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9 Best Balance Exercises: Boost Stability & Flexibility

Christiana Mikesch
Published by Christiana Mikesch | Senior Coach
Last updated: September 9, 2023

Balance workouts can help you keep your balance and confidence regardless of age. Balance training activities build core stability and strength, making you lighter on your legs.

Balance training, physical exercise, and strength training should be included in your everyday routine.

But what are the best balance workouts to perform?

As a certified fitness trainer, I've helped my young and old clients improve their balance with the best balance workouts.

In this article, I will provide my expertise on the best balance workouts, what balance is, and how balance workouts work.

Quick Summary

  • The best balance workouts include the tree pose, single-leg deadlift, single-leg balance, chair leg raises, back leg raise, balance walk, standing 3-way kick, reverse lunge, and single-leg hip hike.
  • Improving and maintaining your balance is critical for avoiding falls and injuries.
  • Balance is important not just for everyday tasks like going up the stairs but also for coordination improvement.

The Best Exercises for Balance

A person doing balance workouts

Tree Pose

Tree pose works well on the ground, a folded mat, or a BOSU ball. It helps to strengthen your ankles, enhance your balance, and activate your core.

How to perform:

  1. Stand with your feet together, your spine straight, and your arms extended. You may utilize either the ball or the flat side when using a BOSU.
  2. Gradually raise your left leg to the side of the calf and balance only on your right foot.
  3. Slowly raise your arms aloft to form the tree's branches. Maintain for 30 seconds before switching legs.

Single-leg Deadlift

A person doing a single leg deadlift

This activity, whether done with or without weights, not only develops your glutes and hamstrings but also tests your balance and engages your abdominal wall.

How to perform single-leg deadlift:

  1. Stand with both feet hip-width apart on the ball side of a BOSU or the ground, and place most of your weight on your right leg.
  2. Slowly lower your body to the floor while elevating the left leg behind you while staring at a focal point on the ground in front of you. Maintain a neutral spine and stretch both arms toward the floor.
  3. Stop when the back is parallel to the ground. Maintain a soft right knee.
  4. Squeeze the hamstrings, glutes, and core as you gently raise the back foot and return it to the floor.

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Single-Leg Balance

This is a straightforward balance exercise. If you're beginning, you should do this while gripping a chair.

How to perform:

  1. Place both feet shoulder-width apart as you stand.
  2. Raise your right knee gradually while spreading your hands out to the sides.
  3. Stretch your front leg straight, keep it in that position for approximately 30 seconds, and then release.
  4. Do this balance exercise a minimum of three times on each leg.

Chair Leg Raises

A person doing chair leg raises at home

How to perform:

  1. This exercise may be made more challenging by using an ankle weight.
  2. Sit in a chair with the spine straight and both feet exactly beneath your knees.
  3. Slowly lift the left leg, maintaining it up for a few seconds.
  4. Return to the starting position and repeat with the right leg.
  5. Repeat for sets.

Also Read: How to Do Hanging Leg Raises: Form and Variations

Back Leg Raise

If you're starting, put the back of a chair before you when performing the back leg raises.

How to perform:

  1. Raise one foot while in a standing position.
  2. While holding a chair, slowly lift one leg backward without bending the knee.
  3. Hold for 3 seconds, then lower the leg, landing safely on the floor.
  4. Repeat with the other leg.

Balance Walk

A person doing a balance walk outside

This activity will make your legs stronger, allowing you to walk without collapsing.

How to perform:

  1. Place your right foot before the left foot so the right foot's heel contacts the top of your left foot's toes.
  2. Put your weight on your left heel and place your left foot before your right.
  3. Then transfer your body weight to the toes.
  4. Repeat the motion with the left foot. Walk 20 steps in this direction.

Standing 3-Way Kicks

How to perform:

  1. Standing on one leg, gradually raise the other leg before you with a gentle, unlocked knee.
  2. Return your raised leg to the middle while keeping it straight.
  3. The same leg should be softly raised to the side, brought back down, and extended behind your body.
  4. Perform as many in each direction as you can.
  5. Your physical therapist might increase the difficulty of the motion by eliminating the supporting surface.

Reverse Lunge

A person doing reverse lunge workouts

How to perform reverse lunge:

  1. Stand with your feet together and your hands on your hips.
  2. Keeping your core muscles engaged, your chest erect, and your shoulders stacked over your hips, take a huge stride back with your left foot and descend until your right thigh is parallel with the ground and your knees form 90-degree angles.
  3. To get out of the lunge, push through the midfoot and heel of your right foot, then pull your left foot forward to return to standing, keeping your left foot raised off the floor.

Single-Leg Hip Hike

How to perform:

  1. Stand with your feet together, your arms at your sides, and your hands on your hips.
  2. Lift your left leg a few inches off the ground and shift your weight into your right foot. This is your starting point.
  3. Maintaining a straight right leg, bend the body somewhat to the left side and descend the left hip several inches.
  4. Pause, then bend your body to the right to raise your left hip back to the standing position.

What Is Balance?

A couple working on their balance

Balance refers to your capacity to govern your torso in space by equally spreading your weight and remaining upright [1].

There are two forms of balance: static and dynamic.

  • Dynamic balance refers to the capacity to move outside the body's center of gravity while maintaining postural control [2].
  • Static balance is the capacity to keep the body's center of mass within its base of support [3].

Both balance forms are necessary and may be improved with specific workouts.

Balance training may benefit people of all ages. Athletes discover that it can improve their performance. Seniors utilize it to prevent falls and keep their independence [4].

How Do These Exercises Work

A person doing balance exercises outside

Balance workouts target your core, legs, and lower back muscles. Lower-body strength training might also help you enhance your balance.

"While balance exercises might be difficult, constant effort can make them easier. As the workouts grow simpler, gradually increase the number of repetitions. When you start, you may want to have someone oversee or help you."

- Erin Pereira, Certified Personal Trainer & Specialist in Orthopedic Physical Therapy

You may change the difficulty of the workouts to meet your demands. Begin with your non-dominant side to make the second side simpler.

If you wish to balance your body between the two sides, do the non-dominant side twice.

Once you've mastered the exercises, attempt them with both or just one eye closed.


What Training Methods Improve Balance?

The training methods that improve balance include standing with your body weight on one foot and elevating the other to the side or behind you, walking a tightrope with your heel directly in front of your toe, and rising and sitting from a chair without utilizing your arms.

Can Poor Balance Be Improved?

Yes, poor balance can be improved. Walking, weight training, and particular routines can all help enhance good balance and reduce falls, especially in older persons. Walking promotes lower-body strength, which is essential for excellent balance.

What Are the 5 Elements of Balance Training?

The 5 elements of balance training are aerobic fitness, stretching, strength training, flexibility, and core exercises.

Supplementing Your Balance Exercises

The desire to enhance your balance may be as difficult as it is gratifying. Keep in mind that your balance might change regularly.

Enjoy the process, take note of the differences, and have fun with it.

You may execute these workouts throughout the day and develop new methods of integrating them into your everyday routine.

Balance exercises need focus, and you may boost your concentration by incorporating these strongest pre-workout supplements.

These supplements proved effective upon testing by increasing our energy, endurance, athletic performance, focus, and concentration required to perform and complete our sets and repetitions.


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