usually a common factor as well.

If you struggle with cognitive function even after a good night's sleep, and you simply don't have the staying power at the gym, then a low sex hormone level due to aging could be the problem.

6. Loss Of Muscle Mass

man holding his belly fat

Testosterone in men and women plays a key role in muscle mass.

And if you’re in your 40s and have struggled to bulk up or maintain muscles no matter how much you exercise, then your aging and low T-count might be the problem.

If this goes unchecked, then the risk of further health problems for muscles increases considerably.

7. Reduction In Bone Mass

This would require a bone density test that older men, in general, should get done. It’s often referred to as a natural sign of aging, as low testosterone plays a key role in bone density [4].

Common signs are fractures as a result of relatively minor falls or bumps, and ruling out that you’re at a higher risk due to low T-levels is very important.

“While the reduction in hormone levels experienced by aging men is not as pronounced as that which postmenopausal women experience, it can be significant enough to impact bone mineral density.”

- Grant Cooper, MD,

8. Mood Swings

man holding his head upset

Any woman will be able to tell you how hormone levels impact emotions.

But men don't have those regular fluctuations, and emotional changes can happen gradually over time. With ongoing low T-levels, it’s even possible to result in higher risks of depression.

Scientists have also linked low testosterone levels and the impact on libido to a further decrease in the emotional state [3].

9.  Weight Problems

There is a men’s health issue that often goes unreported when it comes to hormone balance and body fat.

There is a vicious circle where low testosterone plays a role in increased fat, and increased fat further reduces testosterone.

See where this is going?

While just improving low T-levels won’t solve weight issues, it’s an important factor in ensuring that your diet and exercise efforts don’t go to waste.

You can check our article about the best testosterone booster out on the market.

Confirming Testosterone Levels With A Blood Test

A doctor doing a blood test in a laboratory

It is important to consult a healthcare professional if you are experiencing symptoms associated with low testosterone levels, as they can help determine if your hormone levels are within the normal testosterone range and provide appropriate guidance and potential treatments if necessary.

To confirm that low testosterone is an issue by getting a simple blood test done before you start taking a booster.

You’ll get a clear reading of your current levels, and then after taking a booster for 3 to 4 months, you’ll be able to do another test to see the effects of the booster.

But if you’ve had a sudden rapid drop in testosterone, then you need to talk to your doctor about testosterone treatment.

There are long-term risks of testosterone replacement therapy, including increased risk of blood clots, high blood pressure, heart attack, and sleep apnea.

But we don’t provide medical advice, so make sure to speak to your doctor for more information.


Are Testosterone Boosters Bad for You?

No, testosterone boosters are not bad for you. They generally contain safe ingredients like herbs, minerals, and vitamins that would be classed as safe by the Food and Drug Administration.

Is It Ok to Take a Testosterone Booster Every Day?

Yes, it’s OK to take a testosterone booster every day. These supplements work by gradually increasing your T-levels rather than causing a sudden spike. That could happen with medical supplemental testosterone treatment and is something to discuss with a doctor.

Are You Going To Address Low Testosterone With A Booster?

The reality is that many men over the age of 30 likely have some form of low T-count. And they don’t have to consider testosterone therapy to gain some potential benefits of rebalancing their sex hormones.

With some tried and tested boosters, most men will notice significant health benefits within a few months.

Check out our recommended testosterone supplements if you’d like to take the first step towards gaining more control over your long-term health and wellbeing.


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